Coulter unloads on Trump: "Disloyal actual retard"

You’re a big Ann Coulter follower, are you?
I'm fascinated by the behaviors and tactics of the narcissistic, dishonest, hypocritical ends of our political spectrum. When something is this destructive to my country, I want to observe and understand it as much as possible.

For example, one of the primary tactics practiced regularly by both ends is to try to change the subject and put the other on the defensive, as we see with your post.

So yes, I pay close attention - particularly to the Division Pimps, those on both ends of have a vested professional interest in lying and keeping us angry and divided, and to those they con. The Division Pimps are as responsible as anyone for what has happened to this country.

Thanks for asking.
Those pimps are paramount to the democrat party. Democrats thrive on division and segregation and count on a pravda media to train their constituents. That’s why dems’ only understanding of prominent non-dems is the image portrayed to them by pravda. Coulter is an example who is ragged on by dems who don’t really pay attention to any of her points, only what they’re told. So when an attention whore like coulter does an obvious controversial thing but it seems to jibe with the dem agenda, suddenly dems act as if they read her columns religiously.
So you don't see any of this coming from right wing media, too?
You’re a big Ann Coulter follower, are you?
I'm fascinated by the behaviors and tactics of the narcissistic, dishonest, hypocritical ends of our political spectrum. When something is this destructive to my country, I want to observe and understand it as much as possible.

For example, one of the primary tactics practiced regularly by both ends is to try to change the subject and put the other on the defensive, as we see with your post.

So yes, I pay close attention - particularly to the Division Pimps, those on both ends of have a vested professional interest in lying and keeping us angry and divided, and to those they con. The Division Pimps are as responsible as anyone for what has happened to this country.

Thanks for asking.
Those pimps are paramount to the democrat party. Democrats thrive on division and segregation and count on a pravda media to train their constituents. That’s why dems’ only understanding of prominent non-dems is the image portrayed to them by pravda. Coulter is an example who is ragged on by dems who don’t really pay attention to any of her points, only what they’re told. So when an attention whore like coulter does an obvious controversial thing but it seems to jibe with the dem agenda, suddenly dems act as if they read her columns religiously.
So you don't see any of this coming from right wing media, too?
Sure. But right wing media establishes itself as right wing media while mainstream media is democrats‘ pravda.
Coulter is an established right wing pundit. The people presenting her objections to trump are MSM, overtly and intentionally doing democrats’ bidding. I read this story on my MSN and yahoo morning news feeds.
Holy crap, it's always fun to watch the nutters turn on each other. Ann Coulter, desperate for relevancy and almost as desperate as Trump for approval, let Trump have it yesterday: Ann Coulter Turns on ‘Disloyal Actual Retard’ Trump in Twitter Rant

From the linked article:

Ann Coulter went on an early Sunday morning Twitter tear, calling President Donald Trump “the most disloyal actual retard that has ever set foot in the Oval Office.”

The far-right media pundit and former Trump defender was triggered by the president’s Friday tweet in which he called for Alabama voters to “not trust Jeff Sessions” and instead put their support behind Sessions’ Republican Senate seat challenger, football coach Tommy Tuberville.

“3 years ago, after Jeff Sessions recused himself, the Fraudulent Mueller Scam began. Alabama, do not trust Jeff Sessions. He let our Country down. That’s why I endorsed Coach Tommy Tuberville (@TTuberville), the true supporter of our #MAGA agenda!,” Trump tweeted.

And that set off Coulter, who called Trump a “moron,” “retard” and “lout,” who was incapable of “pretending to be” a “decent, compassionate human being.”

Hey, dummy, this is NOT breaking news, by ANY means. Ann Coulter has been bad mouthing our president for OVER TWO YEARS now. I USED to like her until she turned into a wishy-washy flake. I don't really care WHAT she thinks of our president, and I'm sure HE doesn't care as well.
That Coulter woman is one of those Deep Staters that had infiltrated their way into the Conservative's moment. Gaining their trust. I knew that the Deep state are going to try to sneak in a few of their RINOs. Because the Deep State knows that the only way for them to take back the country. It is by smuggling their soldiers into the Republican party.
Everyone should already know by now that Jeff Session is apart of the Deep State clan. He didn't wanted to do nothing what Pres.Trump asked him to do. And Pres.Trump found out that Session didn't have to recuse himself.
It is close to election time. And you are going to see a lot of these backstabbing RINOs stabbing Pres.Trump in the back.
Never can trust a woman with no meat on the bones...


Holy crap, it's always fun to watch the nutters turn on each other. Ann Coulter, desperate for relevancy and almost as desperate as Trump for approval, let Trump have it yesterday: Ann Coulter Turns on ‘Disloyal Actual Retard’ Trump in Twitter Rant

From the linked article:

Ann Coulter went on an early Sunday morning Twitter tear, calling President Donald Trump “the most disloyal actual retard that has ever set foot in the Oval Office.”

The far-right media pundit and former Trump defender was triggered by the president’s Friday tweet in which he called for Alabama voters to “not trust Jeff Sessions” and instead put their support behind Sessions’ Republican Senate seat challenger, football coach Tommy Tuberville.

“3 years ago, after Jeff Sessions recused himself, the Fraudulent Mueller Scam began. Alabama, do not trust Jeff Sessions. He let our Country down. That’s why I endorsed Coach Tommy Tuberville (@TTuberville), the true supporter of our #MAGA agenda!,” Trump tweeted.

And that set off Coulter, who called Trump a “moron,” “retard” and “lout,” who was incapable of “pretending to be” a “decent, compassionate human being.”

Hey, dummy, this is NOT breaking news, by ANY means. Ann Coulter has been bad mouthing our president for OVER TWO YEARS now. I USED to like her until she turned into a wishy-washy flake. I don't really care WHAT she thinks of our president, and I'm sure HE doesn't care as well.
Poor Coulter....she is getting more idiotic by the second...

Not nice .....not nice at all Coulter...

Live your sad life ...and try to leave all others alone.

Pity to be you
If Anne reads your post, the only thing that I can say is I am disappointed she's so down on the President who has had his hands full with the full force of deep state Democrats lying their asses off, as usual.

Anne, your mercilessness is as Skye said. You missed a few details about the fierceness of this honest man's foes. They can't get him because (1) He is innocent of wrongdoing. (2) He gets the very best and truthful help from the finest accountants and attorneys in the Western World, and (3) Trump loves the American people after swearing to and adhering to Christian principles following his first prayer meeting with Christians in both houses of Congress. Since that time, he's done his humanly best to do the right thing to all Americans concerned. It ain't pretty to the ones who took the wrong turn from the Constitution of the United States of America. Are you sure your turn is on the side of justice, considering how heartless you come across to people who know the facts like Ms. Skye?
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You’re a big Ann Coulter follower, are you?
I'm fascinated by the behaviors and tactics of the narcissistic, dishonest, hypocritical ends of our political spectrum. When something is this destructive to my country, I want to observe and understand it as much as possible.

For example, one of the primary tactics practiced regularly by both ends is to try to change the subject and put the other on the defensive, as we see with your post.

So yes, I pay close attention - particularly to the Division Pimps, those on both ends of have a vested professional interest in lying and keeping us angry and divided, and to those they con. The Division Pimps are as responsible as anyone for what has happened to this country.

Thanks for asking.
Those pimps are paramount to the democrat party. Democrats thrive on division and segregation and count on a pravda media to train their constituents. That’s why dems’ only understanding of prominent non-dems is the image portrayed to them by pravda. Coulter is an example who is ragged on by dems who don’t really pay attention to any of her points, only what they’re told. So when an attention whore like coulter does an obvious controversial thing but it seems to jibe with the dem agenda, suddenly dems act as if they read her columns religiously.
Harsh, but true. Thanks for your perspective. :thup:
You’re a big Ann Coulter follower, are you?
I'm fascinated by the behaviors and tactics of the narcissistic, dishonest, hypocritical ends of our political spectrum. When something is this destructive to my country, I want to observe and understand it as much as possible.

For example, one of the primary tactics practiced regularly by both ends is to try to change the subject and put the other on the defensive, as we see with your post.

So yes, I pay close attention - particularly to the Division Pimps, those on both ends of have a vested professional interest in lying and keeping us angry and divided, and to those they con. The Division Pimps are as responsible as anyone for what has happened to this country.

Thanks for asking.
Those pimps are paramount to the democrat party. Democrats thrive on division and segregation and count on a pravda media to train their constituents. That’s why dems’ only understanding of prominent non-dems is the image portrayed to them by pravda. Coulter is an example who is ragged on by dems who don’t really pay attention to any of her points, only what they’re told. So when an attention whore like coulter does an obvious controversial thing but it seems to jibe with the dem agenda, suddenly dems act as if they read her columns religiously.
So you don't see any of this coming from right wing media, too?
Do you mean one news station as opposed to 300 + leftist, commie-promoting stations? Oh, I get it. You're color blind to those with yellow egg on their face.
You’re a big Ann Coulter follower, are you?
I'm fascinated by the behaviors and tactics of the narcissistic, dishonest, hypocritical ends of our political spectrum. When something is this destructive to my country, I want to observe and understand it as much as possible.

For example, one of the primary tactics practiced regularly by both ends is to try to change the subject and put the other on the defensive, as we see with your post.

So yes, I pay close attention - particularly to the Division Pimps, those on both ends of have a vested professional interest in lying and keeping us angry and divided, and to those they con. The Division Pimps are as responsible as anyone for what has happened to this country.

Thanks for asking.
Those pimps are paramount to the democrat party. Democrats thrive on division and segregation and count on a pravda media to train their constituents. That’s why dems’ only understanding of prominent non-dems is the image portrayed to them by pravda. Coulter is an example who is ragged on by dems who don’t really pay attention to any of her points, only what they’re told. So when an attention whore like coulter does an obvious controversial thing but it seems to jibe with the dem agenda, suddenly dems act as if they read her columns religiously.
So you don't see any of this coming from right wing media, too?
Do you mean one news station as opposed to 300 + leftist, commie-promoting stations? Oh, I get it. You're color blind to those with yellow egg on their face.
Actually, when I'm discussing the Division Pimps on the Right, I'm talking about people like Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Savage, Jones, Fox, AON, CNS, Breitbart, Red State, and all the other primary "news" and "information" sources of the alternate universe. I'll bet you've heard of them.

See, I fully agree that most of the media leans Left. I hold my side accountable for its hypocrisy and its bullshit.

I wish you folks would, too. But I'm not holding breath.
Holy crap, it's always fun to watch the nutters turn on each other. Ann Coulter, desperate for relevancy and almost as desperate as Trump for approval, let Trump have it yesterday: Ann Coulter Turns on ‘Disloyal Actual Retard’ Trump in Twitter Rant

From the linked article:

Ann Coulter went on an early Sunday morning Twitter tear, calling President Donald Trump “the most disloyal actual retard that has ever set foot in the Oval Office.”

The far-right media pundit and former Trump defender was triggered by the president’s Friday tweet in which he called for Alabama voters to “not trust Jeff Sessions” and instead put their support behind Sessions’ Republican Senate seat challenger, football coach Tommy Tuberville.

“3 years ago, after Jeff Sessions recused himself, the Fraudulent Mueller Scam began. Alabama, do not trust Jeff Sessions. He let our Country down. That’s why I endorsed Coach Tommy Tuberville (@TTuberville), the true supporter of our #MAGA agenda!,” Trump tweeted.

And that set off Coulter, who called Trump a “moron,” “retard” and “lout,” who was incapable of “pretending to be” a “decent, compassionate human being.”

Coulter hasn't had a kind word for Trump since he won the presidency. Not one. It's not shocking that she carry her grudge with nay-saying. She has the freedom of speech because she's an American citizen.

I don't believe that to be factual
Ann Coulter doesn't have to do any additional outrageous things to "get attention." She has the attention of millions, largely because she is extremely knowledgeable, and doesn't take any shit from anybody (without retaliating).

Back-story: There is apparently a cartoon version of her book, "Adios America" in print, and would-be candidate Donald Trump got a hold of it in 2015. The book outlines the Democrat plot to take over the U.S. government by legalizing, then NATURALIZING the thirty million of so illegals currently in the country, so that they can all vote Democrat in every election and relegate the Republican Party to the shelf next to the Whigs.

Well...Donald Trump decided that this immigration thing would be the cornerstone of his campaign to be President, and we all know how that turned out.

Hence, Ann Coulter feels that she has a proprietary stake in Trump's presidency and she has blasted him repeatedly from veering off message on immigration...most notably for not pushing strongly enough for THE WALL, when he wavered, but also on other immigration-related developments So she is majorly disappointed in Trump overall.

Then we have the Jeff Sessions debacle. Jeff Sessions RIGHTLY recused himself from the Russia collusion matter, and Trump foolishly and severely criticized him for it, and continues to try to make his (Sessions') life miserable.

It is Trump at his worst.

And Sister Ann pointed it out, in her own inimitable way. Entertaining, no?

Yes to Ann thinking that Illegal Immigration will destroy America.
Yes to President Trump being (and staying) on board with that, if we fail that test nothing else matters.

NO - To Everything Jeff Sessions. He should have never accepted that position - if he couldn't do the job.
She's a self serving rat and it's rich to hear her talk about someone lacking compassion.

Sessions was weak and unconcerned about the impact his recusal would have on the entire planet. Trump has a right to be angry and voice his opinion. Like Romney, he is running in the only place he might win. Unlike Romney, Trump is outspoken against him, not wanting to have to trust him with anything ever again.

Uh, Sessions really didn't have a choice. The fact he had also been dealing with the Russians is why he had to recuse himself.

Barr's amateurish attempts to sweep this all under the carpet is embarrassing.

Robert Mueller - No Americans were working with Russia.
It seems Ann Coulter has had it with Donald Trump in a huge twitter fight. Are there more conservatives ready to toss Trump under the bus?

I don't recall that she ever liked or supported Trump for the White House, thus her commentary isn't surprising.

By the way your signature statement is absurd:

"Plan for the Future Fiscal conservatism is not fiscally responsible!"

It is clear you don't read up the current Federal Budget, since about 70% of it are MANDATED spending, all 70% of it was created by the Democrat party in the past. The Republican party never passed the SS, Medicare, Medic Aid and other fully mandated welfare based programs, they were all passed by the Democrat majorities.

She was pro Donald Trump, very early on.
It is sad when members of your own party turn on you because you are an insufferable bitch.
I cant speak for everyone but I have not turned on coulter just because we disagree on this issue
Coulter is not the president and he is the one that needs support not Coulter.
Ok, you mean trump is the insufferable bitch

thanks for clearing that up

but I think Coulter is overreacting

Tubberville seems like a good replacement for sessions
Maybe Trump should work on recovering the economy and less on campaign thrills.
Trump is wprking to save the economy

But he needs members of the sanate he can count on

and sessions has proven to be very undependable

Without Sessions Early support - Trump probably doesn't win.
Sessions guilt rests solely in taking a job that he knew that he wasn't going to be fully able to do.
He should have asked President Trump for a different job.
Funniest thing Coulter ever did was exposing keith Olberfuhrer for going to "moo school" as she called it. Fuckboy had a show on one of those communist channels with about 15 viewers. This was before he got fired for the 35th time. Fuckboy lost his shit for about 2 weeks over that one. He was bringing in his diploma and ranting like a lunatic. Turns out he went to some agricultural extension of a real college and has the equivalent of a welding certificate. I wonder whatever happened to that sad little queer. Who cares.
You’re a big Ann Coulter follower, are you?
I'm fascinated by the behaviors and tactics of the narcissistic, dishonest, hypocritical ends of our political spectrum. When something is this destructive to my country, I want to observe and understand it as much as possible.

For example, one of the primary tactics practiced regularly by both ends is to try to change the subject and put the other on the defensive, as we see with your post.

So yes, I pay close attention - particularly to the Division Pimps, those on both ends of have a vested professional interest in lying and keeping us angry and divided, and to those they con. The Division Pimps are as responsible as anyone for what has happened to this country.

Thanks for asking.
Those pimps are paramount to the democrat party. Democrats thrive on division and segregation and count on a pravda media to train their constituents. That’s why dems’ only understanding of prominent non-dems is the image portrayed to them by pravda. Coulter is an example who is ragged on by dems who don’t really pay attention to any of her points, only what they’re told. So when an attention whore like coulter does an obvious controversial thing but it seems to jibe with the dem agenda, suddenly dems act as if they read her columns religiously.
So you don't see any of this coming from right wing media, too?
Do you mean one news station as opposed to 300 + leftist, commie-promoting stations? Oh, I get it. You're color blind to those with yellow egg on their face.
Actually, when I'm discussing the Division Pimps on the Right, I'm talking about people like Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Savage, Jones, Fox, AON, CNS, Breitbart, Red State, and all the other primary "news" and "information" sources of the alternate universe. I'll bet you've heard of them.

See, I fully agree that most of the media leans Left. I hold my side accountable for its hypocrisy and its bullshit.

I wish you folks would, too. But I'm not holding breath.

Newt Gingrich and his words of power are foremost.


Thank god! She is just like me in her assessment of that clown.

She concluded: “I will never apologize for supporting the issues that candidate Trump advocated, but I am deeply sorry for thinking that this shallow and broken man would show even some remote fealty to the promises that got him elected.”

This is EXACTLY my sentiment.
See folks, I told you the Nazis are not with Trump. They assumed his attitude toward the minorities matched theirs. This is why Trump has lost the Nazi vote

How would you know if you were not one of them?
It seems Ann Coulter has had it with Donald Trump in a huge twitter fight. Are there more conservatives ready to toss Trump under the bus?

I don't recall that she ever liked or supported Trump for the White House, thus her commentary isn't surprising.

By the way your signature statement is absurd:

"Plan for the Future Fiscal conservatism is not fiscally responsible!"

It is clear you don't read up the current Federal Budget, since about 70% of it are MANDATED spending, all 70% of it was created by the Democrat party in the past. The Republican party never passed the SS, Medicare, Medic Aid and other fully mandated welfare based programs, they were all passed by the Democrat majorities.

She was pro Donald Trump, very early on.

I'm sorry, the person you seek to respond to is not available, not until you have achieved an IQ level over 85. Please try again if you are able to reach this minimum qualification.

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