Coulter unloads on Trump: "Disloyal actual retard"

It seems Ann Coulter has had it with Donald Trump in a huge twitter fight. Are there more conservatives ready to toss Trump under the bus?
The REAL lesson in all of this, Fly Swatter, is that Coulter comes, Coulter goes, and Republicans often disagree, but you Lefty Sociocrats all walk together in perfectly syncopated lockstep like little wind up drones, never a one of you to have a single bad word ever no matter what they do against Sniffy Biden, Crooked Hillary, Trans-EarsObumma or Nooner Nancy. Never. Ever.

Well, let's agree to disagree. I'll stick by reality, and you have every right to ignore it and believe in what you've been told to believe by Hannity, Limbaugh and Trump.
Let's just agree that you're a delusional, dismissive asshat. I don't even get Fox News, haven't heard Rush's radio show in over a decade, and contrary to popular belief, Trump doesn't have a Dixie cup and string to my home, I just happen to often agree with him because unless most politicians, he's usually on the right side of the mainstream American people.

Really, so where do you get the news of the world & our nation? How can you make this claim: " I just happen to often agree with him because unless most politicians, he's usually on the right side of the mainstream American people"?

Maybe you believe Mainstream Americans (MA) support his hate and fear rhetoric, many many lies and his constant efforts to fire and destroy so many careers for not spending their time praising him. Donald Trump is mentally unfit to hold an office of trust, and nearly 3 million American Voters saw this and did not vote for him in 2016.

Words matter, and you need to define the phrase "Mainstream Americans", if not, my inference is you won't since you would expose your bigotry for millions of American Citizens.
It seems Ann Coulter has had it with Donald Trump in a huge twitter fight. Are there more conservatives ready to toss Trump under the bus?

But Annie, Trump is right about Sessions. He caved when he should have been strong. He was AWOL when he could have ensured that the "Russian collusion" investigation was on the level. Maybe Trump is a bit rough on the guy, but hey, Trump was the one who had to endure the CONSTANT "we have you now" and "the evidence is hiding in plain sight" and the subsequent and totally uncalled for impeachment (Pelosi said "it's not about Ukraine, it's about Russia. It's all about Russia") that failed. I'd be mad as hell, too.

The evidence to impeach Trump was necessary but not sufficient to reach the high standard of 2/3 + 1 to convict. Had McConnell not created a kangaroo trial, it's likely a few more senators would have sided with Romney. Don't suggest that Trump was acquitted, in any jury trail the outcome would have been a hung jury, and a mistrial might be declared. It is unfortunate that the Chief Justice lacked the balls and integrity to have allowed McConnell to orchestrate this joke of a trial; and to deny Trump his right to rebut evidence - testimony and documents - not allowed by Moscow Mitch.
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/——/ O’Reilly is on the internet and you can hear Rush on any internet radio app like WOR 710 . Bill O'Reilly | No Spin News
Thanks, CB, I'll save the link to O'Reilly, but O'Reilly says I don't have a supported MIME device to view his videos, too bad, and listening to him on the "internet radio" for five minutes, he isn't the same guy, spirit broken, sounds like he has marbles in his mouth, talking slowing with slurred speech, and sounded like he was reading headlines out of the newspaper about crime stats, the weather and "Covid anxiety." Yawn.

Sorry, Rush is dying now too and Bill O'Reilly should have just retired after the New Fox Bitch News Network bombed him for being a guy, and gone sailing. Rush hit his peak 15-30 years ago a nd is sruising on fumes and O'Reilly is now a boring, stagnant, irrelevant guy.

Tucker is OK whenever I hear him (usually linked to his latest rant by someone here), and the only other guy that comes to mind now is Mark Levin. Laura Ingraham is OK sometimes too. Lou Dobbs is great if you can get him, Glenn Beck was great years ago when he was on Fox but fairly sucks on his private network now always reliving his past AA guilt-ridden anxieties, and Mike Savage was spectacular years ago but again, I have no time nor desire to sit around listening to internet radio much less their opinions to make up my own.
Maybe you believe Mainstream Americans (MA) support his hate and fear rhetoric
Funny, I never hear this "hate" and "fear rhetoric" you libs always talk about!
HATE: You must mean when Trump speaks out and denounces the Left for their crimes.
FEAR: You must mean when you look at Biden and realize that it's going to be a long long time yet before you win another national election.

Tards are stupid and gullible, but even them, you can only fuck 'em up the ass so many times with lies and false promises before even they wake up.
It seems Ann Coulter has had it with Donald Trump in a huge twitter fight. Are there more conservatives ready to toss Trump under the bus?

Yeah, already a thread on this comparing who the bigger pussy is.

I'm willing to put my money on Coulter having the bigger dick.

Thank god! She is just like me in her assessment of that clown.

She concluded: “I will never apologize for supporting the issues that candidate Trump advocated, but I am deeply sorry for thinking that this shallow and broken man would show even some remote fealty to the promises that got him elected.”

This is EXACTLY my sentiment.

YEP! The 2 biggest problems in the WH is Ivanka and Jared.
Annie's just not happy with anything, is she?

Not when she pushed for Trump and has been shit on like a lot of us have been. Her last paragraph I posted is how ALOT of us who voted for Trump in 16 but won't this year feel. The candidate and the president are COMPLETELY different people.

Thank god! She is just like me in her assessment of that clown.

She concluded: “I will never apologize for supporting the issues that candidate Trump advocated, but I am deeply sorry for thinking that this shallow and broken man would show even some remote fealty to the promises that got him elected.”

This is EXACTLY my sentiment.
See folks, I told you the Nazis are not with Trump. They assumed his attitude toward the minorities matched theirs. This is why Trump has lost the Nazi vote

YEP! The 2 biggest problems in the WH is Ivanka and Jared.
Jared is a problem. Ivanka and Don Jr. get to fight over succession.
---GOP voters eye Trump dynasty...Republican voters chose children of President Trump — Don Jr. and Ivanka — as two of the top four picks for president in four years.---

Anne Coulter is great and this is nothing new. She turned on Trump long ago. Drudge did as well a little more recently. The two defections related...and sensible. But I can’t go along with them.
It seems Ann Coulter has had it with Donald Trump in a huge twitter fight. Are there more conservatives ready to toss Trump under the bus?

I don't recall that she ever liked or supported Trump for the White House, thus her commentary isn't surprising.

By the way your signature statement is absurd:

"Plan for the Future Fiscal conservatism is not fiscally responsible!"

It is clear you don't read up the current Federal Budget, since about 70% of it are MANDATED spending, all 70% of it was created by the Democrat party in the past. The Republican party never passed the SS, Medicare, Medic Aid and other fully mandated welfare based programs, they were all passed by the Democrat majorities.

"""I don't recall that she ever liked or supported Trump for the White House, thus her commentary isn't surprising."""


Oh fuck, I don't either!


Just back away from your computer, or drop your phone and walk away.
You're too damn dumb even for this place.
Shes about as fickle as Basque. She went thru the same thing with Chris Christy
It seems Ann Coulter has had it with Donald Trump in a huge twitter fight. Are there more conservatives ready to toss Trump under the bus?

But she’ll vote for Trump again – along with Trump’s other rightwing ‘critics.’
Hope so. Hope shes smart enough to understand what happens if we get the alternative
Maybe you believe Mainstream Americans (MA) support his hate and fear rhetoric, many many lies and his constant efforts to fire and destroy so many careers for not spending their time praising him
Mainstream America doesnt look at the world thru your tard colored glasses. Your whining and insults wont turn a single soul. They just point and laugh at your TDS

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