Donald Trump is the Martin Luther King, Jr. for Asians, and he's going after liberal Nazis


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
U.S. threatens to sue Harvard over admissions policies

BOSTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has threatened to sue Harvard University to force it to turn over documents as it investigates whether the Ivy League school’s admission policies violate civil rights laws by discriminating against Asian-American applicants.

The Justice Department cited a 2015 lawsuit that charges Harvard’s affirmative action policies discriminate against Asian-American applicants, in a letter setting a Dec. 1 deadline for Harvard to hand over documents on its admission policies.

The Justice Department is probing the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based school’s compliance with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, according to the letter, dated Friday and seen by Reuters. The measure prohibits institutions that receive federal funding from discriminating based on race, color or national origin.

The squabble follows reports that the Justice Department had begun an investigation into whether university affirmative action admission policies broadly discriminate against white applicants.

“The Department is left with no choice but to conclude that Harvard is out of compliance with its Title VI access obligations,” the letter reads...

If liberals had their way, Asians would be forced to sit at the back of the bus behind the blacks, illegal immigrants, terrorists, and gender confused fags.
U.S. threatens to sue Harvard over admissions policies

BOSTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has threatened to sue Harvard University to force it to turn over documents as it investigates whether the Ivy League school’s admission policies violate civil rights laws by discriminating against Asian-American applicants.

The Justice Department cited a 2015 lawsuit that charges Harvard’s affirmative action policies discriminate against Asian-American applicants, in a letter setting a Dec. 1 deadline for Harvard to hand over documents on its admission policies.

The Justice Department is probing the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based school’s compliance with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, according to the letter, dated Friday and seen by Reuters. The measure prohibits institutions that receive federal funding from discriminating based on race, color or national origin.

The squabble follows reports that the Justice Department had begun an investigation into whether university affirmative action admission policies broadly discriminate against white applicants.

“The Department is left with no choice but to conclude that Harvard is out of compliance with its Title VI access obligations,” the letter reads...

If liberals had their way, Asians would be forced to sit at the back of the bus behind the blacks, illegal immigrants, terrorists, and gender confused fags.

You might really want to check the percentage of Asians who are at Harvard and compare that to the percentage of Asians in the American population befire you starting being the white mans little Asian racial puppet.
U.S. threatens to sue Harvard over admissions policies

BOSTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has threatened to sue Harvard University to force it to turn over documents as it investigates whether the Ivy League school’s admission policies violate civil rights laws by discriminating against Asian-American applicants.

The Justice Department cited a 2015 lawsuit that charges Harvard’s affirmative action policies discriminate against Asian-American applicants, in a letter setting a Dec. 1 deadline for Harvard to hand over documents on its admission policies.

The Justice Department is probing the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based school’s compliance with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, according to the letter, dated Friday and seen by Reuters. The measure prohibits institutions that receive federal funding from discriminating based on race, color or national origin.

The squabble follows reports that the Justice Department had begun an investigation into whether university affirmative action admission policies broadly discriminate against white applicants.

“The Department is left with no choice but to conclude that Harvard is out of compliance with its Title VI access obligations,” the letter reads...

If liberals had their way, Asians would be forced to sit at the back of the bus behind the blacks, illegal immigrants, terrorists, and gender confused fags.

You might really want to check the percentage of Asians who are at Harvard and compare that to the percentage of Asians in the American population befire you starting being the white mans little Asian racial puppet.

Yeah, when you do the same for black people in Hollywood, the NBA, NFL, etc.
It is well known around here that the original poster is a self hating little asian, the white man's bitch. He thinks if he studies and works hard enough he'll become white, and not just another slanty eyed chink.

Bitch please, liberals don't even view Asians as minorities under affirmative action. Go back to your Nazi hive mind that is the Democrat Party.
U.S. threatens to sue Harvard over admissions policies

BOSTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has threatened to sue Harvard University to force it to turn over documents as it investigates whether the Ivy League school’s admission policies violate civil rights laws by discriminating against Asian-American applicants.

The Justice Department cited a 2015 lawsuit that charges Harvard’s affirmative action policies discriminate against Asian-American applicants, in a letter setting a Dec. 1 deadline for Harvard to hand over documents on its admission policies.

The Justice Department is probing the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based school’s compliance with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, according to the letter, dated Friday and seen by Reuters. The measure prohibits institutions that receive federal funding from discriminating based on race, color or national origin.

The squabble follows reports that the Justice Department had begun an investigation into whether university affirmative action admission policies broadly discriminate against white applicants.

“The Department is left with no choice but to conclude that Harvard is out of compliance with its Title VI access obligations,” the letter reads...

If liberals had their way, Asians would be forced to sit at the back of the bus behind the blacks, illegal immigrants, terrorists, and gender confused fags.

You might really want to check the percentage of Asians who are at Harvard and compare that to the percentage of Asians in the American population befire you starting being the white mans little Asian racial puppet.

Yeah, when you do the same for black people in Hollywood, the NBA, NFL, etc.

I don't have to do that since there are more Asians in Harvard than blacks. 16,6 percent of the students at Harvard are Asian. Blacks 6.1 percent, Hispanics 10.1 percent. So you add blacks and Hispanics together and you still have fewer than Asians. So I don't have to measure shit dumb ass. Asians are 6 percent of the population in this country. You aren't being discriminated against to allow blacks and Hispanics a damn thing. You are a patsy whites are using to end a policy and your stupid ass plays right along with it.


How Diverse is Harvard University?
U.S. threatens to sue Harvard over admissions policies

BOSTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has threatened to sue Harvard University to force it to turn over documents as it investigates whether the Ivy League school’s admission policies violate civil rights laws by discriminating against Asian-American applicants.

The Justice Department cited a 2015 lawsuit that charges Harvard’s affirmative action policies discriminate against Asian-American applicants, in a letter setting a Dec. 1 deadline for Harvard to hand over documents on its admission policies.

The Justice Department is probing the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based school’s compliance with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, according to the letter, dated Friday and seen by Reuters. The measure prohibits institutions that receive federal funding from discriminating based on race, color or national origin.

The squabble follows reports that the Justice Department had begun an investigation into whether university affirmative action admission policies broadly discriminate against white applicants.

“The Department is left with no choice but to conclude that Harvard is out of compliance with its Title VI access obligations,” the letter reads...

If liberals had their way, Asians would be forced to sit at the back of the bus behind the blacks, illegal immigrants, terrorists, and gender confused fags.

You might really want to check the percentage of Asians who are at Harvard and compare that to the percentage of Asians in the American population befire you starting being the white mans little Asian racial puppet.

Yeah, when you do the same for black people in Hollywood, the NBA, NFL, etc.

I don't have to do that since there are more Asians in Harvard than blacks. 16,6 percent of the students at Harvard are Asian. Blacks 6.1 percent, Hispanics 10.1 percent. So you add blacks and Hispanics together and you still have fewer than Asians. So I don't have to measure shit dumb ass. Asians are 6 percent of the population in this country. You aren't being discriminated against to allow blacks and Hispanics a damn thing. You are a patsy whites are using to end a policy and your stupid ass plays right along with it.


How Diverse is Harvard University?

Blacks get preferential treatment in everything. It's the liberal way.
It is well known around here that the original poster is a self hating little asian, the white man's bitch. He thinks if he studies and works hard enough he'll become white, and not just another slanty eyed chink.

Im Asian. Is there something you’d like to say to me?

Me: “I don’t think Obama was a good president”
Dems: “Racist!!”

Dems: “We hate white people”
Me: “That sounds racist”

This is why Trump won.
16,6 percent of the students at Harvard are Asian. Blacks 6.1 percent, Hispanics 10.1 percent. So you add blacks and Hispanics together and you still have fewer than Asians. So I don't have to measure shit dumb ass. Asians are 6 percent of the population in this country. You aren't being discriminated against to allow blacks and Hispanics a damn thing.

Anybody being denied entry due to their race is being discriminated against, fuck chop.

You are a patsy whites are using to end a policy and your stupid ass plays right along with it.


16,6 percent of the students at Harvard are Asian. Blacks 6.1 percent, Hispanics 10.1 percent. So you add blacks and Hispanics together and you still have fewer than Asians. So I don't have to measure shit dumb ass. Asians are 6 percent of the population in this country. You aren't being discriminated against to allow blacks and Hispanics a damn thing.

Anybody being denied entry due to their race is being discriminated against, fuck chop.

You are a patsy whites are using to end a policy and your stupid ass plays right along with it.



No I am not a bigot for saying that this guy is a patsy whites are using. If I said all Asians are patsys for whites then you might be able to make that claim.

But all Asians aren't doing these things. In fact most Asians I know see things as I do.

So understand this, Asian is a pretty wife ranging term. Chinese are not Japanese. Koreans are not Chinese. Mongolians are not Koreans. Indians are not Mongolians. Cambodians are not Indians. Filipinos are not Cambodians. I can keep going. So I don't really think you or the other person here speaks for all Asians on such matters and Donald Trump is using people like you to dismantle a equal opportunity policy.
U.S. threatens to sue Harvard over admissions policies

BOSTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has threatened to sue Harvard University to force it to turn over documents as it investigates whether the Ivy League school’s admission policies violate civil rights laws by discriminating against Asian-American applicants.

The Justice Department cited a 2015 lawsuit that charges Harvard’s affirmative action policies discriminate against Asian-American applicants, in a letter setting a Dec. 1 deadline for Harvard to hand over documents on its admission policies.

The Justice Department is probing the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based school’s compliance with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, according to the letter, dated Friday and seen by Reuters. The measure prohibits institutions that receive federal funding from discriminating based on race, color or national origin.

The squabble follows reports that the Justice Department had begun an investigation into whether university affirmative action admission policies broadly discriminate against white applicants.

“The Department is left with no choice but to conclude that Harvard is out of compliance with its Title VI access obligations,” the letter reads...

If liberals had their way, Asians would be forced to sit at the back of the bus behind the blacks, illegal immigrants, terrorists, and gender confused fags.

You might really want to check the percentage of Asians who are at Harvard and compare that to the percentage of Asians in the American population befire you starting being the white mans little Asian racial puppet.

Yeah, when you do the same for black people in Hollywood, the NBA, NFL, etc.

I don't have to do that since there are more Asians in Harvard than blacks. 16,6 percent of the students at Harvard are Asian. Blacks 6.1 percent, Hispanics 10.1 percent. So you add blacks and Hispanics together and you still have fewer than Asians. So I don't have to measure shit dumb ass. Asians are 6 percent of the population in this country. You aren't being discriminated against to allow blacks and Hispanics a damn thing. You are a patsy whites are using to end a policy and your stupid ass plays right along with it.


How Diverse is Harvard University?

Admission to an institute of higher education is supposed to be based on qualification, not classification.
I think that if they can prove that asians have to have SATs 25 points more than whites that puts then at a substantial liability. Asians could be 30% .. if they have to climb 25 sat points higher that is clear proof they are being discriminated against.

The reason blacks get 25 added to their scores is because of past discrimination. Banning chinese from coming or tossing japanese into concentration camps qualifies as discrimination. They should get the same push to their scores, not having to add 50.
If liberals had their way, Asians would be forced to sit at the back of the bus behind the blacks, illegal immigrants, terrorists, and gender confused fags.

Meanwhile- in the real world- Asians support Democrats by a large margin- because of course- Democrats elect Chinese and Japanese and Vietnamese politicians.
I think that if they can prove that asians have to have SATs 25 points more than whites that puts then at a substantial liability. Asians could be 30% .. if they have to climb 25 sat points higher that is clear proof they are being discriminated against.

The reason blacks get 25 added to their scores is because of past discrimination. Banning chinese from coming or tossing japanese into concentration camps qualifies as discrimination. They should get the same push to their scores, not having to add 50.

Yes but they are being discriminated against in relation to having to score so much more than whites, not this story being told here about how Asians are being passed over for more backs and Hispanics. They do get the same points for past discrimination, there is no way they can't..

The lawsuit alleges that Harvard effectively employs quotas on the number of Asians admitted and holds them to a higher standard than whites.

A 2009 Princeton study showed that Asians had to score a hundred and forty points higher on the S.A.T. than whites to have the same chance of admission to top universities.

The Uncomfortable Truth About Affirmative Action and Asian-Americans
U.S. threatens to sue Harvard over admissions policies

BOSTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department has threatened to sue Harvard University to force it to turn over documents as it investigates whether the Ivy League school’s admission policies violate civil rights laws by discriminating against Asian-American applicants.

The Justice Department cited a 2015 lawsuit that charges Harvard’s affirmative action policies discriminate against Asian-American applicants, in a letter setting a Dec. 1 deadline for Harvard to hand over documents on its admission policies.

The Justice Department is probing the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based school’s compliance with Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, according to the letter, dated Friday and seen by Reuters. The measure prohibits institutions that receive federal funding from discriminating based on race, color or national origin.

The squabble follows reports that the Justice Department had begun an investigation into whether university affirmative action admission policies broadly discriminate against white applicants.

“The Department is left with no choice but to conclude that Harvard is out of compliance with its Title VI access obligations,” the letter reads...

If liberals had their way, Asians would be forced to sit at the back of the bus behind the blacks, illegal immigrants, terrorists, and gender confused fags.

You might really want to check the percentage of Asians who are at Harvard and compare that to the percentage of Asians in the American population befire you starting being the white mans little Asian racial puppet.

Yeah, when you do the same for black people in Hollywood, the NBA, NFL, etc.

I don't have to do that since there are more Asians in Harvard than blacks. 16,6 percent of the students at Harvard are Asian. Blacks 6.1 percent, Hispanics 10.1 percent. So you add blacks and Hispanics together and you still have fewer than Asians. So I don't have to measure shit dumb ass. Asians are 6 percent of the population in this country. You aren't being discriminated against to allow blacks and Hispanics a damn thing. You are a patsy whites are using to end a policy and your stupid ass plays right along with it.


How Diverse is Harvard University?

Admission to an institute of higher education is supposed to be based on qualification, not classification.

Don't lie to yourself. Admissions when schools were white only were based on what?
140 pts? that is impossible. There is only 1600 points possible, and whites have to get more than 1400 pts

No they don't. Whites get the same minimum as everyone else. But the Princeton study shows what it does.

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