"Educated" Democrats-a national emergency.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The presidency of Donald Trump is in the process of alerting us to a national emergency-the educated voting base of the Democratic Party is in desperate need of an intervention and possibly even a brain transplant. Armed with a college diploma that has about as much value as a participation trophy, those who can pass a company drug test are poised to live in the basements of their parent’s homes while they enter the workforce as entry-level stooges.

They do this saddled with borrowed debt that pays the freight to keep tenured educators in public sector unions the closet thing in nature to immovable objects. They will never see the tax-extracted benefits of their mentors because unlike them they will have to get real jobs.

The base of the Democratic Party realized a long time ago that college could be used as a tool for repetitive, unrelenting indoctrination much the same way as religious cults create automatic, susceptible apostles who lack the survival skills of healthy skepticism and simply act on implanted command.

We witnessed this in our last election. The losing candidate was caught red-handed committing espionage and destroying evidence to cover it up. The FBI director confirmed this and then inexplicably inserted the word “intentional” into his assessment. In other words, she did it but “unintentionally’. The educated Democratic voting population bought it overwhelmingly. They lacked the cognitive skills to reason that no criminal would ever be convicted of anything if they could just argue that they didn’t mean to do it. No prosecution so far-score one for bad education.

The Democratic establishment then resorted to McCarthyism ala Saul Alinsky, accusing the winner of conspiring with Communists to overthrow the election-with no proof of course. In the Pavlovian, habituated minds of educated Democrats this counterbalances the treachery of their losing contender and engenders a ready-made excuse for their inability to make sense of the real world. We can now expect a cartoon-like show trial for the sheep that will last for months taking the attention off the real traitor who is probably going to skate.

Tax-paying Americans sending their children to college need to come to grips with the fact that if Benedict Arnold had had the benefit of our modern educational system and the propagandizing media that supports it he would be hailed as a hero who didn’t “mean” to betray us. Let’s drain the swamp.
The presidency of Donald Trump is in the process of alerting us to a national emergency-the educated voting base of the Democratic Party is in desperate need of an intervention and possibly even a brain transplant. Armed with a college diploma that has about as much value as a participation trophy, those who can pass a company drug test are poised to live in the basements of their parent’s homes while they enter the workforce as entry-level stooges.

They do this saddled with borrowed debt that pays the freight to keep tenured educators in public sector unions the closet thing in nature to immovable objects. They will never see the tax-extracted benefits of their mentors because unlike them they will have to get real jobs.

The base of the Democratic Party realized a long time ago that college could be used as a tool for repetitive, unrelenting indoctrination much the same way as religious cults create automatic, susceptible apostles who lack the survival skills of healthy skepticism and simply act on implanted command.

We witnessed this in our last election. The losing candidate was caught red-handed committing espionage and destroying evidence to cover it up. The FBI director confirmed this and then inexplicably inserted the word “intentional” into his assessment. In other words, she did it but “unintentionally’. The educated Democratic voting population bought it overwhelmingly. They lacked the cognitive skills to reason that no criminal would ever be convicted of anything if they could just argue that they didn’t mean to do it. No prosecution so far-score one for bad education.

The Democratic establishment then resorted to McCarthyism ala Saul Alinsky, accusing the winner of conspiring with Communists to overthrow the election-with no proof of course. In the Pavlovian, habituated minds of educated Democrats this counterbalances the treachery of their losing contender and engenders a ready-made excuse for their inability to make sense of the real world. We can now expect a cartoon-like show trial for the sheep that will last for months taking the attention off the real traitor who is probably going to skate.

Tax-paying Americans sending their children to college need to come to grips with the fact that if Benedict Arnold had had the benefit of our modern educational system and the propagandizing media that supports it he would be hailed as a hero who didn’t “mean” to betray us. Let’s drain the swamp.
If Benedict Arnold had been a Gay, Muslim, Hispanic, Black Democrat....he'd be hailed as a hero.

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