Covid tears: ‘No masks nurse’ story shows how pandemic is newfound opportunity for MSM to peddle emotionally-charged fake news

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
It figures it'd be something like that...

Stories of human tragedy abound during the Covid-19 pandemic, but in its hunger for tearjerking moments, CBS has thrown the rulebook out the window and spread some viral “fake news.”

In a clip aired on Sunday but filmed a week earlier, nurse Imaris Vera bursts into tears and describes how she quit her job after “none of the nurses” in a dedicated coronavirus unit were wearing masks. Furthermore, she called out her Chicago hospital for banning nurses from using their own protective equipment in the facility.
“America is not prepared,” she sobbed, “and nurses are not being protected.”

On its surface, the video is a damning indictment of the US government’s response to the pandemic. Indeed, the media have frequently lambasted President Donald Trump for failing to act quick enough to contain the spread of the virus.

But dig a little deeper and the story begins to collapse. Vera admitted in a tweet on Saturday that she had actually been assigned an N95 respirator to wear, despite claiming in the video that “none of the nurses” in her ICU unit were wearing masks. Whether her hospital banned the wearing of masks in hallways and corridors to preserve supplies is still unclear.

Furthermore, the nurse didn’t quit her job after a long and tireless struggle against the coronavirus. Her social media posts revealed that she quit on her first day on the job. According to her Facebook page, the woman had taken a year off, during which time she had built a career as a blogger and Instagram model. Since the virus hit US shores, she’s used her Instagram page to promote boutique hand sanitizer and designer nurse’s scrubs.

However, had the CBS News team done some basic vetting, they would have learned that they were dealing with an unreliable source. But then again, maybe CBS didn’t care about accuracy.

Continued - Covid tears: ‘No masks nurse’ story shows how pandemic is newfound opportunity for MSM to peddle emotionally-charged fake news
The nurses in my area are rightly concerned about ppe. Nobody is jumping up and down blaming anybody.
Yes, and the way that it reads is that nurse's that do speak out would then be assumed to be full of crap.
Yes, and the way that it reads is that nurse's that do speak out would then be assumed to be full of crap.

The woman was caught lying. Her story was proven fake just like the pic of the nurses dressed in trash bags. Her story was bullshit plain and simple. If she were telling the truth other nurses would have left with her and they would all be on every cable tv morning news show telling their story. This whole shortage thing is bull shit. No one has run out of anything, no one has been denied a ventilator and this wasn't as bad as promised. This bitch should be prosecuted.
Yes, and the way that it reads is that nurse's that do speak out would then be assumed to be full of crap.

The woman was caught lying. Her story was proven fake just like the pic of the nurses dressed in trash bags. Her story was bullshit plain and simple. If she were telling the truth other nurses would have left with her and they would all be on every cable tv morning news show telling their story. This whole shortage thing is bull shit. No one has run out of anything, no one has been denied a ventilator and this wasn't as bad as promised. This bitch should be prosecuted.

The whole shortage thing is not bullshit.
Yes, and the way that it reads is that nurse's that do speak out would then be assumed to be full of crap.

The woman was caught lying. Her story was proven fake just like the pic of the nurses dressed in trash bags. Her story was bullshit plain and simple. If she were telling the truth other nurses would have left with her and they would all be on every cable tv morning news show telling their story. This whole shortage thing is bull shit. No one has run out of anything, no one has been denied a ventilator and this wasn't as bad as promised. This bitch should be prosecuted.

The whole shortage thing is not bullshit.

Yes it is. It's complete bullshit. Utter bullshit. Go to a grocery store and look at all the rubber gloves and masks the panicked little pigs toss all over the place. I was at my doctor today and he agrees, it's utter bullshit. Same thing with ventilators. Not one person has been denied a ventilator since all this started despite all the panick and doom. It's bullshit.
Yes, and the way that it reads is that nurse's that do speak out would then be assumed to be full of crap.

The woman was caught lying. Her story was proven fake just like the pic of the nurses dressed in trash bags. Her story was bullshit plain and simple. If she were telling the truth other nurses would have left with her and they would all be on every cable tv morning news show telling their story. This whole shortage thing is bull shit. No one has run out of anything, no one has been denied a ventilator and this wasn't as bad as promised. This bitch should be prosecuted.

The whole shortage thing is not bullshit.

Yes it is. It's complete bullshit. Utter bullshit. Go to a grocery store and look at all the rubber gloves and masks the panicked little pigs toss all over the place. I was at my doctor today and he agrees, it's utter bullshit. Same thing with ventilators. Not one person has been denied a ventilator since all this started despite all the panick and doom. It's bullshit.

It was a noted concern in the hospital that I was in.
Yes, and the way that it reads is that nurse's that do speak out would then be assumed to be full of crap.

The woman was caught lying. Her story was proven fake just like the pic of the nurses dressed in trash bags. Her story was bullshit plain and simple. If she were telling the truth other nurses would have left with her and they would all be on every cable tv morning news show telling their story. This whole shortage thing is bull shit. No one has run out of anything, no one has been denied a ventilator and this wasn't as bad as promised. This bitch should be prosecuted.

The whole shortage thing is not bullshit.

Yes it is. It's complete bullshit. Utter bullshit. Go to a grocery store and look at all the rubber gloves and masks the panicked little pigs toss all over the place. I was at my doctor today and he agrees, it's utter bullshit. Same thing with ventilators. Not one person has been denied a ventilator since all this started despite all the panick and doom. It's bullshit.

Yeah, what's up with that? You can't toss your rubber gloves into a garbage can? No garbage bag in your vehicle?
Yes, and the way that it reads is that nurse's that do speak out would then be assumed to be full of crap.

The woman was caught lying. Her story was proven fake just like the pic of the nurses dressed in trash bags. Her story was bullshit plain and simple. If she were telling the truth other nurses would have left with her and they would all be on every cable tv morning news show telling their story. This whole shortage thing is bull shit. No one has run out of anything, no one has been denied a ventilator and this wasn't as bad as promised. This bitch should be prosecuted.

The whole shortage thing is not bullshit.

Yes it is. It's complete bullshit. Utter bullshit. Go to a grocery store and look at all the rubber gloves and masks the panicked little pigs toss all over the place. I was at my doctor today and he agrees, it's utter bullshit. Same thing with ventilators. Not one person has been denied a ventilator since all this started despite all the panick and doom. It's bullshit.

It was a noted concern in the hospital that I was in.

It's a noted concern in every hospital in the country but the real issue is the possibility of getting free shit from the govrenment. Talk about failures, every governor in the country dropped the ball on this one as did the administrators . All this talk about the presidant, congress and whatever was warned by whonever that a pandemic was coming and they all did nothing. Then you have all these freaked out piglets tossing their masks and gloves out on the street or the floors of supermarkets, it smacks of bull shit. My doctor had to see me at the ER because that's where he was and he had a some stuff for me. None of the staff at UTMB were panicking or shooting selfie videos of them dressed in trash bags and crying.
More "blame the media" bullshit. I have a cousin who works in a ER. I talked to her last week and she was crying her eyes out. Totally burned out and fearful.

I would trust the "MSM" long before I would trust some right-wing liar like the guy in the Oval Office. This anti-media stuff is just cheap propaganda designed to trick us to follow their hitler.
More "blame the media" bullshit. I have a cousin who works in a ER. I talked to her last week and she was crying her eyes out. Totally burned out and fearful.

I would trust the "MSM" long before I would trust some right-wing liar like the guy in the Oval Office. This anti-media stuff is just cheap propaganda designed to trick us to follow their hitler.

Or crash the world economy, bringing on a depression bigger than the one that started in 1929, amirite?

I haven't seen any talking heads NOT pushing for that.
More "blame the media" bullshit. I have a cousin who works in a ER. I talked to her last week and she was crying her eyes out. Totally burned out and fearful.

I would trust the "MSM" long before I would trust some right-wing liar like the guy in the Oval Office. This anti-media stuff is just cheap propaganda designed to trick us to follow their hitler.

How do you plan to cope when Trump wins again in November?

Make a plan
More "blame the media" bullshit. I have a cousin who works in a ER. I talked to her last week and she was crying her eyes out. Totally burned out and fearful.

I would trust the "MSM" long before I would trust some right-wing liar like the guy in the Oval Office. This anti-media stuff is just cheap propaganda designed to trick us to follow their hitler.

Or crash the world economy, bringing on a depression bigger than the one that started in 1929, amirite?

I haven't seen any talking heads NOT pushing for that.

You would believe trump and follow him? Really? What's with the traitor flag, anyway?
More "blame the media" bullshit. I have a cousin who works in a ER. I talked to her last week and she was crying her eyes out. Totally burned out and fearful.

I would trust the "MSM" long before I would trust some right-wing liar like the guy in the Oval Office. This anti-media stuff is just cheap propaganda designed to trick us to follow their hitler.

How do you plan to cope when Trump wins again in November?

Make a plan

I'm not going to lick his boots. You'd lick anything, culthead. He can't win except if he cheats, which can be expected of him. I notice that you cultheads like cheap, amoral people and sexoholics.
More "blame the media" bullshit. I have a cousin who works in a ER. I talked to her last week and she was crying her eyes out. Totally burned out and fearful.

I would trust the "MSM" long before I would trust some right-wing liar like the guy in the Oval Office. This anti-media stuff is just cheap propaganda designed to trick us to follow their hitler.

How do you plan to cope when Trump wins again in November?

Make a plan

I'm not going to lick his boots. You'd lick anything, culthead. He can't win except if he cheats, which can be expected of him. I notice that you cultheads like cheap, amoral people and sexoholics.

My my why are you so judgmental, you absolute Puritan?
More "blame the media" bullshit. I have a cousin who works in a ER. I talked to her last week and she was crying her eyes out. Totally burned out and fearful.

I would trust the "MSM" long before I would trust some right-wing liar like the guy in the Oval Office. This anti-media stuff is just cheap propaganda designed to trick us to follow their hitler.

Or crash the world economy, bringing on a depression bigger than the one that started in 1929, amirite?

I haven't seen any talking heads NOT pushing for that.

You would believe trump and follow him? Really? What's with the traitor flag, anyway?

I would believe the truth vs. propaganda. :dunno:
Especially when the propaganda is designed to make millions of my fellow human beings suffer.
More "blame the media" bullshit. I have a cousin who works in a ER. I talked to her last week and she was crying her eyes out. Totally burned out and fearful.

I would trust the "MSM" long before I would trust some right-wing liar like the guy in the Oval Office. This anti-media stuff is just cheap propaganda designed to trick us to follow their hitler.

How do you plan to cope when Trump wins again in November?

Make a plan
If Trump is so great, they why is the USA the most infected & least tested country? Why did he back down from China tariffs & returning all our manufacturing to US soil?

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