Liberal Judge Rules In Favor Of Racism

It never has been. And until the damage from such racism is fixed, it can't be.

If a University is touted as "Ivy league", or the best of the best so to speak, shouldn't they stick to merit based admissions to ensure the best and brightest American's come from there?

Other wise they may as well just be another state college...
The great Greek philosopher Aristotle once said, “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”

Seems true that, and it would appear that vulgarity was the way you were addredded for those seven years......and all can see the result.

Liberals don't even know that a man has a penis
I bet you've noticed the soft spot the Democrats have for Mao, the world's most prolific mass slaughterer.

. Obama spit in the faces of Americans with a Mao ornament on the White House Christmas tree:
“The face of China's Mao Zedong, blamed for the deaths of 50 to 80 million of his countrymen, graces an ornament on the White House Christmas tree for President Obama's first holiday season in residence.” Obama's Christmas tree graced by Chairman Mao, transvestite - WND

"Just weeks after initiating a war of words with Fox News and being exposed as an admirer of Chairman Mao, Anita Dunn, the White House Communications Director, is stepping down. I intimated as much a couple of weeks back, when I lumped her in with two other Obama Administration zanies who were forced to resign..."
Anita Dunn: Going, Going, Gone | RealClearPolitics

Obama Manufacturing Czar Ron Bloom agrees with Chairman Mao

Mao.....inspiration to the Democrat Party.
It certainly is the Party of Death.

Right you are, there is a bizarre affinity to Mao by some on the Left.
He was a terrible man, who loved to kill, either passively or actively.
Killing it their thing.....

They follow "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky
He was a pompous fool, but that can be said about anyone that is a fool. Trotsky was a super-villain, like Lenin was.

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