Written by Dustin Hawkins
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Karl Rove, the alleged mad genius of political campaigning, is in really hot water. Or is it really cold water? Or, maybe thats just loud rap music playing in the background. Forgive me if I get my Nazi-like torture techniques mixed up. In any event, Karl Rove is in trouble. Something remarkably outrageous had to be said in order for Hillary Clinton, Charles Schumer, Howard Dean, Harry Reid, and John Kerry to demand that Rove apologize or resign approximately 18 seconds after Rove finished his speech.
This should be compared to the immediate calls for an apology that Senate Democrats launched at Dick Durbin for comparing the troops to a mob of fascist, murdering barbarians on the Senate floor last week.
Oh wait, that didnt happen.
Hysterical over-reaction is saved for the fully substantial comments made by a presidential advisor at a fund-raiser. Any day now Im expecting an apology from Rove. He will probably apologize for the liberals misunderstanding of his comments. Hey, Im sorry you are an idiot, apology accepted?
What Rove said is quite groundbreaking. After likening Hillary Clinton to Adolf Hitler, Robert Byrd, to the Grandmaster of the KKK, and Michael Moore to that guy who orders a diet Coke with his super-sized #7, he announced that Ted Kennedy had become the latest recipient of the Betty Ford Alcoholic Awareness program. Okay, so none of that happened either. But at least if it did happen the Democrats would actually have had something to complain about. (And, inasmuch as most of that is fairly accurate, they would have been really, really mad.)
What Rove did say was--and be warned this is really shocking--that conservatives saw the savagery of 9/11 in the attacks and prepared for war; liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers. Yawn. Not only is this factually true, but it has been said a million times before and even by the president himself while campaigning this past year. My guess is the Democrats are trying to get the heat off of Durbin, who offered a faux-pology, for awhile. Not going to work, but nice try guys.
Democrats, of course, call Roves remarks preposterous. Unfortunately for them, and because of that silly thing called the internet, their comments are trapped in endless archives of hundreds of newspapers across the country. For those with short memories who cant remember all the way back to 2001 (and Im specifically referring to those people who suddenly think Hillary Clinton is a moderate), the truth can be quickly revisited, and equally inescapable, with a few clicks of the mouse. So despite their refutation that they did not want to prepare indictments or try to understand why the hate us, they, sadly, cant hide from their own shadows.
It is quite simple really. Democrats wanted to arrest Osama bin Laden, Republicans wanted to kill him. Liberals wanted to understand why militant Islamo-fasicts wanted to kill us and die for their cause, and conservatives understood what militant and fanatical meant and wanted to help them in their cause: to die. If Rove was lying liberals would have brushed off his comments. But he wasnt, and that really infuriates them. But while liberals are wringing their hands over the truth, they are still ignoring the most serious and reckless charges lobbed by a Democrat against the troops since at least last month. With liberals its almost becoming a fascinating weekly routine. Lodge ridiculous accusations against the troops, say you love them, and apologize after the public is outraged.
From now on, Im employing the liberal slander exception in my own career. I can say anything mean and outrageous about liberals so long as I follow such comments with empty adoration. Therefore, liberals are a bunch of anti-American, flag burning, baby-killing, Jetta-driving hippies who hate the troops, smell like the French, and live off the government in a massive conspiracy to destroy America. But all is fair, and dont criticize me, because I support the liberals.