Do the Ds realize that they are making Trump and the Rs Look Good?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Here in FL the Ds picked the furthest left candidate in the primary making de Santis a certain, hold your nose while you vote, shoe in for Governor.

The Antifa D stormtroopers are solidifying support for the Rs in house and senate races.

Why do this, other than to blow another gimme election?
Here in FL the Ds picked the furthest left candidate in the primary making de Santis a certain, hold your nose while you vote, shoe in for Governor.

The Antifa D stormtroopers are solidifying support for the Rs in house and senate races.

Why do this, other than to blow another gimme election?

Not sure, don't care. :)

Super Whackadoodleness is my guess. :cuckoo:

State Mental Hospitals need to be re-opened.
Here in FL the Ds picked the furthest left candidate in the primary making de Santis a certain, hold your nose while you vote, shoe in for Governor.

The Antifa D stormtroopers are solidifying support for the Rs in house and senate races.

Why do this, other than to blow another gimme election?
More of this Democrats-should-run-as-Republican-light claptrap.

Florida is home to the largest number of LOW IQ people in the nation. So what is new.
I love it that Trump has forced Dem's to show their true colors. If they were smart they would lie like they did in 2008 and pretend to be conservatives.
Here in FL the Ds picked the furthest left candidate in the primary making de Santis a certain, hold your nose while you vote, shoe in for Governor.

The Antifa D stormtroopers are solidifying support for the Rs in house and senate races.

Why do this, other than to blow another gimme election?

Because this has been the trajectory for the party for a very, very, long time.

It's just that with over half of young people seeing socialism as a positive thing, thanks to decades of educational indoctrination and propaganda through the media, they feel that it is finally safe to come out of the closet.
Here in FL the Ds picked the furthest left candidate in the primary making de Santis a certain, hold your nose while you vote, shoe in for Governor.

The Antifa D stormtroopers are solidifying support for the Rs in house and senate races.

Why do this, other than to blow another gimme election?

The Democrats are going to muff up the next Presidential election bigly. No matter what Trump does, the Democratic reaction is always the same: Outrage and autistic screeching. They can’t even bring themselves to give him credit for bringing American hostages home from North Korea, causing a boom in the economy, or for fulfilling a plank of the Democratic Party platform by moving our embassy to Jerusalem. The Democrat's little tirades, threats, and fear-mongering are doing nothing but further convincing millions of Americans who abandoned the Democratic Party in 2016, that they made the right choice.
Here in FL the Ds picked the furthest left candidate in the primary making de Santis a certain, hold your nose while you vote, shoe in for Governor.

The Antifa D stormtroopers are solidifying support for the Rs in house and senate races.

Why do this, other than to blow another gimme election?

This is Florida, home of the well hung Chad.
Here in FL the Ds picked the furthest left candidate in the primary making de Santis a certain, hold your nose while you vote, shoe in for Governor.

The Antifa D stormtroopers are solidifying support for the Rs in house and senate races.

Why do this, other than to blow another gimme election?


Why does this post remind me so much of "Hillary can't lose".
Here in FL the Ds picked the furthest left candidate in the primary making de Santis a certain, hold your nose while you vote, shoe in for Governor.

The Antifa D stormtroopers are solidifying support for the Rs in house and senate races.

Why do this, other than to blow another gimme election?

The Democrats are going to muff up the next Presidential election bigly. No matter what Trump does, the Democratic reaction is always the same: Outrage and autistic screeching. They can’t even bring themselves to give him credit for bringing American hostages home from North Korea, causing a boom in the economy, or for fulfilling a plank of the Democratic Party platform by moving our embassy to Jerusalem. The Democrat's little tirades, threats, and fear-mongering are doing nothing but further convincing millions of Americans who abandoned the Democratic Party in 2016, that they made the right choice.

Trump already owns all the popular issues, what are Dem's going to run on?
Here in FL the Ds picked the furthest left candidate in the primary making de Santis a certain, hold your nose while you vote, shoe in for Governor.

The Antifa D stormtroopers are solidifying support for the Rs in house and senate races.

Why do this, other than to blow another gimme election?

They can't help it, bless their hearts. It's that perpetual victimitis they won't see a doctor about. Maybe they can get Dr.Jill Biden, who has a Doctorate in education, to teach them to grow up after she becomes FLOTUS..
Here in FL the Ds picked the furthest left candidate in the primary making de Santis a certain, hold your nose while you vote, shoe in for Governor.

The Antifa D stormtroopers are solidifying support for the Rs in house and senate races.

Why do this, other than to blow another gimme election?

The Democrats are going to muff up the next Presidential election bigly. No matter what Trump does, the Democratic reaction is always the same: Outrage and autistic screeching. They can’t even bring themselves to give him credit for bringing American hostages home from North Korea, causing a boom in the economy, or for fulfilling a plank of the Democratic Party platform by moving our embassy to Jerusalem. The Democrat's little tirades, threats, and fear-mongering are doing nothing but further convincing millions of Americans who abandoned the Democratic Party in 2016, that they made the right choice.

Trump already owns all the popular issues, what are Dem's going to run on?

According to the splash page on the Dem's website, they're running to obstruct the next SC Justice...

"A vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court is a vote to overturn Roe v. Wade and gut the Affordable Care Act."
Oh look, a concern troll thread. The Trump cultists are so very concerned about what the Democrats are doing.

Not coincidentally, their concern ratchets up whenever Democrats are smacking Republicans around. They're very concerned that Democrats will keep smacking Republicans around.

Trump cultists, thanks for the confirmation that Democrats should keep on doing what they're doing. After all, you wouldn't be so concerned if the Democrats were adopting a losing strategy.
Oh look, a concern troll thread. The Trump cultists are so very concerned about what the Democrats are doing.

Not coincidentally, their concern ratchets up whenever Democrats are smacking Republicans around. They're very concerned that Democrats will keep smacking Republicans around.

Trump cultists, thanks for the confirmation that Democrats should keep on doing what they're doing. After all, you wouldn't be so concerned if the Democrats were adopting a losing strategy.

Do I detect a hint of surliness in your tone?

No, Democrats don't realize that because they are so arrogant, they are too far up their own assholes to be capable of self-awareness and self-examination. I have a bunch of stupid, preening, Islam-cocksucking, self-righteous liberal hobgoblins in my own family and they honestly believe most Americans believe in the same PC-crazed, American-hating, white-hating, 3rd-world-worshipping values they do. They even flip out and SCREAM at me when I mention provable FACTS about Pisslam's daily human rights atrocities. Only my dear old dad is intelligent enough to realize the things about PC liberalism that I do.

Even though every social trend indicates most Americans are TIRED of the constant liberal self-hating-white-American, crybaby, censorship-happy violent hatred of Western culture, they still think everyone else thinks exactly like them. Even though Western culture is the most demonstrably SUPERIOR culture in the history of mankind; when it comes to technological achievements and human rights achievements, nobody can remotely compare to the West. Which shows how fucking IGNORANT these fucked-up, stupid traitors these Islam-fellatrix liberalfilth really are.
Here in FL the Ds picked the furthest left candidate in the primary making de Santis a certain, hold your nose while you vote, shoe in for Governor.

The Antifa D stormtroopers are solidifying support for the Rs in house and senate races.

Why do this, other than to blow another gimme election?

Pure cognitive dissonance, I assure you. Leftism is a mental illness and when you're that sick, you have to barricade yourself in with a bubble of emotional protection. It was pure denial that left them blind to Trump's pending chances and victory, it is pure disbelief that keeps them in denial. Now they've manufactured this fictitious "blue-wave" to buoy their spirits blind to the imminent defeat that awaits them in November unless Sessions puts half the GOP under indictment. Now the Mueller things has panned out like a wet fuse. When you cannot face reality, all you have left is the belief that what you did wasn't wrong, wasn't your fault, and you only need to redouble your efforts and do MORE of it!

That's what is most fun about the DNC: the Left have driven them to such extremes now they are like a head-on train collision in slow motion. We can only watch the devastation in awe that they had their foot floored on the gas pedal all the way to the end.
Republicans are going to have lots of Puerto Ricans voting against them this time around.
Lots of them moved their from PR, and they do NOT like the Republican Party with now.
No, Democrats don't realize that because they are so arrogant, they are too far up their own assholes to be capable of self-awareness and self-examination. I have a bunch of stupid, preening, Islam-cocksucking, self-righteous liberal hobgoblins in my own family and they honestly believe most Americans believe in the same PC-crazed, American-hating, white-hating, 3rd-world-worshipping values they do. They even flip out and SCREAM at me when I mention provable FACTS about Pisslam's daily human rights atrocities. Only my dear old dad is intelligent enough to realize the things about PC liberalism that I do.

Translation: "my whole family knows I'm a nutbag so that proves I'm right and they're all wrong"

Even though every social trend indicates most Americans are TIRED of the constant liberal self-hating-white-American, crybaby, censorship-happy violent hatred of Western culture, they still think everyone else thinks exactly like them. Even though Western culture is the most demonstrably SUPERIOR culture in the history of mankind; when it comes to technological achievements and human rights achievements, nobody can remotely compare to the West. Which shows how fucking IGNORANT these fucked-up, stupid traitors these Islam-fellatrix liberalfilth really are.

"But I definitely don't have arrogance issues. Yah. Yah, definitely don't have an arrogance problem. Course, People's Court at six-thirty, People's Court".

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