Decline and fall of the United States

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Christmas eve doom porn enjoy ...I'm going to have fish with some hillbilly catlicks and me lady ...Merry Christmas usmb


Posted by Lector | Dec 16, 2019 | Culture, History, Nationalism | 3 |

Seems a bit early to be writing this, but the fact is the history is already written. The nails are in the coffin. It’s already happened. The US is down 34 to 10, and there are only 2 minutes to go. There is no time for a comeback.

Recently, I had a friend share a great essay on the life cycle of nations. This essay is called The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival. It is written by Sir John Glubb.

In this most excellent work, the author examines the history of great nations… the Greeks… Rome.. The Byzantines… the Ottomans.. He seeks out patterns and tries to learn what lessons can be learned.
As always, a work like this should be judged by its predictive ability. Lots of models can be created to match the past. But matching the past doesn’t help unless they also turn out to match the future. So why is this work important?

Well, it specifically predicts the breakup of the Soviet Union, which was something that people of the 60s and 70s simply found unthinkable.

Now let’s look at the Glubb’s stages of the life cycle and see how they match up with the life cycle of the United States.

Stage I: Outburst. This stage is the pioneer stage. As Glubb states, over and over again in history, we see a small native people exploding and conquering large land masses. To many, this will make them think of Manifest Destiny and the western expansion, but to my own eye, the outburst was the Revolutionary War. Before the war, the colonies were insignificant on the world stage. Then came the defeat of the English. It is after all called the Shot Heard Round the World for a reason.

Stage II: Age of Conquest: In this stage we see the great expansion. This is where manifest destiny comes in. Old weapons are mastered and improved, new weapons are invented, and massive lands are conquered. While conquering and settling these new lands, massive amounts of wealth are generated. Again, this should all be sounding familiar.

Decline And Fall Of The United States - Men Of The West

Going forward, consider this suggestion:

Instead of being duped again by the Uniparty and their media felchers, figure where, with whom, and how you are going to maximize the chance that you and yours live to see 2030

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life cycle of nations

seeks out patterns

judged by its predictive ability

manifest destiny

Industrial Revolution, anyone?

High Noon

Money is the destroyer of nations

This was the tolling of the death bell

Every word of this article rings truth and fear in me

life cycle of nations

seeks out patterns

judged by its predictive ability

manifest destiny

Industrial Revolution, anyone?

High Noon

Money is the destroyer of nations

This was the tolling of the death bell

Every word of this article rings truth and fear in me

You liberals better start fearing....The shit you have done to fundamentally transform this country into a 3rd world shithole is going to come back and bite you in the ass...

When the dollar collapses-
There is no military to protect US.
There is no police to protect you.
There are farmers who will deal for their food and shoot anyone trying to steal it.
There are hungry people who will kill another person just for the bits of food that person may have.
There are people who have been preparing for the collapse of the dollar, they arent going to be happy.

But there is a silver lining in all this. When either the liberals have fled to country they so despise and taken their butt buddy illegals with them, then the country can get back to normalcy again. It happened in the 1800's it will happen again.
life cycle of nations

seeks out patterns

judged by its predictive ability

manifest destiny

Industrial Revolution, anyone?

High Noon

Money is the destroyer of nations

This was the tolling of the death bell

Every word of this article rings truth and fear in me

You liberals better start fearing....The shit you have done to fundamentally transform this country into a 3rd world shithole is going to come back and bite you in the ass...

When the dollar collapses-
There is no military to protect US.
There is no police to protect you.
There are farmers who will deal for their food and shoot anyone trying to steal it.
There are hungry people who will kill another person just for the bits of food that person may have.
There are people who have been preparing for the collapse of the dollar, they arent going to be happy.

But there is a silver lining in all this. When either the liberals have fled to country they so despise and taken their butt buddy illegals with them, then the country can get back to normalcy again. It happened in the 1800's it will happen again.

what i fear most are partisan tools

life cycle of nations

seeks out patterns

judged by its predictive ability

manifest destiny

Industrial Revolution, anyone?

High Noon

Money is the destroyer of nations

This was the tolling of the death bell

Every word of this article rings truth and fear in me

You liberals better start fearing....The shit you have done to fundamentally transform this country into a 3rd world shithole is going to come back and bite you in the ass...

When the dollar collapses-
There is no military to protect US.
There is no police to protect you.
There are farmers who will deal for their food and shoot anyone trying to steal it.
There are hungry people who will kill another person just for the bits of food that person may have.
There are people who have been preparing for the collapse of the dollar, they arent going to be happy.

But there is a silver lining in all this. When either the liberals have fled to country they so despise and taken their butt buddy illegals with them, then the country can get back to normalcy again. It happened in the 1800's it will happen again.
Your Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class has always been how and why the "illegals" have been here, you people are entitled, expensive, whiny and uppity. Capital doesn't like that.
You better not call
You better not write
Better not text
I'm telling you why
NSA is coming to town
They're making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna record who's naughty and nice
NSA is coming to town
they see you when you're posting
they know when you're unfit
they know if you've been bad or good
and your tin hat
don't do sh*t

Gloom and doom sells books.
Don ran a presidential campaign on it.
No, he didn't.
Sure he did, america was all fucked up and only Don could lead us back into the light after a half negro president.
Well, he did do that, so what's your point?
Well let's review, here's where we started:

"Gloom and doom sells books."

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