Dominion to release the Kraken... suing Sydney


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
Well... the Kraken will be released this week!!


Dominion Voting Systems CEO John Poulos told Axios on Monday that his company plans on suing former Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell imminently for defamation over her claims about its voting machines.

"Our focus right now is on Sidney Powell and there's very good reason for that. She is by far in our opinion the most egregious and prolific purveyor of the falsities against Dominion. Her statements have caused real damage. They're demonstrably false," Poulos said.

Powell, formerly part of President Trump's team seeking to overturn the 2020 election, has baselessly claimed that Dominion's algorithm flipped votes and that the company paid Georgia GOP officials to stay quiet on the alleged scheme.

"We were originally quiet and we sat back as a company," he added. "Because our hope was that all of these claims would be filed in a process in court where procedure and evidence is important. And it's become clear to us that there is absolutely no interest to reveal this evidence because we know it doesn't exist. And there's no effort to actually put it in front of the court proceedings so that these allegations and all of the evidence can follow a proper process and be litigated right to the end."
Well... the Kraken will be released this week!!

View attachment 437344
Dominion Voting Systems CEO John Poulos told Axios on Monday that his company plans on suing former Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell imminently for defamation over her claims about its voting machines.

"Our focus right now is on Sidney Powell and there's very good reason for that. She is by far in our opinion the most egregious and prolific purveyor of the falsities against Dominion. Her statements have caused real damage. They're demonstrably false," Poulos said.

Powell, formerly part of President Trump's team seeking to overturn the 2020 election, has baselessly claimed that Dominion's algorithm flipped votes and that the company paid Georgia GOP officials to stay quiet on the alleged scheme.

"We were originally quiet and we sat back as a company," he added. "Because our hope was that all of these claims would be filed in a process in court where procedure and evidence is important. And it's become clear to us that there is absolutely no interest to reveal this evidence because we know it doesn't exist. And there's no effort to actually put it in front of the court proceedings so that these allegations and all of the evidence can follow a proper process and be litigated right to the end."
LOL. Guess your Chinese communist cohorts are trying to silence opposition.
1000 judges will tweet their approval.

THIS IS GREAT NEWS! Once they sue, Sydney will then be free, indeed REQUIRED to present all of her evidence in court and no judge on the planet will then be able to stop her!

Her plan is working perfectly.

Once she calls Dominion's bluff and does this before the world, we will be faced with an ILLEGAL PRESIDENT, and INVALID ELECTION and a MANDATE to revamp our elections according to the 2005 Carter Election Committee! :21:
Well... the Kraken will be released this week!!

View attachment 437344
Dominion Voting Systems CEO John Poulos told Axios on Monday that his company plans on suing former Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell imminently for defamation over her claims about its voting machines.

"Our focus right now is on Sidney Powell and there's very good reason for that. She is by far in our opinion the most egregious and prolific purveyor of the falsities against Dominion. Her statements have caused real damage. They're demonstrably false," Poulos said.

Powell, formerly part of President Trump's team seeking to overturn the 2020 election, has baselessly claimed that Dominion's algorithm flipped votes and that the company paid Georgia GOP officials to stay quiet on the alleged scheme.

"We were originally quiet and we sat back as a company," he added. "Because our hope was that all of these claims would be filed in a process in court where procedure and evidence is important. And it's become clear to us that there is absolutely no interest to reveal this evidence because we know it doesn't exist. And there's no effort to actually put it in front of the court proceedings so that these allegations and all of the evidence can follow a proper process and be litigated right to the end."
Deservedly. She won't be the only one to get nailed. I believe this crap has hurt them and don't blame them one bit.
Well... the Kraken will be released this week!!

View attachment 437344
Dominion Voting Systems CEO John Poulos told Axios on Monday that his company plans on suing former Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell imminently for defamation over her claims about its voting machines.

"Our focus right now is on Sidney Powell and there's very good reason for that. She is by far in our opinion the most egregious and prolific purveyor of the falsities against Dominion. Her statements have caused real damage. They're demonstrably false," Poulos said.

Powell, formerly part of President Trump's team seeking to overturn the 2020 election, has baselessly claimed that Dominion's algorithm flipped votes and that the company paid Georgia GOP officials to stay quiet on the alleged scheme.

"We were originally quiet and we sat back as a company," he added. "Because our hope was that all of these claims would be filed in a process in court where procedure and evidence is important. And it's become clear to us that there is absolutely no interest to reveal this evidence because we know it doesn't exist. And there's no effort to actually put it in front of the court proceedings so that these allegations and all of the evidence can follow a proper process and be litigated right to the end."
Sure they will. Any independent software expert will tear them apart in court.
All these companies and Indivisuals defamed, libeled and slandered by Trumper and Right -wing media need to sue the media involved and the individuals promulgating the lies. They need to wipe out these people financially. Then, and only then, will some sort of sanity be restored.
All these companies and Indivisuals defamed, libeled and slandered by Trumper and Right -wing media need to sue the media involved and the individuals promulgating the lies. They need to wipe out these people financially. Then, and only then, will some sort of sanity be restored.
Does this apply to CNN and MSNBC?
All these companies and Indivisuals defamed, libeled and slandered by Trumper and Right -wing media need to sue the media involved and the individuals promulgating the lies. They need to wipe out these people financially. Then, and only then, will some sort of sanity be restored.
Does this apply to CNN and MSNBC?
If they lied like Fox, Newsmax and OAN..then yes.
All these companies and Indivisuals defamed, libeled and slandered by Trumper and Right -wing media need to sue the media involved and the individuals promulgating the lies. They need to wipe out these people financially. Then, and only then, will some sort of sanity be restored.
Does this apply to CNN and MSNBC?
If they lied like Fox, Newsmax and OAN..then yes.
Well file the case then.
1000 judges will tweet their approval.

THIS IS GREAT NEWS! Once they sue, Sydney will then be free, indeed REQUIRED to present all of her evidence in court and no judge on the planet will then be able to stop her!

Her plan is working perfectly.

Once she calls Dominion's bluff and does this before the world, we will be faced with an ILLEGAL PRESIDENT, and INVALID ELECTION and a MANDATE to revamp our elections according to the 2005 Carter Election Committee! :21:
I'm thinking that the Kracken is software in control of the CIA to monitor the activities of software connected to the web.

From the interviews and media I have been watching, Powell was pissed at Gina Haspel, the head of the CIA. Now, we can only speculate as to why. Was it because she was not allowed access to that software, or was Powell not allowed to use the results from the analysis of that software in civilian court, because that software is a national security asset to be used on foreign adversaries?

I cannot say.

Either way. . . if it does go to court, you still have the same problem, it is a Top Secret asset, and we only know about it, because it was in the Vault 7 dump in Wikileaks, and of course, Sydney alludes to it's effectiveness. . .

Does she have anything more than the circumstantial proof that has so far been booted out of court?

Does she actually have the direct evidence that the Kracken would give her, or was she, as that interview on Fox implied, denied by Haspel? In which case, it all could still be just conjecture. And what gives that CIA any right to get involved in state business?

. . . indeed, as the left has been saying all along, this is very, VERY, dangerous ground the Trump campaign and admin. are walking on.

NOW, here is the important part in my long rambling post;
The only thing that would justify the CIA and the Kracken being brought in, is if they could prove corruption and foreign influence beyond a shadow of a doubt. I have not seen the tie in. Otherwise, she would not be able to use that direct evidence, and still would not be able to prove her claims. It would all still be circumstantial.

And if the left cheated, which I am of the view, it is quite possible they did; then they did so, fair and square. Unless the right can prove someone lost property or life over it. . . well then? All bets are off I think. There have been many, many instances of cheating in our nation's history, but none have risen to the level of the federal government interfering in state sovereignty to conduct their elections, (or fail to do so :heehee:) by use of military force, that I am aware. If that day ever comes, the federal Republic is dead.

The nation has a pretty long history of the states cheating and determining their elections anyway they want, and the feds just have to accept that. . . it really sucks, but I do prefer the power of the state government over the stupid feds. That is just the system we have.
When Dominion shows up with manual recounts of paper ballots working on their side Sidney Powell won't have a pot to piss in. From an article I read last month the key to Dominion's offense will be carefully selecting which state to file the lawsuit, as lawyers that historically have comprised legislatures have given their profession varying degrees of immunity.

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