Donald Trump Rampages to +32 Point Lead in Florida [Ignored by Florida Media]


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
So where are the HOME BOYS....Yeb,,and The Marco?

Breitbart ^ | 1/20/16 | John Nolte
According to a just-released poll from Florida Atlantic University broadcast on MSNBC, in a 12 person Republican primary, Donald Trump is blowing the pack away in Florida with an incredible +32 point lead. The billionaire businessman currently enjoys 48% support in the Sunshine State, a +12 point jump from November.


So where are the HOME BOYS....Yeb,,and The Marco?

Breitbart ^ | 1/20/16 | John Nolte
According to a just-released poll from Florida Atlantic University broadcast on MSNBC, in a 12 person Republican primary, Donald Trump is blowing the pack away in Florida with an incredible +32 point lead. The billionaire businessman currently enjoys 48% support in the Sunshine State, a +12 point jump from November.



Hello, maybe that is why Palin endorsed him, and the left is making poopy in their diapers-)
Kasich will catch him...LOL

You are funny this morning lol. :laugh: Ohio...Ohio...OHIO...Ohio...that's my Kasich impression.

Thanks, I had to post that because yesterday a few were screaming about some obscure poll who had Kahich "closing in" on Trump. Kasich doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of catching Trump

Yeah that fool is polling in the realm of a Trump rounding error. But but but...Ohio lol

now invite Madam President to your country club for lunch.
Trump would get smoked in the general election.

MIAMI— Dennis Freytes, an Army veteran and Puerto Rican activist in Orlando, has voted for every Republican presidential candidate going back to Ronald Reagan in 1980. That streak may end if Donald Trump secures the GOP nomination—an outcome he said could prompt him to bolt the party and become an independent.

Mr. Trump “is a divisive figure,” said Mr. Freytes, a supporter of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. He said he has been repelled by many of the businessman’s comments about immigrants and Hispanics, such as calling Mexicans criminals and rapists. “That guy will be the ruin of the Republican Party,” he said. ...

Interviews with Florida Hispanic Republicans suggest that while Mr. Trump benefits from pockets of support, many regard him with unease, or even hostility. Some said they worry he was pushing other GOP candidates such as Florida Sen. Marco Rubio to adopt harsh rhetoric and more-extreme positions on immigration and other issues.

“Everyone is fed up with politicians, and I can see how he appeals to that audience,” said Nicole Gomez, the 31-year-old president of the North Dade Republican Club in Miami. But “he really exploits that visceral anger” and “his whole demeanor is very repulsive.” ...

[M]any Republican strategists fear Mr. Trump would perform even worse than Mitt Romney’s poor showing in 2012, when he garnered 27% of the U.S. Hispanic vote. ...

“The Republican brand is hurt,” said Alfonso Aguilar, president of the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, an advocacy group. Mr. Trump’s “language has been so offensive, the proposals so draconian, that the damage is big.” ...

A December MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist Poll found that 65% of Latino registered voters viewed Mr. Trump negatively, compared with 21% who saw him positively, by far the poorest showing of any candidate. He fared worse than any other GOP contender against Democrat Hillary Clinton. And 65% of Hispanics said he was hurting the GOP brand.​

Florida Latinos Say Trump Hurts the GOP Brand

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