*Does World Intelligent Services, See, The End of Humankind Nearing?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Kiss your ass goodbye, the ends near.
2. Are the agencies of the world backing away from helping humanity thrive, they knowing its coming.
3. They are seeing the power of God, and know that its inevitable.
4. Human beings days may indeed be coming to an end.
5. And there is nothing that can be done about it.
6. We are *ALL* going to die!
7. One day!
8. Stay tuned, your next breath, may end up being your last breath, with radiation enhanced fumes.
9. Well you didn't pay anything to get here, and you could of been aborted, so no great loss.
10. Some of you will feel and have no harm, and will be ushered into the Heavenly.
11. Others.

Mankind is entering into it's evolutionary cycle of extreme hyper-greed and megalomaniacally, psychotically power hungry oligarchy.

They want to destroy whats left of the strong, so they can easily enslave the weak with little effort.

Past history of some of the great civilizations of history have shown us that human greed kills everything in its path.
The oligarchy think they will live through all of this and come out being gods over everything after they destroy it all.
They are wrong. They refuse to comprehend history.

Unless the people rise up and literally destroy the modern oligarchy, this era of humanity will cease.

Those that survive will rise up in another era of humanity, and if they don't pay strict heed to human history, it will happen all over again.

Does World Intelligent Services, See, The End of Humankind Nearing​

While the world has many intelligence services ...

... I see no evidence of Intelligent Services.

Past history of some of the great civilizations of history have shown us that human greed kills everything in its path.

Human greed is responsible for literally everything in our path ... and the paths as well.

Without greed, and the ensuing desire to acquire, there would be no human invention and we'd all (well a lot fewer of us because most of us would be dead from starvation and disease) in caves.
Mankind is entering into it's evolutionary cycle of extreme hyper-greed and megalomaniacally, psychotically power hungry oligarchy.

They want to destroy whats left of the strong, so they can easily enslave the weak with little effort.

Past history of some of the great civilizations of history have shown us that human greed kills everything in its path.
The oligarchy think they will live through all of this and come out being gods over everything after they destroy it all.
They are wrong. They refuse to comprehend history.

Unless the people rise up and literally destroy the modern oligarchy, this era of humanity will cease.

Those that survive will rise up in another era of humanity, and if they don't pay strict heed to human history, it will happen all over again.
The richest men in the past makes the richest man of today look like paupers. At 240 billion Elon Musk is the richest man currently. Adjusted for inflation Genghis Khan would have been worth 130 trillion dollars.
Sorry bout that,

1. Kiss your ass goodbye, the ends near.
2. Are the agencies of the world backing away from helping humanity thrive, they knowing its coming.
3. They are seeing the power of God, and know that its inevitable.
4. Human beings days may indeed be coming to an end.
5. And there is nothing that can be done about it.
6. We are *ALL* going to die!
7. One day!
8. Stay tuned, your next breath, may end up being your last breath, with radiation enhanced fumes.
9. Well you didn't pay anything to get here, and you could of been aborted, so no great loss.
10. Some of you will feel and have no harm, and will be ushered into the Heavenly.
11. Others.

If the republicans lose there will be a civil war in the US, many people will perish. The end of democracy. you right, we all got to die someday, there is not god.
Sorry bout that,

1. Kiss your ass goodbye, the ends near.
2. Are the agencies of the world backing away from helping humanity thrive, they knowing its coming.
3. They are seeing the power of God, and know that its inevitable.
4. Human beings days may indeed be coming to an end.
5. And there is nothing that can be done about it.
6. We are *ALL* going to die!
7. One day!
8. Stay tuned, your next breath, may end up being your last breath, with radiation enhanced fumes.
9. Well you didn't pay anything to get here, and you could of been aborted, so no great loss.
10. Some of you will feel and have no harm, and will be ushered into the Heavenly.
11. Others.


Most people realize something very big is afoot.
Sorry bout that,

1. Kiss your ass goodbye, the ends near.
2. Are the agencies of the world backing away from helping humanity thrive, they knowing its coming.
3. They are seeing the power of God, and know that its inevitable.
4. Human beings days may indeed be coming to an end.
5. And there is nothing that can be done about it.
6. We are *ALL* going to die!
7. One day!
8. Stay tuned, your next breath, may end up being your last breath, with radiation enhanced fumes.
9. Well you didn't pay anything to get here, and you could of been aborted, so no great loss.
10. Some of you will feel and have no harm, and will be ushered into the Heavenly.
11. Others.

While a large scale global conflict may indeed be on the horizon; it's no reason to fear death. Death will occur even in times of peace. What serves one better is to pay attention to the changes happening around you, and preparing accordingly. Not in a bid for unattainable immortality; but rather, in a bid for the continuity of normalcy for you, and those you love.
If the republicans lose there will be a civil war in the US, many people will perish. The end of democracy. you right, we all got to die someday, there is not god.
Sorry bout that,

1. God is, you on the other hand are expendable.
2. Just another lost soul, thrown on the wood pile of, eternity.
3. There is time for you, but not much time.

What they're not telling us that the gravity of the sun's hidden companion star has already disrupted objects in the Oort Cloud. Killer Komets are already on the way in......

The anti-fossil fuel Climate Change Cult policies will cause wars and famine.

https://www.economist.com › leaders › 2022 › 05 › 19 › the-coming-food-catastrophe

The coming food catastrophe | The Economist

May 19, 2022António Guterres, the un secretary general, warned on May 18th that the coming months threaten "the spectre of a global food shortage" that could last for years. The high cost of staple foods has...
https://www.newser.com › story › 318721 › un-food-chief-sees-catastrophe-on-top-of-a-catastrophe.html

UN Food Chief Sees 'Catastrophe on Top of a Catastrophe'

Mar 30, 2022Ukraine and Russia produce 30% of the world's wheat supply, 20% of its corn, and 75% to 80% of the sunflower seed oil. The World Food Program buys 50% of its grain from Ukraine, he said.

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