Did this dummy who said:"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” consider this when he "guaranteed" the following?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011

Why the electric vehicle boom could put a major strain on the U.S. power grid​

Over half of all new cars sold in the U.S. by 2030 are expected to be electric vehicles. That could put a major strain on our nation’s electric grid, an aging system built for a world that runs on fossil fuels.

Domestic electricity demand in 2022 is expected to increase up to 18% by 2030 and 38% by 2035, according to an analysis by the Rapid Energy Policy Evaluation and Analysis Toolkit, or (REPEAT), an energy policy project out of Princeton University.
That’s a big change over the roughly 5% increase we saw in the past decade.

So Biden guarantees..."I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

So when he does that, with 79% of electricity from fossil fuels, i.e. petroleum 36%, natural gas 33% and coal 10%, that would mean instead of 4.24 Trillion kWh produced. U.S. energy facts explained - consumption and production - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
There would only be 890.4 billion kWh available from renewables, nuclear, hydroelectric.
So if 50% EVs need 1.309 Trillion kWh more per year PLUS 3.349 Trillion kWh eliminated by Biden's guarantee..
There will be daily blackouts in many parts of the USA.

Why the electric vehicle boom could put a major strain on the U.S. power grid​

Over half of all new cars sold in the U.S. by 2030 are expected to be electric vehicles. That could put a major strain on our nation’s electric grid, an aging system built for a world that runs on fossil fuels.

Domestic electricity demand in 2022 is expected to increase up to 18% by 2030 and 38% by 2035, according to an analysis by the Rapid Energy Policy Evaluation and Analysis Toolkit, or (REPEAT), an energy policy project out of Princeton University.
That’s a big change over the roughly 5% increase we saw in the past decade.

So Biden guarantees..."I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

So when he does that, with 79% of electricity from fossil fuels, i.e. petroleum 36%, natural gas 33% and coal 10%, that would mean instead of 4.24 Trillion kWh produced. U.S. energy facts explained - consumption and production - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
There would only be 890.4 billion kWh available from renewables, nuclear, hydroelectric.
So if 50% EVs need 1.309 Trillion kWh more per year PLUS 3.349 Trillion kWh eliminated by Biden's guarantee..
There will be daily blackouts in many parts of the USA.

And over time with energy evolution and the cost of the technologies required to make it more efficient, we WILL get rid of fossil fuels. BTW, you do know there is no such thing as "clean coal"...right? :)

This is how things in a capitalist/socialist economy evolve. Things get more efficient and cheaper. Then, wider adoption...and so on and so forth.
And over time with energy evolution and the cost of the technologies required to make it more efficient, we WILL get rid of fossil fuels. BTW, you do know there is no such thing as "clean coal"...right? :)

This is how things in a capitalist/socialist economy evolve. Things get more efficient and cheaper. Then, wider adoption...and so on and so forth.

Wrong. They are being forced on people via laws banning the sales of new ICE vehicles in several States.

That isn't an evolving economy, it's government messing with the economy.

Why the electric vehicle boom could put a major strain on the U.S. power grid​

Over half of all new cars sold in the U.S. by 2030 are expected to be electric vehicles. That could put a major strain on our nation’s electric grid, an aging system built for a world that runs on fossil fuels.

Domestic electricity demand in 2022 is expected to increase up to 18% by 2030 and 38% by 2035, according to an analysis by the Rapid Energy Policy Evaluation and Analysis Toolkit, or (REPEAT), an energy policy project out of Princeton University.
That’s a big change over the roughly 5% increase we saw in the past decade.

So Biden guarantees..."I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

So when he does that, with 79% of electricity from fossil fuels, i.e. petroleum 36%, natural gas 33% and coal 10%, that would mean instead of 4.24 Trillion kWh produced. U.S. energy facts explained - consumption and production - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
There would only be 890.4 billion kWh available from renewables, nuclear, hydroelectric.
So if 50% EVs need 1.309 Trillion kWh more per year PLUS 3.349 Trillion kWh eliminated by Biden's guarantee..
There will be daily blackouts in many parts of the USA.

You might be partially right given todays power grid. Do you think there will never be any improvements to that grid?
Wrong. They are being forced on people via laws banning the sales of new ICE vehicles in several States.

That isn't an evolving economy, it's government messing with the economy.
Then move from those states. For example, I would never live in CA. Mostly cause I can't afford it. But I'm also not going to live in a state with that many mandates...for anything. That has nothing to do with the evolution of energy or the technologies that will one day make them more efficient and cheaper.
Then move from those states. For example, I would never live in CA. Mostly cause I can't afford it. But I'm also not going to live in a state with that many mandates...for anything.
That has nothing to do with the evolution of energy or the technologies that will one day make them more efficient and cheaper.

No, why should I have to do that?

And yet you approve of the ideas behind the mandates. That makes you worse than those people pushing them, you gutless eunuch.
This has been goin in Europe for some time now. The DISGUSTING FILTH barely covers it. They 'report' it then drop it like a bad habit.

We can live without electric cars. We can even live without coal and oil if we have to. A lot of people would die but, we could manage. There 's a lot of things we can live without, except for one thing --

Food. Once Farmers get tired of the bullshit and organize, then what??

democrats lie.... it's what they do... the platform of "we want to steal your shit and rape your children" is not something they can be forthcoming about... right?

Imagine the stupidest, most defective of us, as a collective group, saying 'give us your money and we'll fix the weather'.... :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

They can't even figure out how to exit a country full of goat-fuckers without killing Americans and leaving billions in war equipment behind.

They know one thing.... stealing elections.... and they're pretty fucking clumsy at that. :cool:
No, why should I have to do that?

And yet you approve of the ideas behind the mandates. That makes you worse than those people pushing them, you gutless eunuch.
Tough shit. I think you like to bitch and complain. I think that's really the only use for conservatism nowadays. Just whine. No solutions.

I approve of energy evolution and moving away from those energies which shorten the life of our planet and interfere with our ability to pass it on to our children and grandchildren. But I would not live in a state with mandates I did not approve of.

Look at things like this like refrigerators and appliances becoming more energy efficient. When these regs were first announced decades ago, there was similar outcry. But we survived. And it turned out to be a good thing.

Everything evolves. Except conservatives apparently. :)
No it's stalling, even automakers are rethinking it.

They won't build something few will buy
When, not 'if' but WHEN Trump takes power away from the scum that stole it, he will kill most of the EV garbage. That's one reason the Auto Makers are hitting the brakes (pun intended) on EV production.

Close friends of ours went on a trip to Europe years ago and rented a Ford Fiesta diesel. It's listed at 80 MILES PER GALLON fuel economy. But Tom and Sue said it really only got about 55-60 MPG. I guess Euro-Weenies do their mileage estimates different from us.

Then, all of the sudden, almost like over-night -- Diesel engines were the work of the Devil. In Europe and most of the USA, diesels were considered as Alternate Fuel Vehicles. And they were often given special treatment because of their fuel economy. They can even run on USED COOKING OIL fer chrissakes?

But for some reason, they are now produced by Satan himself and only racists and misogynists drive them.

Why? Anybody?? Why?????
When, not 'if' but WHEN Trump takes power away from the scum that stole it, he will kill most of the EV garbage. That's one reason the Auto Makers are hitting the brakes (pun intended) on EV production.

Close friends of ours went on a trip to Europe years ago and rented a Ford Fiesta diesel. It's listed at 80 MILES PER GALLON fuel economy. But Tom and Sue said it really only got about 55-60 MPG. I guess Euro-Weenies do their mileage estimates different from us.

Then, all of the sudden, almost like over-night -- Diesel engines were the work of the Devil. In Europe and most of the USA, diesels were considered as Alternate Fuel Vehicles. And they were often given special treatment because of their fuel economy. They can even run on USED COOKING OIL fer chrissakes?

But for some reason, they are now produced by Satan himself and only racists and misogynists drive them.

Why? Anybody?? Why?????
Trump is going to lose in November.

Energy and their corresponding technologies will continue to evolve in spite of him. :)
That is the way of things.
Tough shit. I think you like to bitch and complain. I think that's really the only use for conservatism nowadays. Just whine. No solutions.

I approve of energy evolution and moving away from those energies which shorten the life of our planet and interfere with our ability to pass it on to our children and grandchildren. But I would not live in a state with mandates I did not approve of.

Look at things like this like refrigerators and appliances becoming more energy efficient. When these regs were first announced decades ago, there was similar outcry. But we survived. And it turned out to be a good thing.

Everything evolves. Except conservatives apparently. :)
That is some simplistic, juvenile thinking there, dewd or dewdette.

Those improvements were coming with or with goobermint interference. It' called "Free Market Capitalism. You should look it up sometime.

Your thinking is the typical 'Wet Streets Cause Rain' irrationality of dimocraps everywhere. Too bad. You seem to have a brain, you should learn to use it. Otherwise, you'll just fall into the abyss of hopeless souls that every other dimocrap scumbag lives in
Tough shit. I think you like to bitch and complain. I think that's really the only use for conservatism nowadays. Just whine. No solutions.

I approve of energy evolution and moving away from those energies which shorten the life of our planet and interfere with our ability to pass it on to our children and grandchildren. But I would not live in a state with mandates I did not approve of.

Look at things like this like refrigerators and appliances becoming more energy efficient. When these regs were first announced decades ago, there was similar outcry. But we survived. And it turned out to be a good thing.

Everything evolves. Except conservatives apparently. :)

The solution is wait until EV's are actually better than ICE Vehicles, and the grid is able to handle the increased load.

Our planet isn't going to die anytime soon, what fucking hubris to think humans have the power to do that.

So "let the proles deal with it". How limousine liberal of you.

And those appliances last 1/2 the time the old ones did, and now they are making the regs de facto bans instead of regulation.

But keep sucking off that Dem/SJW dick that's in your mouth...

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