"Drill baby drill"-- Cuba will-- 60 miles off Florida!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
You idiots that are SO against "drill baby drill" in U.S.A. waters consider the below if you want Cuba with little or no experience and will enthusiastically control any oil spill of U.S.A. coast!

U.S. officials are trying to make sure the American coastline will be protected as Cuba begins drilling a deep water oil well later this year about 60 miles off the Florida Keys If Repsol's Cuba well, which is in slightly deeper water, experienced a blowout, the well could gush oil into the Straits of Florida, where it would be carried by the Gulfstream currents up the East Coast.

Neither of the two companies that developed capping capability has U.S. government permission to operate in Cuba.

U.S. Will Inspect Cuban Deep Water Oil Well - WSJ.com
You idiots that are SO against "drill baby drill" in U.S.A. waters consider the below if you want Cuba with little or no experience and will enthusiastically control any oil spill of U.S.A. coast!

U.S. officials are trying to make sure the American coastline will be protected as Cuba begins drilling a deep water oil well later this year about 60 miles off the Florida Keys If Repsol's Cuba well, which is in slightly deeper water, experienced a blowout, the well could gush oil into the Straits of Florida, where it would be carried by the Gulfstream currents up the East Coast.

Neither of the two companies that developed capping capability has U.S. government permission to operate in Cuba.

U.S. Will Inspect Cuban Deep Water Oil Well - WSJ.com
(emphasis mine)
That is the nonsensical fault of US government policy.
Been saying this for months.But the EPA is so far up our asses , says we cant drill because of the environment. So, if Cuba drills there and there is a spill I guess none will go to our shores. The EPA sucks and needs to be reformed bad. I am not saying it should be done away with but they need a huge CUT in their policies.
Didn't the Republicans already use this canard about two years ago?

Seriously, they need to get new material. Simply recycling the same old bullshit is getting tiresome.
And the crewmen on the tankers carrying that oil won't be singing any refrains from "Do you know the way to San Jose..", it'll be Beijing, baby, Beijing. Chicomm oil for Chicomm aircraft carriers, Chicomm landing craft, Chicomm military jeeps, Chicomm jet fighters. Meanwhle, backhome Barry and co will be trying to figure out how to power the F35 Raptor with some surplus Solyndra solar panels.
The Chinese are already slant drilling outside territorial waters for the oil off Florida.

Here we have oil that we aren't going after and yet we will stand by and let China and Cuba go drill for it??

Our leaders are idiots..
Hey... which is safer .. Drilling in 35,000 Feet of water or on dry land?
Here is an even easier question..
Which is easier drilling in 200 feet of water or 5,000 feet?
Known USA reserves: 6.5 Trillion barrels.
2.8 billion in 100 feet or less off Gulf coast
.3 billion in Virginia
10.0 billion in Alaska National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) Alaska Oil Anwar
If oil is discovered, less than 2000 acres of the Coastal Plain would be affected.
500.0 billion in Bakken Formation
6,000.0 billion barrels of oil equivalent. America's total oil shale resources

6.513.1 Trillion BARRELS

At 60 dollars / barrel.. we have $390 trillion energy independence and we let Cuba drill and tell Brazil we'll be their best customer!
How insane is that?
The best safety technology in the world drilling in less then 100 feet and dry land and
idiots let Cuba drill??? Where are the protests???
Didn't the Republicans already use this canard about two years ago?

Seriously, they need to get new material. Simply recycling the same old bullshit is getting tiresome.

When you have absolutely NO IDEA about oil, American energy policy, and what is possible, then please, it would be much better if you would just remain silent. You're dismissal of this shows an incredible lack of knowledge and understanding. Oklahoma IS oil and gas. I have 15 pump jacks on my ranch. Several of my very close friends are small, independent oil men and every time we speak about the energy policy of the current administration, it's like talking about the most ignorant people on the planet.

IF the pipeline between the oil sands in Canada and the refineries on the Gulf were approved tomorrow, you would see an immediate creation of AT LEAST 1.2 MILLION well paying jobs. Additionally, American energy independence would be helped along the way. But no. And I don't understand why lefties do not embrace this sort of thing.

What is happening is a debacle. And the left fiddles while America burns...
Didn't the Republicans already use this canard about two years ago?

Seriously, they need to get new material. Simply recycling the same old bullshit is getting tiresome.

When you have absolutely NO IDEA about oil, American energy policy, and what is possible, then please, it would be much better if you would just remain silent. You're dismissal of this shows an incredible lack of knowledge and understanding. Oklahoma IS oil and gas. I have 15 pump jacks on my ranch. Several of my very close friends are small, independent oil men and every time we speak about the energy policy of the current administration, it's like talking about the most ignorant people on the planet.

IF the pipeline between the oil sands in Canada and the refineries on the Gulf were approved tomorrow, you would see an immediate creation of AT LEAST 1.2 MILLION well paying jobs. Additionally, American energy independence would be helped along the way. But no. And I don't understand why lefties do not embrace this sort of thing.

What is happening is a debacle. And the left fiddles while America burns...

There is a lot less oil there than you imagine. Our economy needs a lot more help than drilling for oil. It's not just about finding something to burn.
Didn't the Republicans already use this canard about two years ago?

Seriously, they need to get new material. Simply recycling the same old bullshit is getting tiresome.

When you have absolutely NO IDEA about oil, American energy policy, and what is possible, then please, it would be much better if you would just remain silent. You're dismissal of this shows an incredible lack of knowledge and understanding. Oklahoma IS oil and gas. I have 15 pump jacks on my ranch. Several of my very close friends are small, independent oil men and every time we speak about the energy policy of the current administration, it's like talking about the most ignorant people on the planet.

IF the pipeline between the oil sands in Canada and the refineries on the Gulf were approved tomorrow, you would see an immediate creation of AT LEAST 1.2 MILLION well paying jobs. Additionally, American energy independence would be helped along the way. But no. And I don't understand why lefties do not embrace this sort of thing.

What is happening is a debacle. And the left fiddles while America burns...

There is a lot less oil there than you imagine. Our economy needs a lot more help than drilling for oil. It's not just about finding something to burn.

Really? A lot LESS than I imagine. And despite all of the experts, YOU KNOW THIS? The tar sands in Utah, the oil sands in Canada, the deposits in ANWR, not to mention the reserves sitting less than 100 miless off shore and you say, despite everything that is published in every industry magazine that says otherwise, you KNOW this. Wow, I get a new perspective everyday...

And they villified Cheney because he brought in industry experts to help define energy policy. So, in the left's world, they would ask people like the Reverend Sharpton to define oil and energy policy...

Lord, help us... please... common sense is completely GONE.
Didn't the Republicans already use this canard about two years ago?

Seriously, they need to get new material. Simply recycling the same old bullshit is getting tiresome.

When you have absolutely NO IDEA about oil, American energy policy, and what is possible, then please, it would be much better if you would just remain silent. You're dismissal of this shows an incredible lack of knowledge and understanding. Oklahoma IS oil and gas. I have 15 pump jacks on my ranch. Several of my very close friends are small, independent oil men and every time we speak about the energy policy of the current administration, it's like talking about the most ignorant people on the planet.

IF the pipeline between the oil sands in Canada and the refineries on the Gulf were approved tomorrow, you would see an immediate creation of AT LEAST 1.2 MILLION well paying jobs. Additionally, American energy independence would be helped along the way. But no. And I don't understand why lefties do not embrace this sort of thing.

What is happening is a debacle. And the left fiddles while America burns...

There is a lot less oil there than you imagine. Our economy needs a lot more help than drilling for oil. It's not just about finding something to burn.

Utter nonsense..... how is that you are so wrong, so consistently?
US oil companies already have many leases all over that they can drill on now.
They won't.
Why drill and spend all that capital doing so when you can buy at the spicket and make a killing doing so?
You folks do know that it would be oil companies that do the drilling, don't you?
YOU have NO proof for this statement!
"here is a lot less oil there than you imagine. Our economy needs a lot more help than drilling for oil. It's not just about finding something to burn."
Explain the following:

Known USA reserves: 6.5 Trillion barrels.
2.8 billion in 100 feet or less off Gulf coast
.3 billion in Virginia
10.0 billion in Alaska National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) Alaska Oil Anwar
If oil is discovered, less than 2000 acres of the Coastal Plain would be affected.
500.0 billion in Bakken Formation
6,000.0 billion barrels of oil equivalent. America's total oil shale resources
6.513.1 Trillion BARRELS

See people like YOU make such wild unsupported statements that just show how uninformed and totally unbelievable you are!
When you have absolutely NO IDEA about oil, American energy policy, and what is possible, then please, it would be much better if you would just remain silent. You're dismissal of this shows an incredible lack of knowledge and understanding. Oklahoma IS oil and gas. I have 15 pump jacks on my ranch. Several of my very close friends are small, independent oil men and every time we speak about the energy policy of the current administration, it's like talking about the most ignorant people on the planet.

IF the pipeline between the oil sands in Canada and the refineries on the Gulf were approved tomorrow, you would see an immediate creation of AT LEAST 1.2 MILLION well paying jobs. Additionally, American energy independence would be helped along the way. But no. And I don't understand why lefties do not embrace this sort of thing.

What is happening is a debacle. And the left fiddles while America burns...

There is a lot less oil there than you imagine. Our economy needs a lot more help than drilling for oil. It's not just about finding something to burn.

Utter nonsense..... how is that you are so wrong, so consistently?

Speaking of consistancy: You realize how many times rdean has been told that his posts are "utter nonsense?"

There is a very sound reason "the lefty's" cannot swallow anything related to fossil fuels:

There's no money in it for them. Even more importantly, there's no money in it for them NOW.

There has been a lot of investment in "Green" and "Sustainable" energy. Much of the financing for these investments has come from the US DOE, and The Dutch. The discovery of huge reservoirs of fossil fuels destroys the short term (and perhaps the long term...20 year) payoff from these investments.
You wrote" US oil companies already have many leases all over that they can drill on now."

Have you paid ANY attention to that tired old worn out stupidly ignorant statement?
FACTS maybe you should KNOW before opening your mouth and proving mentality!

Do you know something petroleum engineers that get paid big bucks don't know and that is that EVERY acre of the 38 million acres has OIL under each acre?
What are you doing if you are THAT SMART?

There is absolutely no way that this is the whole story. Does anyone actually believe that any smart business would go around buying these leases, for a minimum of $26,700 for 670 acres (which is the minimum size), and then never using them?
Why Do Oil Companies Refuse To Drill On 38,317,322 Acres Already Leased?

The decision comes following a ruling by the EPA’s Environmental Appeals Board to withhold critical air permits. Shell has spent five years and nearly $4 billion dollars on plans to explore for oil in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas.
The leases alone cost $2.2 billion.
The closest village to where Shell proposed to drill is Kaktovik, Alaska. It is one of the most remote places in the United States. According to the latest census, the population is 245 and nearly all of the residents are Alaska natives.
The village, which is 1 square mile, sits right along the shores of the Beaufort Sea, 70 miles away from the proposed off-shore drill site.
EPA Rules Force Shell to Abandon Oil Drilling Plans | Vision to America

You really should get your FACTS before engaging FINGERS!
Anybody notice those little block newspaper ads with usually no fanfare offering to explain how you can receive fuel subsidies over the winter from the local governments, especially for the elderly and low income families? Now where does that money for the subsidies come from?
Whats the unemployment rate on the Gulf Coast for the unemployed roughnecks that used to work on the offshore rigs? And the unemployment rates for the people that used to work in the industries supporting those roughnecks and supplying other ancillary services? Where does the money to pay those claims come from? Right, we borrow that from the Chinese who apparently still realize what it takes to keep a vibrant economy running and are sparing no expense for that purpose.
Obama took office and immediately kicked out the supports underpinning America's economy. Its rapidly approaching thirty six months since he took office and the economy shows no signs of improvement. CNBC's early morning financial news crawl quotes one American business executive stating that America and Europe are sliding once again into recession from his perspective. Or will we finally find the cojones this time to call it what it really is, a depression? A large, more or less East Coast, restaurant chain went into bankruptcy last week shuttering a large number of their stores suddenly throwing in excess of 2,000 people out of work. Lowes building supply stores announced it was closing twenty of its stores and severely curtailing its expansion plans putting another 2,000 people out of work. What is going on in the economy resembles a controlled building implosion that in the end will exceed the economic damage from what happened at the World Trade Centers by many, many powers of ten. With each passing day, with no signs of either recovery or even a stabilization in the economy more, and more businesses will find their economic positions untenable and give up like Friendlies Restaurants and now Lowes.
There are those who will argue that Obama's economic policies are well intentioned but stupid. You will conversely find those who argue that Obama's economic policies are malevolently evil. The folks who comprise the Occupy wall Street movement are part of that, a threat that you either re elect Obama or feel their wrath. A malevolently evil threat accompanying another malevolent evil if ever there was one.
Well there you go!
First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Martin Niemöller
T. Boone Pickens needs to be listened to.
Doubt you drill happy folks know what he has to say.
We were warned in the mid 70s and had every oppurtunity to change then but all we heard was "drill, drill, drill" and they did.
Demand is the problem. As Bush, AN OIL MAN, correctly stated "we are a nation addicted to oil"
Drilling more here is like giving a crack addict more crack.
T. Boone Pickens. Look it up. Educate thyself.

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