Crying Racism


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
When you throw the worn out race card in polite discussion these days, you're saying you have nothing but you're too emotional to remain quiet. Perhaps in the long run, this will be a good thing for American political discourse. Perhaps soon you'll find yourself sitting around the dinner table discussing politics or current events. Someone at the table throws the race card. There's a polite pause, a few sympathetic nods as one would give to a senile person or petulant teenager, then the adult conversation continues.

For the real world instances where there is true racism, it's a pity the charge has been so cheapened and overused. Throwing "Nazi" around with careless abandon cheapened the horrors of Nazism and gave our discourse Godwin’s Law.

And now we see this worn out race card used by the left against fellow leftists. Surely this is a milepost on the road to the slur becoming irrelevant in polite discussion?

March 7, 2014 12:00 AM

Crying Racism
For Democrats, anyone who disagrees is a racist — even other Democrats.

By Mona Charen

When seven Democratic senators voted with all of the Republicans to reject Debo Adegbile’s nomination to serve as head of the Justice Department’s civil-rights division, Harry Reid cried racism. It’s as if Reid was on autopilot, and the aide who usually touches his elbow to correct him wasn’t available. If the aide had been there, he would have whispered “Um, senator, you’re accusing your own side of racism.”

Reid, who demolished the filibuster rule exactly to smooth votes such as the one on Adegbile, was flustered and discombobulated after the vote, so much so that he left the chamber and babbled into the microphones without thinking. Adegbile had been rejected, the majority leader explained, because “he stood for civil rights” and “Republicans have done everything they can, for a number of years now, to stop people from voting, changing early voting hours, changing where people can vote . . . ”

So welcome to the club, Senators Coons, Heitkamp, Manchin, Casey, Walsh, Donnelly, and Pryor. By disagreeing with Senator Reid, you’re all honorary racists, which is the same thing as being a Republican, according to the Democratic defamation machine.

It’s almost funny, this reflexive character assassination by the Left. Republicans have grown so accustomed to it that they tend to shrug it off.

When auto workers at a Tennessee Volkswagen plant voted against joining the United Auto Workers, an analyst on MSNBC explained to viewers that it was racist. “The opposition, I gather, portrayed this as a kind of Northern invasion, a refighting of the Civil War. Apparently there are not a lot of black employees in this particular plant, and so that kind of — waving the Confederate flag — was an effective strategy,” said Timothy Noah.

Isn’t it odd, then, that in the days preceding the vote, this “refighting of the Civil War” didn’t make it into news coverage, including on MSNBC? A roundtable discussion on that network before the vote featuring Eugene Robinson, Howard Dean, Chuck Todd, Harold Ford, and Joe Scarborough, among others, didn’t mention race at all. The chat concerned whether a union victory would undermine the right-to-work status of southern states, why many auto plants were locating in the South, the European versus American styles of managing labor relations, and related matters. No one mentioned a racial angle (and everyone seemed certain the union would win the vote). Only afterwards was the hoary old racist libel trotted out.

“Racist” has become the synonym for “conservative” among liberals. The Tea Party, a spontaneous eruption of disgust with Washington’s big-spending, bailout-doling ways, was dubbed “racist” by Democrats from the outset. When the movement failed to provide the necessary evidence of its racist motivations, lies were concocted. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus paraded through an anti-Obamacare demonstration on the way to vote for the measure so that they could later claim that they had been called the “n” word. Alas for the slander, lots of participants recorded the entire melodrama and no racial slur was to be found on the tapes.

In 2008, liberal journalists who chatted together on a site called “Journolist” plotted strategies to deflect criticism of Obama’s relationship with Reverend Jeremiah Wright: Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Spencer Ackerman wrote, “Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”

Republicans are wrong to ignore the smears. For every person who is repelled by the false and libelous accusation there are probably two others who think that where there’s smoke, there’s fire. A failure to demonstrate outrage at the accusation might be taken as evidence of guilt.

The senators who voted against Adegbile, Democrat and Republican, were not voting against him because of his race. They disagreed with him. It’s obviously impossible for Democrats to acknowledge honest differences. That’s why they wind up calling even their fellow Democrats racists when things go against them. They don’t know how to frame arguments free of personal smears. They don’t know how to evaluate policy choices without reference to evil motives by their opponents.

Every senator wrongly tarred by Reid should demand an apology. Republican leaders should demand that Democrats distance themselves from Reid’s slander, or explain why they refuse.

There is still some real racism in America. It is found among all racial groups, but is no less ugly for that. The false accusation of racism is just as despicable. Republicans have let Democrats get away with slander for too long.

Crying Racism | National Review Online
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Nothing like throwing down the "So, you're calling me a Racist huh?" card!
Nothing like throwing down the "So, you're calling me a Racist huh?" card!

The ONLY reason Obama is president is because millions of WHITE voters having NO reason to vote for Obama as they knew nothing about Obama's lack of experience, they knew only one thing... millions of WHITE voters could think of only one reason NOT to vote..i.e. Obama was black!

Well these millions of white voters were actually practicing "racism" in reverse.

By simply voting for Obama because THESE white voters could NOT stand to think the only reason NOT to vote was because obama was black..
They voted for him!
Nothing like throwing down the "So, you're calling me a Racist huh?" card!

The ONLY reason Obama is president is because millions of WHITE voters having NO reason to vote for Obama as they knew nothing about Obama's lack of experience, they knew only one thing... millions of WHITE voters could think of only one reason NOT to vote..i.e. Obama was black!

Well these millions of white voters were actually practicing "racism" in reverse.

By simply voting for Obama because THESE white voters could NOT stand to think the only reason NOT to vote was because obama was black..
They voted for him!

Hogwash. The country was going to elect a Democrat after the debacle of the Bush Presidency no matter what, period, end of story. Obama was elected despite the fact that he was half Black, twice. Because like any good politician, he sold himself to the voters well. Yes that reads he promised everyone everything knowing full well he would not be able to deliver on many of those promises.
Nothing like throwing down the "So, you're calling me a Racist huh?" card!

The ONLY reason Obama is president is because millions of WHITE voters having NO reason to vote for Obama as they knew nothing about Obama's lack of experience, they knew only one thing... millions of WHITE voters could think of only one reason NOT to vote..i.e. Obama was black!

Well these millions of white voters were actually practicing "racism" in reverse.

By simply voting for Obama because THESE white voters could NOT stand to think the only reason NOT to vote was because obama was black..
They voted for him!

Then there can be no doubt that I am a SCREAMING racist.....I'm Black and I damn well didn't vote for the incompetent, girl bike riding, Brain noggin helmet wearing, mom jeans wearing, Bullshit professor....

That piece of gutter trash isn't man enough to earn my vote.
Nothing like throwing down the "So, you're calling me a Racist huh?" card!

The ONLY reason Obama is president is because millions of WHITE voters having NO reason to vote for Obama as they knew nothing about Obama's lack of experience, they knew only one thing... millions of WHITE voters could think of only one reason NOT to vote..i.e. Obama was black!

Well these millions of white voters were actually practicing "racism" in reverse.

By simply voting for Obama because THESE white voters could NOT stand to think the only reason NOT to vote was because obama was black..
They voted for him!

Then there can be no doubt that I am a SCREAMING racist.....I'm Black and I damn well didn't vote for the incompetent, girl bike riding, Brain noggin helmet wearing, mom jeans wearing, Bullshit professor....

That piece of gutter trash isn't man enough to earn my vote.

The ONLY reason Obama is president is because millions of WHITE voters having NO reason to vote for Obama as they knew nothing about Obama's lack of experience, they knew only one thing... millions of WHITE voters could think of only one reason NOT to vote..i.e. Obama was black!

Well these millions of white voters were actually practicing "racism" in reverse.

By simply voting for Obama because THESE white voters could NOT stand to think the only reason NOT to vote was because obama was black..
They voted for him!

Then there can be no doubt that I am a SCREAMING racist.....I'm Black and I damn well didn't vote for the incompetent, girl bike riding, Brain noggin helmet wearing, mom jeans wearing, Bullshit professor....

That piece of gutter trash isn't man enough to earn my vote.


Come to my home in Montana and I'll give you a link.......
Then there can be no doubt that I am a SCREAMING racist.....I'm Black and I damn well didn't vote for the incompetent, girl bike riding, Brain noggin helmet wearing, mom jeans wearing, Bullshit professor....

That piece of gutter trash isn't man enough to earn my vote.


Come to my home in Montana and I'll give you a link.......

Now I know you're lying. Everyone know there are no black people in Montana.

Come to my home in Montana and I'll give you a link.......

Now I know you're lying. Everyone know there are no black people in Montana.

Wow if sweeping generalisations are racism as you leftists claim, you are a grand wizard . Black people live in montana, not hood rats, but honest to god black folk, youd call em oreos or uncle toms. Oh and they have military bases , thats how most people who live there get exposed to montana i the first place, you racist fuck
Come to my home in Montana and I'll give you a link.......

Now I know you're lying. Everyone know there are no black people in Montana.

Wow if sweeping generalisations are racism as you leftists claim, you are a grand wizard . Black people live in montana, not hood rats, but honest to god black folk, youd call em oreos or uncle toms. Oh and they have military bases , thats how most people who live there get exposed to montana i the first place, you racist fuck

Nothing like throwing down the "So, you're calling me a Racist huh?" card!

The ONLY reason Obama is president is because millions of WHITE voters having NO reason to vote for Obama as they knew nothing about Obama's lack of experience, they knew only one thing... millions of WHITE voters could think of only one reason NOT to vote..i.e. Obama was black!

Well these millions of white voters were actually practicing "racism" in reverse.

By simply voting for Obama because THESE white voters could NOT stand to think the only reason NOT to vote was because obama was black..
They voted for him!

Yeah, it had absolutely nothing to do with party affiliation....
Now I know you're lying. Everyone know there are no black people in Montana.

Wow if sweeping generalisations are racism as you leftists claim, you are a grand wizard . Black people live in montana, not hood rats, but honest to god black folk, youd call em oreos or uncle toms. Oh and they have military bases , thats how most people who live there get exposed to montana i the first place, you racist fuck


only the ones with peanut butter, I'm racists....
"When you [deny] the [well worn] race card in polite discussion these days," you are falsely arguing that there is not a problem, when the problem is in fact you.
The United States of Racism

The United States of Racism - Derek Hunter - Page full

Disagreeing with Barack Obama on policy is racist. Disapproval of his handling of the economy is a Klan rally. Speaking against his feckless foreign policy is the back of the bus. To withhold consent to his every whim is to burn a cross. The substance of the critiques doesn’t matter and rarely, if ever, is even addressed.

Maybe The Problem Isn't Racism. Maybe It's Just You.

Maybe The Problem Isn't Racism. Maybe It's Just You. - John Hawkins - Page full

Crying racism just doesn't work like it used to, does it? There was a time when someone like Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton could scream "racism" and people were horrified and swarmed around like ants at a picnic trying to make that awful word go away. Now, you cry racism and it produces eye rolls and smirks. It's almost as if the person calling someone the bigot is actually the bad guy....

...Long story short, this isn't an attack or any sort of racial grievance mongering. It's just an explanation of why people are more likely to tell you to “go screw yourself” than offer sympathy if you cry "racism" these days. Americans abhor racism, but they also don't like rackets, being falsely accused, or lame excuses for poor performance. So, if you're wondering why no one cares after you cry racism, then maybe the problem isn't racism, maybe it's just you.

15 Moronic Things Liberals Call Racism Since Obama Was Elected

15 Moronic Things Liberals Call Racism Since Obama Was Elected - John Hawkins - Page full

Bizarrely, racism in America is no longer mainly about race. Sure, race is involved in a peripheral manner, but racism has mainly become an excuse, a dodge, a way to escape responsibility.

When a black liberal is criticized, he cries racism. When liberalism fails, liberals cry racism. When the Democrat Party gets in trouble, liberals cry racism. It has become the ever present background noise of politics, like birds chirping in the forest.

Well, if our country is so racist, why is it that the Left has to reach so far to find examples of racism? People didn’t have to do any reaching to find examples of racism in the fifties and sixties, did they? So, if racism is such an all powerful force in America today, how is it that liberals have gotten so desperate to see race in every issue that they've had to latch on to pitiful issues like these to support their claims?

See link for list.
In the 1960's you had social boundaries that you were never to include, sex, politics and religion in conversation,
The 1970's blew that to hell....
Now I know you're lying. Everyone know there are no black people in Montana.

Wow if sweeping generalisations are racism as you leftists claim, you are a grand wizard . Black people live in montana, not hood rats, but honest to god black folk, youd call em oreos or uncle toms. Oh and they have military bases , thats how most people who live there get exposed to montana i the first place, you racist fuck


And i bet you just eat the cream, racist
Wow if sweeping generalisations are racism as you leftists claim, you are a grand wizard . Black people live in montana, not hood rats, but honest to god black folk, youd call em oreos or uncle toms. Oh and they have military bases , thats how most people who live there get exposed to montana i the first place, you racist fuck


And i bet you just eat the cream, racist

yup, I throw those nasty brown cookie portions straight in the trash where they belong.

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