dog vs. cat people

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Interesting study: Dog People vs. Cat People: The Surprising Differences | Pets - Yahoo! Shine recently polled more than 200,000 pet owners to find out if they were dog people or cat people. The site then crossed those responses with lifestyle surveys and arrived at the following conclusions. Anything sound familiar?*
I don't agree w/ the findings though :mad: :D Do you consider yourself a dog or cat person?

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There are 3 indoor dogs and 8 outside cats here at our house. Now and then some of the cats sneak inside thinking they are being cleaver. I enjoy the dogs. The wife enjoys the cats and says that I do too. If I outlive my wife, there will be no cats here.
Dogs come when they’re called. Cats take a message and will get back to you later!
I wasn't allowed to have any pets when I was growing up. I got my first kitten shortly after marrying my husband ... 23 years ago. For me it's always been cats.

That being said, if I suddenly found myself alone, I would become a people person, free of either pet. Sure kittens are adorable, but then they grow up to be cats. Loving and affectionate ... they're a pain in the ass.
damn that is hard to break the dogs of....

house is on fire.....dogs would leave with me...

cats would hide and i would die trying to find their asses....which of course is hidden outside lol
Cat. All the way. Dogs are way to labor intensive. Cats, you feed them, clean their poopy box's and they show you love. Whats not to love. (They remind me of children now that I think about it. :) )
damn that is hard to break the dogs of....

house is on fire.....dogs would leave with me...

cats would hide and i would die trying to find their asses....which of course is hidden outside lol

Dogs are good "alarms" for humans :)

[ame=]My dog Sophie senses the 6.5 earthquake at the Times-Standard newspaper in Eureka CA - YouTube[/ame]​
One cat, one dog.

I love them each in a special way. Touch is like no other cat, because he put the touch on my heart.

Music is so precious I named her Music because she is music to the soul.

I have never seen Touch dislike an animal until Music the puppy arrived. That was the first time in 15 years he ever acted catty. Then I knew the depth of his character--he is one. :lmao:

Music was not to be outdone. Her precious and sweet love-the-world aura becomes one of lip-biting jealousy around Touch, except she knows I will not like it if she kills the cat, so she doesn't.

My husband thinks you should have only one cat and only one dog. Otherwise, he thinks your pet will be very sad if you have another dog if it's a dog, or likewise, if you parse your time between cats.

Most of the time it's ok, but it can amount to a Mexican Standoff at times in their world. Maybe both of them think they are human and that causes the air to jiggle.

Who knows.
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