Did the Patriots find a new way to cheat?

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Did you sit them down and explain to them that they really shouldn't let their opinions of people be influenced by unfounded rumors? That people like to talk a lot of garbage...especially about people they are jealous of?
Boy I would have LOVED to have a coach like that when I was a kid! Instead of simply teaching your kids how to play a sport...you teach them how to obsess about one of the greatest quarterbacks ever to play the game and to call anyone who disagrees with your beliefs names?

Nothing personal, Phallics...but the thought of you shaping young minds is a bit scary! You don't show them any of your pictures do you?

Olsfartstyle: "one of the greatest quarterbacks"

Wipe your mouth you are drooling. Oh btw he is a cheater and a liar his admissions and the investigation of deflate has shown as much, in addition to all the help he has received over the years from spygate etc etc.

Now go make me that sammie my tummy is grumbling.
OldfartStyle takes a selfie while preparing to watch Tom Brady play.


(He sent it to Brady swak)

So did you want to admit at this point that I actually WAS the smartest person in the room when I told you, Dottie and Fart Boy that I didn't buy the Wells Report and didn't think that the NFL would win the appeal by the Player's Union?

Hmmmmmmmmmm? :dance:
You said a lot of things including that the federal Judge found Brady innocent, Robert Kraft had class and Brady did not lie. All seem to be wrong so much for your prognostications and analysis.

Can't bring yourself to admit that you were dead wrong when you stated that it was all over once Goodell ruled that Brady would be suspended for 4 games...can you?

I don't recall ever saying that the Federal judge found Brady innocent. Care to show where that took place?

As for Robert Kraft? He has enough class to admit when he's been wrong. You could learn from him...

I guess you think if you simply keep repeating your claim that Tom Brady lied that somehow that will make it be true. Kind of like if you keep telling yourself he's still suspended that it won't be him running out onto the field this Sunday?
I do not care so much for suspension as I do for legacy. As far as you being right you are like a broken clock, even that is right twice per day or .00002314814% of the time. You deified Brady and no matter the case, no matter the facts you will always claim he did nothing wrong. You will even state he did not gain any advantage when the Patriots were found several time to be cheating in order to gain an unfair advantage. Kraft has been caught along with his team to have cheated yet you will claim that has a modicum of class.Kraft has his cohorts hired a known gang member who was a murderer and you call that class? Put down the Koolaid and get a sober sense about yourself. Say to yourself over and over again , "Brady is not my god, Brady is not my god" :uhoh3: This may help you Cult Deprogramming

I believe the NFL filed an appeal on Judge Berman's decision.

Brady got a lot of help in his career.

as always,old fart style gets taken to school.:muahaha::udaman::up:
"Douche boi"? You really are chafed...aren't you! LOL
Actually I am not I have having some fun with you. I do have to thank you though. I coach football for my girlfriend's boy and I stress to the kids that it is ok to have a sports hero as someone to aspire to be like but not make him your god. I told them about how you have done just that with Brady and how it has effected you, and just where your self esteem is derived from. This is where I got the name oldfartstyle that is what they call you. A silver lining of sorts because I wanted you to know you have helped shape the view of these young minds.:clap2:
This is why I love Richard Sherman. He saw it back in January. What happened? Exactly what he said....El zippo!!
Richard Sherman Perfectly Sums Up The Hypocrisy Of The NFL

Yeah that is one thing i do like about him is he speaks his mind and tells the truth as it is.

cheatriot worshipper valerie mentioned that she admired sherman because he recently said that Brady did not cheat.then when i posted his comments from before the superbowl when he mentioned that kraft has a special relationship with Goodel she ignored it and just threw insults since the truth hurts that her team is a bunch of cheaters and liars.

she doesnt know anything about logic and common sense that the NFL obviously got to sherman and told him to retract his statements that he would be punished just as holmgren was for coming out saying he did not realise he would have to compete with the officials along with the players to win the superbowl against the steelers.

it doesnt register with her that they obviously made sherman retract what he said about Brady.:rolleyes:

you might post that link to valerie and see what she says NOW.lol
Well to be honest I have not seen any women that post on sports forums really talk about football in a serious manner and I do not think anyone takes nor respects their opinions given all I have heard from the female patriot fans is how great their team is and how Brady is innocent but serious comment about any football so far has been absent. Just my observation
Well to be honest I have not seen any women that post on sports forums really talk about football in a serious manner and I do not think anyone takes nor respects their opinions given all I have heard from the female patriot fans is how great their team is and how Brady is innocent but serious comment about any football so far has been absent. Just my observation
When I read a post in sports it is gender neutral, then when it starts digressing into a drunken rant or medication infused monologue about how a particular team or quarterback it is usually the same poster over and over again. They are not a real fan just some crazed internet sports groupie and I do not give much credence to what they have to say. Then again most of what I have seen regarding the OP in support of those who have been found to have cheated, lied or hired a murderer is a cultist or a drunk who despite all evidence to the contrary will sacrifice their dignity and all self respect in order to hold there clay-footed heroes to the esteem of honest hard working counterparts of the NFL.

Of course this does not apply to those who make valid points and wish to discuss the issues.
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So did any of you Patriot - Brady haters want to explain how Tom Brady just put up almost 500 yards passing against a Buffalo Bills team that supposedly had one of the toughest defenses in football? Still cheating? Using illegal footballs? Tom Brady and the Pats just shoved a fully inflated NFL football right up Rex Ryan's tushie...and I enjoyed every second of it!

Poor Phallics...Brady makes your head do this :blowup:doesn't he!
So did any of you Patriot - Brady haters want to explain how Tom Brady just put up almost 500 yards passing against a Buffalo Bills team that supposedly had one of the toughest defenses in football? Still cheating? Using illegal footballs? Tom Brady and the Pats just shoved a fully inflated NFL football right up Rex Ryan's tushie...and I enjoyed every second of it!

Poor Phallics...Brady makes your head do this :blowup:doesn't he!
He almost cost the Pat a win when he got caught in the back. Played like a 6th round draft pick so maybe there was no cheating today.
So did any of you Patriot - Brady haters want to explain how Tom Brady just put up almost 500 yards passing against a Buffalo Bills team that supposedly had one of the toughest defenses in football? Still cheating? Using illegal footballs? Tom Brady and the Pats just shoved a fully inflated NFL football right up Rex Ryan's tushie...and I enjoyed every second of it!

Poor Phallics...Brady makes your head do this :blowup:doesn't he!
He almost cost the Pat a win when he got caught in the back. Played like a 6th round draft pick so maybe there was no cheating today.

Dude, Brady just passed for more yards than any player EVER against the Buffalo Bills! He had 460 yards passing...he had 3 TD's...and he had zero interceptions. All of that done in about as hostile an environment as you could possibly find. It was just one more classic performance in a Hall of Fame career and you know what, Phallics...you don't have enough CLASS to admit that he's an amazing quarterback!
All that crap you've talked about Brady and the Patriots? All you did was provide them with a mountain of motivation to prove how stupid that narrative is. It's EXACTLY what they did after the farce that was "Spy Gate"! Tom Brady doesn't need to cheat to win...the second half of the Colts game...the Super Bowl...and the first two games of this season should have made that perfectly clear even to a blinders wearing hater like yourself!
So did any of you Patriot - Brady haters want to explain how Tom Brady just put up almost 500 yards passing against a Buffalo Bills team that supposedly had one of the toughest defenses in football? Still cheating? Using illegal footballs? Tom Brady and the Pats just shoved a fully inflated NFL football right up Rex Ryan's tushie...and I enjoyed every second of it!

Poor Phallics...Brady makes your head do this :blowup:doesn't he!
He almost cost the Pat a win when he got caught in the back. Played like a 6th round draft pick so maybe there was no cheating today.

Dude, Brady just passed for more yards than any player EVER against the Buffalo Bills! He had 460 yards passing...he had 3 TD's...and he had zero interceptions. All of that done in about as hostile an environment as you could possibly find. It was just one more classic performance in a Hall of Fame career and you know what, Phallics...you don't have enough CLASS to admit that he's an amazing quarterback!
He is doing his job, he made mistakes that is what I find amazing. Fumbles and missteps now rather than the flawless playing we are used to.

I see that you are on some kind of high and as usual it is due to how another man performs. I am curious to see to how you are when the Patriots lose.
All that crap you've talked about Brady and the Patriots? All you did was provide them with a mountain of motivation to prove how stupid that narrative is. It's EXACTLY what they did after the farce that was "Spy Gate"! Tom Brady doesn't need to cheat to win...the second half of the Colts game...the Super Bowl...and the first two games of this season should have made that perfectly clear even to a blinders wearing hater like yourself!
They are cheaters that is their history what else is new.
All that crap you've talked about Brady and the Patriots? All you did was provide them with a mountain of motivation to prove how stupid that narrative is. It's EXACTLY what they did after the farce that was "Spy Gate"! Tom Brady doesn't need to cheat to win...the second half of the Colts game...the Super Bowl...and the first two games of this season should have made that perfectly clear even to a blinders wearing hater like yourself!
They are cheaters that is their history what else is new.
What they are...is "winners", Phallics! It's pathetic fans of teams that can't beat them (like you) who use the cheating thing as an excuse for those losses. Now you've created a cottage industry of reporters who rush to write negative stories about the Patriots because they know that people like you will eat it up with a spoon no matter how ridiculous it is.
So did any of you Patriot - Brady haters want to explain how Tom Brady just put up almost 500 yards passing against a Buffalo Bills team that supposedly had one of the toughest defenses in football? Still cheating? Using illegal footballs? Tom Brady and the Pats just shoved a fully inflated NFL football right up Rex Ryan's tushie...and I enjoyed every second of it!

Poor Phallics...Brady makes your head do this :blowup:doesn't he!
He almost cost the Pat a win when he got caught in the back. Played like a 6th round draft pick so maybe there was no cheating today.

Dude, Brady just passed for more yards than any player EVER against the Buffalo Bills! He had 460 yards passing...he had 3 TD's...and he had zero interceptions. All of that done in about as hostile an environment as you could possibly find. It was just one more classic performance in a Hall of Fame career and you know what, Phallics...you don't have enough CLASS to admit that he's an amazing quarterback!
He is doing his job, he made mistakes that is what I find amazing. Fumbles and missteps now rather than the flawless playing we are used to.

I see that you are on some kind of high and as usual it is due to how another man performs. I am curious to see to how you are when the Patriots lose.
The Patriots put up 500 yards of total offense against one of the better rated defenses in the NFL led by one of the greatest defensive coaches in the NFL...and what do you see? Mistakes? God, you're pathetic!
So did any of you Patriot - Brady haters want to explain how Tom Brady just put up almost 500 yards passing against a Buffalo Bills team that supposedly had one of the toughest defenses in football? Still cheating? Using illegal footballs? Tom Brady and the Pats just shoved a fully inflated NFL football right up Rex Ryan's tushie...and I enjoyed every second of it!

Poor Phallics...Brady makes your head do this :blowup:doesn't he!
He almost cost the Pat a win when he got caught in the back. Played like a 6th round draft pick so maybe there was no cheating today.

Dude, Brady just passed for more yards than any player EVER against the Buffalo Bills! He had 460 yards passing...he had 3 TD's...and he had zero interceptions. All of that done in about as hostile an environment as you could possibly find. It was just one more classic performance in a Hall of Fame career and you know what, Phallics...you don't have enough CLASS to admit that he's an amazing quarterback!
He is doing his job, he made mistakes that is what I find amazing. Fumbles and missteps now rather than the flawless playing we are used to.

I see that you are on some kind of high and as usual it is due to how another man performs. I am curious to see to how you are when the Patriots lose.
The Patriots put up 500 yards of total offense against one of the better rated defenses in the NFL led by one of the greatest defensive coaches in the NFL...and what do you see? Mistakes? God, you're pathetic!
One of the Ryan is one of the greatest? That has yet to be proven. What is going on here is Brady is in your head and you want to be in his pants.
So did any of you Patriot - Brady haters want to explain how Tom Brady just put up almost 500 yards passing against a Buffalo Bills team that supposedly had one of the toughest defenses in football? Still cheating? Using illegal footballs? Tom Brady and the Pats just shoved a fully inflated NFL football right up Rex Ryan's tushie...and I enjoyed every second of it!

Poor Phallics...Brady makes your head do this :blowup:doesn't he!
He almost cost the Pat a win when he got caught in the back. Played like a 6th round draft pick so maybe there was no cheating today.

Dude, Brady just passed for more yards than any player EVER against the Buffalo Bills! He had 460 yards passing...he had 3 TD's...and he had zero interceptions. All of that done in about as hostile an environment as you could possibly find. It was just one more classic performance in a Hall of Fame career and you know what, Phallics...you don't have enough CLASS to admit that he's an amazing quarterback!
He is doing his job, he made mistakes that is what I find amazing. Fumbles and missteps now rather than the flawless playing we are used to.

I see that you are on some kind of high and as usual it is due to how another man performs. I am curious to see to how you are when the Patriots lose.
The Patriots put up 500 yards of total offense against one of the better rated defenses in the NFL led by one of the greatest defensive coaches in the NFL...and what do you see? Mistakes? God, you're pathetic!
One of the Ryan is one of the greatest? That has yet to be proven. What is going on here is Brady is in your head and you want to be in his pants.

Right back to posting about men's genitals, Phallics? Just can't get that out of your head...can ya', little buddy?
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