Does Obama have a "real" jobs plan or just more govt spending?

Is Obamas plan for jobs going to be.....

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Based on performance to date, why should I cut him any slack?
Uhm, cause you do with Bush. You don't want to count the first 3 years of his presidency or the last year (cause that was bad year) and you only want to focus on the few good years. Why not extend that courtesy to Obama?

I'll tell you the truth, if I thought he was really willing to compromise with the GOP, I might cut him some slack. But he's never been willing to change what he wants

Holy. Shit.

Seriously, you need to watch news that is NOT Fox News.

I look at Bush43's record and see that he had to deal with the recession as he entered office, nowhere near as bad as what Obama inherited but it wasn't a bowl of cherries either. Then he had to deal with 9/11, which was no little thing. He kept us safe and he went after the pricks that were responsible, and he managed to spur the economy into a good 5 year growth until the credit and housing bubbles collapsed.

His fault? No more than the rest of the pols on both sides over the past 20 years prior. Say what you want, he made his share of mistakes by not paying for 2 wars and the drug prescription program.

But there ain't nothing I can point to that Obama did that was good, other than the killing of OBL. Good call, credit due, but it's not like he didn't have the benefit of intelligence gathered before he got into the WH, AND he might not have ever gathered that intel after he went after the CIA for doing EITs.

His decisions for improving the economy sucked, no other way to say it. Yeah it was a bad situation but he didn't improve it. He hasn't done anything to pull us out of the hole we're in, and don't blame the repubs either. He had 2 years before the GOP took over the House and he squandered it on ObamaCare and Dodd/Frank, never of which are helping to create jobs and may in fact be hurting job creation.

So - your guy has truly sucked in his job performance so far, he and Jimmy Carter rank as the worst all time presidents to me.

And BTW, maybe you should get away from MSNBC, those guys are really pathetic.

you left out one thing...despite harsh opposition and cries of "reconsider", Obama pushed and utlimately signed a stimulus plan that cost us 3/4 of a trillion dollars of borrowed money that did exactly what the opposition said it would do...nothing of any real value.
Dumb shit, I work in the banking of the heaviest regulated businesses in the nation. Banks were forced to do mortgage lending against their better judgement by the government. You need to quit watching MSNBC and educate yourself if you don't want to be laughed off the board. Isn't junior high starting soon?

Federal Regulations Helped Spawn Mortgage Crisis

Affordable Housing, Diversity Mandates Caused Mortgage Crisis

Being a teller don't count as working in the banking industry.

All I need to see is your right wing propaganda website that you are using to "prove" your point. Stop watching FOX and drinking the Tea Party Koolaid. I don't understand HOW you people can be so critical of everything.... except your own side. Nooooo... an organization like OPENMARKET.ORG wouldn't be biased... not at all. I'll tell you what.. I'll go to Huffpo and expect you to take it as gospel.

At least my article on Glass/Steagal was from an unbiased source.

Sniff Sniff I am tearing up. Oh yeah I forgot to return the favor.

Didn't you deride someone earlier for using "talking points"? Wow! :eusa_whistle:

They're not talking points because I didn't get it from another source. I've actually read about the causes of the financial meltdown.

That reminds me that I left out (at least) one of the culprits. It is the bankers who turned their backs on their responsiblity to perform due diligence regarding verifying the incomes of anyone applying for a home loan. But no, they were too busy worrying that if they didn't make the loans, some other bank would.

And, of course, they didn't hold on to the risky paper they wrote. They dumped it on the secondary market.

Dumb shit, I work in the banking of the heaviest regulated businesses in the nation. Banks were forced to do mortgage lending against their better judgement by the government. You need to quit watching MSNBC and educate yourself if you don't want to be laughed off the board. Isn't junior high starting soon?

Federal Regulations Helped Spawn Mortgage Crisis

Affordable Housing, Diversity Mandates Caused Mortgage Crisis

CEI? Really?

The problem with saying that banks were FORCED by the gov't to make bad loans to people who couldn't afford the payments is the fact that not all banks did so. In fact, some banks (particularly smaller regional banks) actually refused to make loans to anyone who wasn't buying a home as their primary residence. They were able to avoid loaning money to the very speculators that were driving up home prices, and the gov't couldn't and didn't do a thing about it because the banks were merely assuring that the loans did not have undue risk attached to them.
Dumb shit, I work in the banking of the heaviest regulated businesses in the nation. Banks were forced to do mortgage lending against their better judgement by the government. You need to quit watching MSNBC and educate yourself if you don't want to be laughed off the board. Isn't junior high starting soon?

Federal Regulations Helped Spawn Mortgage Crisis

Affordable Housing, Diversity Mandates Caused Mortgage Crisis

Being a teller don't count as working in the banking industry.

All I need to see is your right wing propaganda website that you are using to "prove" your point. Stop watching FOX and drinking the Tea Party Koolaid. I don't understand HOW you people can be so critical of everything.... except your own side. Nooooo... an organization like OPENMARKET.ORG wouldn't be biased... not at all. I'll tell you what.. I'll go to Huffpo and expect you to take it as gospel.

At least my article on Glass/Steagal was from an unbiased source.

Yes........30+ years as a teller. Moron. Go ask your mom for a glass of milk and a cookie and then go do your homework Pee Wee.

You must have missed all the links to the liberal NYT backing up the right wing propaganda story. :cuckoo:

You junior high school liberals keep setting them up and we'll keep knocking them down for you.
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Dumb shit, I work in the banking of the heaviest regulated businesses in the nation. Banks were forced to do mortgage lending against their better judgement by the government. You need to quit watching MSNBC and educate yourself if you don't want to be laughed off the board. Isn't junior high starting soon?

Federal Regulations Helped Spawn Mortgage Crisis

Affordable Housing, Diversity Mandates Caused Mortgage Crisis

Being a teller don't count as working in the banking industry.

All I need to see is your right wing propaganda website that you are using to "prove" your point. Stop watching FOX and drinking the Tea Party Koolaid. I don't understand HOW you people can be so critical of everything.... except your own side. Nooooo... an organization like OPENMARKET.ORG wouldn't be biased... not at all. I'll tell you what.. I'll go to Huffpo and expect you to take it as gospel.

At least my article on Glass/Steagal was from an unbiased source.

Excuse me steelplate...I can not let this go without a response. The banks were absolutely urged by the federal government to show more equality as it pertained to their lending practices...not a race issue...but a community issue....and yes, race had a lot to do with it.
And the urging was not a simple "please do it" was more of a "do it or we will cite you for discrimination"....

As a settlement attorney (represents the lenders) wife watned me that the whole thing is going to collapse on us...she saw it over 8 years ago. She saw the applicatoions..the incomes.....the approvals......she saw the federal grants......and she knew it was coming.

Yet Barney Frank, despite being warned, didnt.

That is the part I dont understand.
Dumb shit, I work in the banking of the heaviest regulated businesses in the nation. Banks were forced to do mortgage lending against their better judgement by the government. You need to quit watching MSNBC and educate yourself if you don't want to be laughed off the board. Isn't junior high starting soon?

Federal Regulations Helped Spawn Mortgage Crisis

Affordable Housing, Diversity Mandates Caused Mortgage Crisis

Being a teller don't count as working in the banking industry.

All I need to see is your right wing propaganda website that you are using to "prove" your point. Stop watching FOX and drinking the Tea Party Koolaid. I don't understand HOW you people can be so critical of everything.... except your own side. Nooooo... an organization like OPENMARKET.ORG wouldn't be biased... not at all. I'll tell you what.. I'll go to Huffpo and expect you to take it as gospel.

At least my article on Glass/Steagal was from an unbiased source.

Sniff Sniff I am tearing up. Oh yeah I forgot to return the favor.

:fu::fu::fu: guys don't mind calling us out when we post something from a site you don't like. How typical and telling that all you have to offer is a smiley face flipping me off.
Being a teller don't count as working in the banking industry.

All I need to see is your right wing propaganda website that you are using to "prove" your point. Stop watching FOX and drinking the Tea Party Koolaid. I don't understand HOW you people can be so critical of everything.... except your own side. Nooooo... an organization like OPENMARKET.ORG wouldn't be biased... not at all. I'll tell you what.. I'll go to Huffpo and expect you to take it as gospel.

At least my article on Glass/Steagal was from an unbiased source.

Sniff Sniff I am tearing up. Oh yeah I forgot to return the favor.

:fu::fu::fu: guys don't mind calling us out when we post something from a site you don't like. How typical and telling that all you have to offer is a smiley face flipping me off.

yeah...I agree......childish shit....gets us nowhere....and ruins a good debate.
Whatever......I tend to ignore it.
Dumb shit, I work in the banking of the heaviest regulated businesses in the nation. Banks were forced to do mortgage lending against their better judgement by the government. You need to quit watching MSNBC and educate yourself if you don't want to be laughed off the board. Isn't junior high starting soon?

Federal Regulations Helped Spawn Mortgage Crisis

Affordable Housing, Diversity Mandates Caused Mortgage Crisis

Being a teller don't count as working in the banking industry.

All I need to see is your right wing propaganda website that you are using to "prove" your point. Stop watching FOX and drinking the Tea Party Koolaid. I don't understand HOW you people can be so critical of everything.... except your own side. Nooooo... an organization like OPENMARKET.ORG wouldn't be biased... not at all. I'll tell you what.. I'll go to Huffpo and expect you to take it as gospel.

At least my article on Glass/Steagal was from an unbiased source.

Excuse me steelplate...I can not let this go without a response. The banks were absolutely urged by the federal government to show more equality as it pertained to their lending practices...not a race issue...but a community issue....and yes, race had a lot to do with it.
And the urging was not a simple "please do it" was more of a "do it or we will cite you for discrimination"....

As a settlement attorney (represents the lenders) wife watned me that the whole thing is going to collapse on us...she saw it over 8 years ago. She saw the applicatoions..the incomes.....the approvals......she saw the federal grants......and she knew it was coming.

Yet Barney Frank, despite being warned, didnt.

That is the part I dont understand.

Once again...the Glass/Steagal repeal that allowed the selling and reselling of derivatives and Subprime mortgages did more than any thing Freddie or Fannie did. It was profiteering and greed that collapsed the Banking sector. I am not saying that you don't have a point at all... just that you are trying to blame everything on one aspect and turn a blind eye towards the major contributors.
Being a teller don't count as working in the banking industry.

All I need to see is your right wing propaganda website that you are using to "prove" your point. Stop watching FOX and drinking the Tea Party Koolaid. I don't understand HOW you people can be so critical of everything.... except your own side. Nooooo... an organization like OPENMARKET.ORG wouldn't be biased... not at all. I'll tell you what.. I'll go to Huffpo and expect you to take it as gospel.

At least my article on Glass/Steagal was from an unbiased source.

Excuse me steelplate...I can not let this go without a response. The banks were absolutely urged by the federal government to show more equality as it pertained to their lending practices...not a race issue...but a community issue....and yes, race had a lot to do with it.
And the urging was not a simple "please do it" was more of a "do it or we will cite you for discrimination"....

As a settlement attorney (represents the lenders) wife watned me that the whole thing is going to collapse on us...she saw it over 8 years ago. She saw the applicatoions..the incomes.....the approvals......she saw the federal grants......and she knew it was coming.

Yet Barney Frank, despite being warned, didnt.

That is the part I dont understand.

Once again...the Glass/Steagal repeal that allowed the selling and reselling of derivatives and Subprime mortgages did more than any thing Freddie or Fannie did. It was profiteering and greed that collapsed the Banking sector. I am not saying that you don't have a point at all... just that you are trying to blame everything on one aspect and turn a blind eye towards the major contributors.

no no....dont get me wrong....

There was an opportunity for the whores to capitalize on an issue created by the government...and the whores did. I agree.

But that is why we have "committees" make sure government policies dont allow the whores to profit from mistakes that are created by the government policies.

Hey...the whores cant hurt you if you dont let them......but our government let us down....they forced a policy that opened the door for the whores....and they turned a blind eye as the whores capitalized.

I blame government. If you arent willing to oversee the mess you may make, then make dam sure you dont make the mess.
I can't believe that he hasn't released the details of his plan to the public. If he really had a legit plan wouldn't he want it known now so the public has time to put pressure on their congressmen while they are home visiting the people they represent?

On the contrary, I don't think his plan is anything more than stimulus and taxes. Neither of which will work any better than his last failed stimulus. This man is completely clueless.

The reason Obama didn't release any details of his plan during his Mordor look a like bus job tour--is because--HE DOESN'T HAVE A PLAN.

If Obama had a plan he would have released it during his jobs tour. He is waiting for someone ELSE to come up with a plan--put in on paper--and then he can come out and deliver another perfectly pronounced speech about it.

One Big Ass Mistake America


Here he is at Martha's Vineyard right now.
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Of course, to Pub dupe/Fox/Rushbots, the jobs bills Pubs are blocking NOW would be brainwashed morons...

BTW- Obama is working on it on Martha's Vineyard, shytteheads...

Newsvine - Small Business Jobs Bill BLOCKED By GOP
Small Business Jobs Bill BLOCKED By GOP ... republicans, gop, small-business, jobs, bill-blocked
A bill that would have eliminated a tax break that companies get when they ship jobs overseas. Republicans blocked this, allowing companies to keep the tax break they ...
Why have Republicans blocked bills that would have created jobs?
Best Answer: Because that is their stated goal. To throw roadblocks in front of any good President Obama might accomplish. OBSTRUCTIONISTS.
I can't believe that he hasn't released the details of his plan to the public. If he really had a legit plan wouldn't he want it known now so the public has time to put pressure on their congressmen while they are home visiting the people they represent?

On the contrary, I don't think his plan is anything more than stimulus and taxes. Neither of which will work any better than his last failed stimulus. This man is completely clueless.

have you not noticed the Multiple Threads asking where the GOP jobs Bills are? These Libs think the only way to create Jobs is with Government Spending. The Refuse to accept that often the best way the Government can create Jobs is by loosening Regulations and lowering taxes on the Job Creators.

Obama is no different, so the answer is no. He has no plan other than Spending money.
Obama is no different, so the answer is no. He has no plan other than Spending money.

And you think another round of stimulus is not a plan?

I said his only PLAN! is to spend more money?

Is it a plan? yes. Is it a good plan? Hell no.

We can not afford to add more debt, and Obama style Stimulus gets you at best some temporary construction Positions and virtually no Private Sector Job Growth.

Only Growth of the Private Sector can both Give us the Numbers of Jobs we need, and increase tax Revenues with out increasing taxes.

Growth is what we desperately need, and Spending money on Roads, and hiring more Bureaucrats is not a very effective way to grow an economy.
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Govt jobs a lot of times are a complete waste of our tax dollars. Here where I live they are repaving all the streets in our neighborhood. Thing is, there was nothing wrong with them to begin with. Likewise, they are digging up perfectly good sidewalks just to widen them.

There is a tremendous amount of waste in so called govt jobs.

That would be a real way to cut spending.

Get rid of waste and fraud. Incorporate proper audits.

We could likely cut military and medicare/medicaid spending by a double digit percentage.

but we need laws with teeth in them for govt fraud.

for instance the fine should be 200% of the amount defrauded.
Lets not make the fine just a cost of doing business.
Republicans used to believe in jobs bills. Now they're a bunch of a-holes who'll do anything for power to steal again, and the mindless dupes of their propaganda machine.
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Should the government stop all spending?

How can you stop them...It's what they do best...and now the plan is another Fuc......
stimulus plan...How much this time...1 Trillion,2 Trillion,3 Trillion......How much will you guys
want to spend now.:confused:

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