- May 1, 2009
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Russia and the United States will never become great allies because the US has nothing to offer Russia. Russia offers the US to main incentives. Oil and Lumber. They are a great supplier of oil in the world. And they export a reasonable amount of lumber. But what would the US offer back? We could promise them to be military allies and give them advice when needed...But why would the Russians want that. The majority of the powerful politicians and military leaders in Russia are nationalists and think that they don't need advice from lazy Amerciasn. And military allies doesn't favor them at all. My theory is that now that Russia's economy is starting to get back on track and they feel like they are gaining power by the second they plan on rebuilding something similar to the Soviet Union again. People say that they invaded Georgia over some political or religious issues, or whatever happened there. But i believe they were just testing the waters, and seeing how the world would react if they tried to take over smaller, weaker countries. And what happened? The US made some "menacing" threats. lol. But thats just my conspiracy. What do you guys think? I may be an idiot. Tell me the truth. And if anyone can tell me where I got my name from I will mail you 100 dollars. lol