Do liberals really don't know this answer?

Yea yea. The slowest recovery ever and the left don't know the reason why, 8 years?

The Great Recession was the deepest recession this country has gone through since the Great Depression.
Below is a chart that should help people visualize the depth of this recession versus other recessions.
People should note that America's last three recessions, were the three longest recessions. The 1990 recession is the third longest since 1948 and the 2001 the second longest. Yet four earlier recessions where more profound but lasted a shorter time period than the 2001 recession.
It's easy to see there is a trend here. Recessions are lasting longer.
I also added a chart showing the flat wage trend dating back to the early eighties. In constant dollars, the average hourly wage earner is making less than in the 1970s'
Is it possible that over 30 years of flat wages have played into why our recessions have lasted longer, considering we have a consumer spending driven economy?


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So there's no need for tax increases and wealth redistribution, awesome!

What would make you say that?

Things are so awesome under Obama there's no longer any need.
The current distribution of wealth is due to 30 years of republican imposed supply side economics

Why should we continue policies that do not work?

Stop deflecting, you said things were awesome under Obama so I said fantastic then we don't need tax increases and wealth redistribution. Hell why bother with $26 trillion in new household wealth. You libs its so easy to smack you knuckleheads around. lol

You seem to confuse the economy and demographics within the economy

There is no denying the economy has rebounded under Obama....imagine what he could have done without Republicans dragging their feet
The main reason that investment in the US was low was because of Congress, they were unreliable and would not pass laws..It was a stalemate that business wanted to ride out..
I saw this reply in another thread

it does not affect me either, but that is neither here nor there when it becomes apparent that the wealthy have no interest in using their funds to re-invest in the USA, plus citizen entrepreneurship is at an all time low....
Does the following ring a bell?
1. Obamas thousands of new regulations
2. Obama care
3. Our high cooperate tax rate
4. Obama being a liberal president
5. Obama pen and a phone and god knows what the little wanabe dictator Will do next

who would want to invest with this President and create jobs?

8 million new jobs underObama
Stock Market more than doubled
10 million more have health insurance
Unemployment dropped by 4.5 %
Household wealth up $26 TRILLION
Most new jobs are part time.
How many billions of tax dollars have been put into the market. Hell I hope it would go up.
10 million out of 40 million a failure
I don't trust the liar in chief on anything he says. For a good reason.
More people on welfare, ever.
Now go one and brag about the failure you voted for.

Sorry....didn't bother to read past your first claim

NO, there is no data supporting your claim that most jobs are part time
Yea yea. The slowest recovery ever and the left don't know the reason why, 8 years?

The Great Recession was the deepest recession this country has gone through since the Great Depression.
Below is a chart that should help people visualize the depth of this recession versus other recessions.
People should note that America's last three recessions, were the three longest recessions. The 1990 recession is the third longest since 1948 and the 2001 the second longest. Yet four earlier recessions where more profound but lasted a shorter time period than the 2001 recession.
It's easy to see there is a trend here. Recessions are lasting longer.
I also added a chart showing the flat wage trend dating back to the early eighties. In constant dollars, the average hourly wage earner is making less than in the 1970s'
Is it possible that over 30 years of flat wages have played into why our recessions have lasted longer, considering we have a consumer spending driven economy?
As usual you miss it. The trend is that government is doing more and more when each recession hits. This prolongs the recession and makes the next recovery weaker. Which is exactly what we've seen.
The wealthy are like corporations, they are not patriotic and they haven't invested in America in a very long time, no matter who is in the Oval Office.

We could eliminate every tax and every regulation on US corporation and they'd still go to China for the cheap labor.
Of course they will because poor ass people like you will still buying crap that falls apart at Walmart and the local dollar store made in China

Dumb fucks
Yea yea. The slowest recovery ever and the left don't know the reason why, 8 years?

The Great Recession was the deepest recession this country has gone through since the Great Depression.
Below is a chart that should help people visualize the depth of this recession versus other recessions.
People should note that America's last three recessions, were the three longest recessions. The 1990 recession is the third longest since 1948 and the 2001 the second longest. Yet four earlier recessions where more profound but lasted a shorter time period than the 2001 recession.
It's easy to see there is a trend here. Recessions are lasting longer.
I also added a chart showing the flat wage trend dating back to the early eighties. In constant dollars, the average hourly wage earner is making less than in the 1970s'
Is it possible that over 30 years of flat wages have played into why our recessions have lasted longer, considering we have a consumer spending driven economy?
As usual you miss it. The trend is that government is doing more and more when each recession hits. This prolongs the recession and makes the next recovery weaker. Which is exactly what we've seen.
If only we could do like the social Darwin's of the 19th century and let those afflicted by crashes, panics and depression die in the streets...
I saw this reply in another thread

it does not affect me either, but that is neither here nor there when it becomes apparent that the wealthy have no interest in using their funds to re-invest in the USA, plus citizen entrepreneurship is at an all time low....
Does the following ring a bell?
1. Obamas thousands of new regulations
2. Obama care
3. Our high cooperate tax rate
4. Obama being a liberal president
5. Obama pen and a phone and god knows what the little wanabe dictator Will do next

who would want to invest with this President and create jobs?

8 million new jobs underObama
Stock Market more than doubled
10 million more have health insurance
Unemployment dropped by 4.5 %
Household wealth up $26 TRILLION
Most new jobs are part time.
How many billions of tax dollars have been put into the market. Hell I hope it would go up.
10 million out of 40 million a failure
I don't trust the liar in chief on anything he says. For a good reason.
More people on welfare, ever.
Now go one and brag about the failure you voted for.

Sorry....didn't bother to read past your first claim

NO, there is no data supporting your claim that most jobs are part time
Obamacare took care of full time jobs. Also by liberal data has left 30 million uninsured. Unless y'all were lying in the beginning about the uninsured numbers. Can I say Gruber?
What would make you say that?

Things are so awesome under Obama there's no longer any need.
The current distribution of wealth is due to 30 years of republican imposed supply side economics

Why should we continue policies that do not work?

Stop deflecting, you said things were awesome under Obama so I said fantastic then we don't need tax increases and wealth redistribution. Hell why bother with $26 trillion in new household wealth. You libs its so easy to smack you knuckleheads around. lol

You seem to confuse the economy and demographics within the economy

There is no denying the economy has rebounded under Obama....imagine what he could have done without Republicans dragging their feet
The main reason that investment in the US was low was because of Congress, they were unreliable and would not pass laws..It was a stalemate that business wanted to ride out..

Oh please, THOUSANDS of new Obama administration regulations had no effect? Those low life scum liberal freaks yanking permits and approvals on new businesses at the last minute by making up new rules or moving the goal posts had no effect? Democrat senators in some states sending Obama scathing angry letters on this crap, did you miss that too?

I have come to a conclusion, liberals are unrepentant LIARS!
I saw this reply in another thread

it does not affect me either, but that is neither here nor there when it becomes apparent that the wealthy have no interest in using their funds to re-invest in the USA, plus citizen entrepreneurship is at an all time low....
Does the following ring a bell?
1. Obamas thousands of new regulations
2. Obama care
3. Our high cooperate tax rate
4. Obama being a liberal president
5. Obama pen and a phone and god knows what the little wanabe dictator Will do next

who would want to invest with this President and create jobs?

8 million new jobs underObama
Stock Market more than doubled
10 million more have health insurance
Unemployment dropped by 4.5 %
Household wealth up $26 TRILLION
Most new jobs are part time.
How many billions of tax dollars have been put into the market. Hell I hope it would go up.
10 million out of 40 million a failure
I don't trust the liar in chief on anything he says. For a good reason.
More people on welfare, ever.
Now go one and brag about the failure you voted for.

Sorry....didn't bother to read past your first claim

NO, there is no data supporting your claim that most jobs are part time
Obamacare took care of full time jobs. Also by liberal data has left 30 million uninsured. Unless y'all were lying in the beginning about the uninsured numbers. Can I say Gruber?
The health care for profit sector saw no decline in jobs after Obalamcare was initiated....
Things are so awesome under Obama there's no longer any need.
The current distribution of wealth is due to 30 years of republican imposed supply side economics

Why should we continue policies that do not work?

Stop deflecting, you said things were awesome under Obama so I said fantastic then we don't need tax increases and wealth redistribution. Hell why bother with $26 trillion in new household wealth. You libs its so easy to smack you knuckleheads around. lol

You seem to confuse the economy and demographics within the economy

There is no denying the economy has rebounded under Obama....imagine what he could have done without Republicans dragging their feet
The main reason that investment in the US was low was because of Congress, they were unreliable and would not pass laws..It was a stalemate that business wanted to ride out..

Oh please, THOUSANDS of new Obama administration regulations had no effect? Those low life scum liberal freaks yanking permits and approvals on new businesses at the last minute by making up new rules or moving the goal posts had no effect? Democrat senators in some states sending Obama scathing angry letters on this crap, did you miss that too?

I have come to a conclusion, liberals are unrepentant LIARS!
We follow after Rush Limpballs...
I saw this reply in another thread

Does the following ring a bell?
1. Obamas thousands of new regulations
2. Obama care
3. Our high cooperate tax rate
4. Obama being a liberal president
5. Obama pen and a phone and god knows what the little wanabe dictator Will do next

who would want to invest with this President and create jobs?

8 million new jobs underObama
Stock Market more than doubled
10 million more have health insurance
Unemployment dropped by 4.5 %
Household wealth up $26 TRILLION
Most new jobs are part time.
How many billions of tax dollars have been put into the market. Hell I hope it would go up.
10 million out of 40 million a failure
I don't trust the liar in chief on anything he says. For a good reason.
More people on welfare, ever.
Now go one and brag about the failure you voted for.

Sorry....didn't bother to read past your first claim

NO, there is no data supporting your claim that most jobs are part time
Obamacare took care of full time jobs. Also by liberal data has left 30 million uninsured. Unless y'all were lying in the beginning about the uninsured numbers. Can I say Gruber?
The health care for profit sector saw no decline in jobs after Obalamcare was initiated....
You've been Grubered! Lol
I saw this reply in another thread

it does not affect me either, but that is neither here nor there when it becomes apparent that the wealthy have no interest in using their funds to re-invest in the USA, plus citizen entrepreneurship is at an all time low....
Does the following ring a bell?
1. Obamas thousands of new regulations
2. Obama care
3. Our high cooperate tax rate
4. Obama being a liberal president
5. Obama pen and a phone and god knows what the little wanabe dictator Will do next

who would want to invest with this President and create jobs?

8 million new jobs underObama
Stock Market more than doubled
10 million more have health insurance
Unemployment dropped by 4.5 %
Household wealth up $26 TRILLION
Most new jobs are part time.
How many billions of tax dollars have been put into the market. Hell I hope it would go up.
10 million out of 40 million a failure
I don't trust the liar in chief on anything he says. For a good reason.
More people on welfare, ever.
Now go one and brag about the failure you voted for.

Sorry....didn't bother to read past your first claim

NO, there is no data supporting your claim that most jobs are part time
Obamacare took care of full time jobs. Also by liberal data has left 30 million uninsured. Unless y'all were lying in the beginning about the uninsured numbers. Can I say Gruber?

More unsubstantiated myths

Why do you bother?
Yea yea. The slowest recovery ever and the left don't know the reason why, 8 years?

The Great Recession was the deepest recession this country has gone through since the Great Depression.
Below is a chart that should help people visualize the depth of this recession versus other recessions.
People should note that America's last three recessions, were the three longest recessions. The 1990 recession is the third longest since 1948 and the 2001 the second longest. Yet four earlier recessions where more profound but lasted a shorter time period than the 2001 recession.
It's easy to see there is a trend here. Recessions are lasting longer.
I also added a chart showing the flat wage trend dating back to the early eighties. In constant dollars, the average hourly wage earner is making less than in the 1970s'
Is it possible that over 30 years of flat wages have played into why our recessions have lasted longer, considering we have a consumer spending driven economy?
As usual you miss it. The trend is that government is doing more and more when each recession hits. This prolongs the recession and makes the next recovery weaker. Which is exactly what we've seen.

If that's the case, you should easily find documentation to back yourself up.
I offered up a theory that's based on a coincidence or is it a coincidence?
It seems Forbes and other publication certainly believe that the lack of consumer spending extended the recession. Also, long-term flat wages do shrink expendable income.
Consumer Spending: Another Drag On The Economy
Consumer Spending Another Drag On The Economy - Forbes
I saw this reply in another thread

Does the following ring a bell?
1. Obamas thousands of new regulations
2. Obama care
3. Our high cooperate tax rate
4. Obama being a liberal president
5. Obama pen and a phone and god knows what the little wanabe dictator Will do next

who would want to invest with this President and create jobs?

8 million new jobs underObama
Stock Market more than doubled
10 million more have health insurance
Unemployment dropped by 4.5 %
Household wealth up $26 TRILLION
Most new jobs are part time.
How many billions of tax dollars have been put into the market. Hell I hope it would go up.
10 million out of 40 million a failure
I don't trust the liar in chief on anything he says. For a good reason.
More people on welfare, ever.
Now go one and brag about the failure you voted for.

Sorry....didn't bother to read past your first claim

NO, there is no data supporting your claim that most jobs are part time
Obamacare took care of full time jobs. Also by liberal data has left 30 million uninsured. Unless y'all were lying in the beginning about the uninsured numbers. Can I say Gruber?

More unsubstantiated myths

Why do you bother?
Fact hurt, don't they?
Damn 7 more alerts?

Was talking new girlfriend,

Again who would start a new business with a lead from behind mini dictator like Obama?

Sorry it don't work that way

Why are liberals so bad at math, economics and making money?

I could never understand that fact?
Yea yea. The slowest recovery ever and the left don't know the reason why, 8 years?

The Great Recession was the deepest recession this country has gone through since the Great Depression.
Below is a chart that should help people visualize the depth of this recession versus other recessions.
People should note that America's last three recessions, were the three longest recessions. The 1990 recession is the third longest since 1948 and the 2001 the second longest. Yet four earlier recessions where more profound but lasted a shorter time period than the 2001 recession.
It's easy to see there is a trend here. Recessions are lasting longer.
I also added a chart showing the flat wage trend dating back to the early eighties. In constant dollars, the average hourly wage earner is making less than in the 1970s'
Is it possible that over 30 years of flat wages have played into why our recessions have lasted longer, considering we have a consumer spending driven economy?
As usual you miss it. The trend is that government is doing more and more when each recession hits. This prolongs the recession and makes the next recovery weaker. Which is exactly what we've seen.
If only we could do like the social Darwin's of the 19th century and let those afflicted by crashes, panics and depression die in the streets...
There were no social darwinists in the 19th century. Or after.
The wealthy spent huge amounts of money on social programs to help those affected.
Cruelty is the gov't prolonging recessions and creating lower growth, which hurts working class people.
Or were you just trying to boost your post count?
I saw this reply in another thread

Does the following ring a bell?
1. Obamas thousands of new regulations
2. Obama care
3. Our high cooperate tax rate
4. Obama being a liberal president
5. Obama pen and a phone and god knows what the little wanabe dictator Will do next

who would want to invest with this President and create jobs?

8 million new jobs underObama
Stock Market more than doubled
10 million more have health insurance
Unemployment dropped by 4.5 %
Household wealth up $26 TRILLION
Most new jobs are part time.
How many billions of tax dollars have been put into the market. Hell I hope it would go up.
10 million out of 40 million a failure
I don't trust the liar in chief on anything he says. For a good reason.
More people on welfare, ever.
Now go one and brag about the failure you voted for.

Sorry....didn't bother to read past your first claim

NO, there is no data supporting your claim that most jobs are part time
Obamacare took care of full time jobs. Also by liberal data has left 30 million uninsured. Unless y'all were lying in the beginning about the uninsured numbers. Can I say Gruber?

More unsubstantiated myths

Why do you bother?

8 million new jobs underObama
Stock Market more than doubled
10 million more have health insurance
Unemployment dropped by 4.5 %
Household wealth up $26 TRILLION
Most new jobs are part time.
How many billions of tax dollars have been put into the market. Hell I hope it would go up.
10 million out of 40 million a failure
I don't trust the liar in chief on anything he says. For a good reason.
More people on welfare, ever.
Now go one and brag about the failure you voted for.

Sorry....didn't bother to read past your first claim

NO, there is no data supporting your claim that most jobs are part time
Obamacare took care of full time jobs. Also by liberal data has left 30 million uninsured. Unless y'all were lying in the beginning about the uninsured numbers. Can I say Gruber?

More unsubstantiated myths

Why do you bother?
Fact hurt, don't they?
I have not Bought health care through work yet and it is only $50 bucks a month , why bother? And what myth? I refuse to get it on principle alone, Don't care, I will keep on paying the penalty

Why Would I rather pay the tax penalty?

Answer: because I am a Man and no dumb ass liberal is going to force me to buy something I don't want every month

Fuck you

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