More proof Americans love diversity

Your insults do not refute my facts. You hate the most accomplished demographic on earth and have the nerve to call me a racist.
Jews aren't a race.... they are a religion. A religion that still thinks they're God's favorites despite all the evidence to the contrary.

You do not prove "Environment has more to do with success than genetics" by asserting it. Do you really think the right environment could produce a Shakespeare, a Beethoven, or an Einstein? Genes matter.
That argument would hold if we had generations of Shakespeares, Einsteins and Beethovens... we don't. I am not sure if any of them even had kids, but Mozart did and guess what, neither one of them were geniuses.

Beethoven and Mozart were lucky enough to be born in a period where the Enlightened Despots of Europe were farming composers... Beethoven was lucky enough to have studied under greats like Haydn and the much-maligned Salieri.

So, um, yeah, Beethoven was very much a product of his environment. You could clone him, and probably not get great composers.

My white skin privilege consists of the fact that people who do not know me assume that I am reasonably intelligent and safe to be around. My white skin privilege has been earned. The vast majority of white men are reasonably intelligent and safe to be around. Whites have built the most advanced, the most affluent, and the most generous civilization in history. Orientals are catching up with us. Negroes are not.

Yet, you still failed at life. It's sad.
Jews aren't a race.... they are a religion. A religion that still thinks they're God's favorites despite all the evidence to the contrary.
If Jews are not a race, how do you explain their enormous achievements in the world of the mind, despite the odds? The achievements of the Jews indicates that God gifted hos Chosen people with superior intelligence.
That argument would hold if we had generations of Shakespeares, Einsteins and Beethovens... we don't. I am not sure if any of them even had kids, but Mozart did and guess what, neither one of them were geniuses.
You do not understand the concept of reversion to the average. Let me explain. Exceptional characteristics in any direction are caused by recessive genes that rarely match in the children. Nevertheless, the children of brilliant parents are nearly always of above average intelligence.
Yet, you still failed at life. It's sad.
If I am a failure at life, why do I like to draw attention to the achievements of the Jews?

You hate Jews because of a belief that only some of them have, and which does not harm you in any way.
You do not understand the concept of reversion to the average. Let me explain. Exceptional characteristics in any direction are caused by recessive genes that rarely match in the children. Nevertheless, the children of brilliant parents are nearly always of above average intelligence.

Getting back to Mozart, four of his six kids died in infancy. His older son had no musical talent, and his younger son, despite having great tutors, was a mediocre and largely forgotten composer.

Here's the thing. 99.999% of the human race, will never do anything exceptional. we live our lives, love our families, who mourn us and forget us.

If I am a failure at life, why do I like to draw attention to the achievements of the Jews?

I have no idea why you are such a whipped dog.

You hate Jews because of a belief that only some of them have, and which does not harm you in any way.
I made out my will at 30 because the Jews got us into a war in the Middle East. A lot of young men have come back in boxes because of their fantasies.
I made out my will at 30 because the Jews got us into a war in the Middle East. A lot of young men have come back in boxes because of their fantasies.

That is still not a good enough reason to hate Jews.

If Jews are not a race, why is this true?


"Jewish Genius," by Charles Murray

Then came legal emancipation, beginning in the late 1700’s in a few countries and completed in Western Europe by the 1870’s, and with it one of the most extraordinary stories of any ethnic group at any point in human history.

As soon as Jewish children born under legal emancipation had time to grow to adulthood, they started appearing in the first ranks of the arts and sciences. During the four decades from 1830 to 1870, when the first Jews to live under emancipation reached their forties, 16 significant Jewish figures appear. In the next four decades, from 1870 to 1910, the number jumps to 40. During the next four decades, 1910–1950, despite the contemporaneous devastation of European Jewry, the number of significant figures almost triples, to 114.

To get a sense of the density of accomplishment these numbers represent, I will focus on 1870 onward, after legal emancipation had been achieved throughout Central and Western Europe. How does the actual number of significant figures compare to what would be expected given the Jewish proportion of the European and North American population? From 1870 to 1950, Jewish representation in literature was four times the number one would expect. In music, five times. In the visual arts, five times. In biology, eight times. In chemistry, six times. In physics, nine times. In mathematics, twelve times. In philosophy, fourteen times.

Disproportionate Jewish accomplishment in the arts and sciences continues to this day. My inventories end with 1950, but many other measures are available, of which the best known is the Nobel Prize. In the first half of the 20th century, despite pervasive and continuing social discrimination against Jews throughout the Western world, despite the retraction of legal rights, and despite the Holocaust, Jews won 14 percent of Nobel Prizes in literature, chemistry, physics, and medicine/physiology. In the second half of the 20th century, when Nobel Prizes began to be awarded to people from all over the world, that figure rose to 29 percent. So far, in the 21st century, it has been 32 percent. Jews constitute about two-tenths of one percent of the world’s population. You do the math.

Yet, you still failed at life. It's sad.
Speaking of success, you claim to have a degree in history, but you do not seem to know much about it. You casually reject well documented facts that conflict with what you want to believe.
Speaking of success, you claim to have a degree in history, but you do not seem to know much about it. You casually reject well documented facts that conflict with what you want to believe.

History is the lie that everyone agrees upon- Napoleon.

I'm very good at my field, I own two businesses now, several properties, and I am married to the greatest woman in the world.

you just don't get much more successful than that.
History is the lie that everyone agrees upon- Napoleon.

I'm very good at my field, I own two businesses now, several properties, and I am married to the greatest woman in the world.

you just don't get much more successful than that.
Anyone can claim impressive achievement on the internet. If they write like someone who never went past high school, those claims are doubtful.
Anyone can claim impressive achievement on the internet. If they write like someone who never went past high school, those claims are doubtful.
Again, you make assumptions...

I get paid for my writing... that I don't cross every t and dot every i when talking to a racist nitwit, it's because you aren't worth the effort.

If you said something interesting other than repasting shit you found on racist websites like you had an original idea, I might be more impressed with you.
It is for me.
I'm tired of watching Young Americans die for Jewish religious fantasies.
Israelis are not fighting for "religious fantasies." They are fighting for a thin sliver of land that is less than one percent of Arab land.
Nothing Charles Murray says is true.
Once again you expose your lack of education.

If Charles Murray is mistaken, where is there evidence that a child who performs poorly on an IQ test at the age of seven can ever perform well in school?

Why does the race gap in every objective measurable criterion of intelligence persist?

Why do Orientals usually perform better than whites, even though they obviously belong to another race, and even though they were persecuted and discriminated against when they moved to the United States?
Israelis are not fighting for "religious fantasies." They are fighting for a thin sliver of land that is less than one percent of Arab land.
Except it's not their land.

That's the point.

If I only steal a sliver of your property, are you going to be that understanding?

Now, ideal world, Palestine would be a UN trust with no nation or religion laying a claim to it, because it is a world heritage sight to many of the world's religions.

But instead, the British decided to settle the Jewish refuse of Europe there, and the UN went along with it, causing us no end to trouble.
Once again you expose your lack of education.

If Charles Murray is mistaken, where is there evidence that a child who performs poorly on an IQ test at the age of seven can ever perform well in school?

I wouldn't know. When I was a small kinder, one person tested me and told my mother that I had an IQ of 148. Another told her I had a learning disability. Another told her that I had muscular dystrophy.

None of these things turned out to be true. ( I have no idea what my IQ is, probably higher than average, but certainly not 148!)
I wouldn't know. When I was a small kinder, one person tested me and told my mother that I had an IQ of 148. Another told her I had a learning disability. Another told her that I had muscular dystrophy.

None of these things turned out to be true. ( I have no idea what my IQ is, probably higher than average, but certainly not 148!)
Because I cannot prove that you are lying, I will not call you a liar. What I notice is that you always substantiate your beliefs with personal anecdotes from your life. I expect a college graduate to know how to substantiate his opinions with credible data.
Except it's not their land.
It is now. Israelis have a better claim to the land of Israel than we have to the United States.

Because I cannot prove that you are lying, I will not call you a liar. What I notice is that you always substantiate your beliefs with personal anecdotes from your life. I expect a college graduate to know how to substantiate his opinions with credible data.
Mendacity comes in three forms, Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.

You'd actually be calling my mom a liar, I wasn't in the room when any of these conversations took place.

What I have found, having people in my family for three generations in the education business, is that the education industry is kind of a racket. Especially the for profit kind like the Catholic Church runs.

To me, it's absurd to give a test to a child, and then base your decisions on how to run their entire life, on the basis of that test. But we keep doing it.

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