Conservatives who oppose withdrawing from Afghanistan, what would you do?

Only the ones involved in coordinating 9-11.
The terrorists will just popup elsewhere, be it Africa or another Asian country. I'm just not seeing the logic of staying there that costs us so much in terms of blood and treasure.
Using other terrorist havens as an excuse to abandon a major one is illogical.
I do not believe Afghanistan is still a major terrorist haven, do you disagree? Have you heard or read of any terrorists that we have caught or killed? We cannot position men and materiel halfway around the world waiting them to come back, now THAT would be illogical. And foolish. We used to be able to afford that, but no longer IMHO.
Part we agree on: I agree that the Taliban enabled Al Qaeda who attacked the United States. And that means I totally support our attacking and destroying the Taliban and paying them back many times over for what they did to us. And I had no problem with our military staying involved and keeping them down by bombing and whatever else we wanted to do to them for as long as we need to keep them from being a threat and as a warning others what we will do to them.

What I don't agree with: Nation building in Afghanistan. It's a tribal country. Russia failed to control it. Britain failed four times. We had no chance. We should not have invaded and tried to build a government there. To maintain the government, we will have to stay for centuries. That is insane. W was a moron and really screwed us by putting us in an impossible situation where we could never leave.

It's really unfortunate that we sent so many Americans who fought and died for our country. My niece was in the military there and her husband did at least five tours that I remember. Now we pull out and it falls negating their sacrifice and the price we and they paid. I feel genuinely bad about that.

But what choice do we have? We have been there for almost 20 years and they aren't remotely able to support themselves. They won't be in our lifetimes. They won't be in our children's lifetimes.

What should we have done? What is the solution other than leaving? I can't believe Bush went in without realizing this is how at one point or another it would end.

What does the fucking shithole known as Afghanistan have that is worth this

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Most Americans agreed that we needed to vacate Afghanistan.
But that we should have left with honor and dignity.
Not sneak away like a thief fleeing in the middle of the night.
Which made our country look weak and pathetic. ... :cool:
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Part we agree on: I agree that the Taliban enabled Al Qaeda who attacked the United States. And that means I totally support our attacking and destroying the Taliban and paying them back many times over for what they did to us. And I had no problem with our military staying involved and keeping them down by bombing and whatever else we wanted to do to them for as long as we need to keep them from being a threat and as a warning others what we will do to them.

What I don't agree with: Nation building in Afghanistan. It's a tribal country. Russia failed to control it. Britain failed four times. We had no chance. We should not have invaded and tried to build a government there. To maintain the government, we will have to stay for centuries. That is insane. W was a moron and really screwed us by putting us in an impossible situation where we could never leave.

It's really unfortunate that we sent so many Americans who fought and died for our country. My niece was in the military there and her husband did at least five tours that I remember. Now we pull out and it falls negating their sacrifice and the price we and they paid. I feel genuinely bad about that.

But what choice do we have? We have been there for almost 20 years and they aren't remotely able to support themselves. They won't be in our lifetimes. They won't be in our children's lifetimes.

What should we have done? What is the solution other than leaving? I can't believe Bush went in without realizing this is how at one point or another it would end.

Taliban enabled Al Qaeda??..if that's the justification for an endless war why didn't we start it in Saudi Arabia, considering the Al Qaeda members who brought the Towers down were Saudis.
Probably had something to do with the fact that the Taliban were HOSTING al Qaeda's operational camps, eh?
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Only the ones involved in coordinating 9-11.
The terrorists will just popup elsewhere, be it Africa or another Asian country. I'm just not seeing the logic of staying there that costs us so much in terms of blood and treasure.
Using other terrorist havens as an excuse to abandon a major one is illogical.
I do not believe Afghanistan is still a major terrorist haven, do you disagree? Have you heard or read of any terrorists that we have caught or killed? We cannot position men and materiel halfway around the world waiting them to come back, now THAT would be illogical. And foolish. We used to be able to afford that, but no longer IMHO.
Afghanistan is not still a major terrorist haven? I agree. But we will both have to change our minds about that within the next 12-24 months... maybe sooner.
Most Americans agreed that we needed to vacate Afghanistan.
But that we should have left with honor and dignity.
Not sneak away like a thief fleeing in the middle of the night.
Which made our country look weak and pathetic. ... :cool:

I wonder if we announced the date we're leaving would that give the Taliban, Al Qaida, and/or others to be ready to shoot our planes down when we left? I think I'd rather not broadcast that information.
Islam is to blame.

It is the last surviving large-scale Warrior Religion still extant across a wide domain.

It is a shameless bastardly plagiarizing of Judaism and Christianity with an unhealthy dose of Arabic hashish hallucination tossed in for good measure.

It openly condones violence in its advance and defense and its misguided adherents become obnoxious and aggressive whenever they gather in strength.

It was founded by a bloodthirsty hallucinating gigolo and peddler who duped his early followers and slaughtered all who opposed or laughed at him.

He invented a "scripture" that excused all of his own grievous sins and promised Paradise to all who followed him and who fell for the new Phony Faith.

He invented a set of rigid rules for living and for the suppression of women and nonbelievers which should have been left behind in the 7th Century AD.

He invented a theocratic framework that locks-out changes and precludes any sort of meaningful (and desperately needed) Reformation.

He invented a series of worship rituals and religious dogma more worldly and less spiritual than its competition and which required less intellectual effort.

Islam is the problem... not Afghan culture... because ANY of these Islamic $hithole$ can revert to 7th Century fundamentalism at the drop of a hat.
What should be done? Why ask conservatives? Barry Hussein had 8 years to untangle us from Afghanistan and he even gave a couple of target dates but he never followed through. President Trump promised to get us out of useless foreign conflicts but democrats obstructed every move he made and tied him up with two impeachments and that was the plan.
There is no reasonable doubt that the Afghan Taliban hosted and shielded al Qaeda and enabled them to wreak havoc on The West.

That said... our original assault on Afghanistan was about as righteous (defensible) as anyone could desire.

The problem is... we should have been in-and-out of there within six months.

Those of you who played Cops-and-Robbers on a summer night as children will remember one of the basic rules...

You always put a guy or two behind the garage in case the Bad Guys tried to escape that way.

Every ten-year-old who's ever played that game understands the sense and truth in that.

We... the American military... failed to put a guy or two behind the garage, when it came to capturing Osama bin Laden.

We should have air-dropped a battalion or two into each of the mountain passes between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

That way... when we bombed Tora Bora... and flushed al Qaeda out of that cave-complex... Osama et al would have had nowhere to run.

We should have killed Osama and his militants in the mountain passes on their way to Pakistan.

Then bombed-the-$hit out of all Taliban-controlled military complexes and governing facilities...

Then walked away, leaving them lurching about in the smoking ruins...

The whole thing should have taken six months or less... perhaps MUCH less.

But the retards running the show didn't see it that way.

So we poured a great deal of American blood and treasure into the sands and steppes of that Fundamentalist Islamic $hithole.

For nothing.

Damned shame... we have another Vietnam 1975 on our hands... and it didn't even take two years (1973-1975) after we left for it all to fall apart.

Memo to future American generations: "You can't nation-build when all you've got to work with are Neanderthals".

And... conceding THAT reality... it's time to bail... phukk 'em.
Only the ones involved in coordinating 9-11.
The terrorists will just popup elsewhere, be it Africa or another Asian country. I'm just not seeing the logic of staying there that costs us so much in terms of blood and treasure.
Using other terrorist havens as an excuse to abandon a major one is illogical.
I do not believe Afghanistan is still a major terrorist haven, do you disagree? Have you heard or read of any terrorists that we have caught or killed? We cannot position men and materiel halfway around the world waiting them to come back, now THAT would be illogical. And foolish. We used to be able to afford that, but no longer IMHO.
Seems like our presence has worked.
Remember what happened when Obama played Vietnam with Iraq?
Follow the money.

Here's the problem, high level......Bush agreed to leave Iraq and then Obama saw it through. Then what happened? The result was much worse, ISIS was built, etc. etc. Under Trump cleaned up the mess, but PROGS are idiots, another reason to vote Demonicrat their eyes, orange-man bad.

So what do we do? Fuck I don't know, but I know it's not pack-up and leave altogether.
Part we agree on: I agree that the Taliban enabled Al Qaeda who attacked the United States. And that means I totally support our attacking and destroying the Taliban and paying them back many times over for what they did to us. And I had no problem with our military staying involved and keeping them down by bombing and whatever else we wanted to do to them for as long as we need to keep them from being a threat and as a warning others what we will do to them.

What I don't agree with: Nation building in Afghanistan. It's a tribal country. Russia failed to control it. Britain failed four times. We had no chance. We should not have invaded and tried to build a government there. To maintain the government, we will have to stay for centuries. That is insane. W was a moron and really screwed us by putting us in an impossible situation where we could never leave.

It's really unfortunate that we sent so many Americans who fought and died for our country. My niece was in the military there and her husband did at least five tours that I remember. Now we pull out and it falls negating their sacrifice and the price we and they paid. I feel genuinely bad about that.

But what choice do we have? We have been there for almost 20 years and they aren't remotely able to support themselves. They won't be in our lifetimes. They won't be in our children's lifetimes.

What should we have done? What is the solution other than leaving? I can't believe Bush went in without realizing this is how at one point or another it would end.

We should had nuked them pillar to post.

Should had nuked Iraq too, then went in to take the oil.

Instead Bush the globalist went in for nation building and trying to create a “democracy” which Muslims have no interest in. Nope, thump them with a big stick, take their wealth, and that is how they learn to not fuck with us.
So you want to create multiple war crimes... Sanctions would be used against US around the world for the mass murder of innocent people...

US then would create enemies not only every muslim but also many Christians in the world... The blowback would create a security issues in US to cause them to have to implement a police state.
Follow the money.

Here's the problem, high level......Bush agreed to leave Iraq and then Obama saw it through. Then what happened? The result was much worse, ISIS was built, etc. etc. Under Trump cleaned up the mess, but PROGS are idiots, another reason to vote Demonicrat their eyes, orange-man bad.

So what do we do? Fuck I don't know, but I know it's not pack-up and leave altogether.
By the time Obama left ISIS were out of libya and they had effectively lost Mosul and they were on the run...

Trump was just around for the clean up... But fucked that up when he ran and deserted allies in Syria...

Explain to us how we gain trust of allies in the region when Trump just deserted them. Trump never understood what US word is worth... Obama did what he did in Iraq because Bush made a deal, Obama job was to uphold that deal. This means US is good for its word...
That's the problem. The idiots in Government wany to rebuild what our military destroys. For my money. Go in, do what needs to be done and then go home. Let them take care of rebuilding.

That's what happened in Iraq. Instead of bombing the shit out of them. Killing who we needed to kill and then going home. The Govt. idiots decided to rebuild a country that was falling apart.

Hearts and minds my ass.
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Follow the money.

Here's the problem, high level......Bush agreed to leave Iraq and then Obama saw it through. Then what happened? The result was much worse, ISIS was built, etc. etc. Under Trump cleaned up the mess, but PROGS are idiots, another reason to vote Demonicrat their eyes, orange-man bad.

So what do we do? Fuck I don't know, but I know it's not pack-up and leave altogether.

One of the reasons Vietnam was so bad was that after Tet, we were fighting not to lose. That is the situation you describe. We aren’t fighting to win. We don’t know how to win, we are fighting not to lose.

I remember a quote about Guerrilla Warfare. It said that such warfare can not defeat an army. It can bleed them so much that eventually they decide they’ve spent too much in lives and treasure to continue. That is when the invaders declare victory and leave. They declare Victory because Politicians won’t admit defeat unless the enemy is marching down the street towards the capital.

It’s what we did. We declared Victory in Vietnam. We declared we had gotten Peace with Honor. We ran as fast as we could, and anyone who has seen the video and images of people clinging to helicopters trying to get out as the actual victors marched into Saigon will never forget them.

We did it again in Afghanistan. We successfully destroyed the Terrorists. And now we turn over the nation to the elected representatives. And we have to go now, because the Taliban is coming. Victory is ours.

I’m sure that most everyone in Washington knew it would take a century to actually win the war in Afghanistan. It would cost many trillions of dollars. It would take time to educate the people to the modern world. It would take social and economic changes. And everyone who realized it, also knew we would never spend that kind of time, or money, to drag Afghanistan into the 20th Century, much less the 21st.

For the last decade we have been fighting not to lose. Because nobody wanted to take the blame for losing. ISIS was the same idiots, with a new flag, as we have been fighting since the 1970’s. They drove us out of Beirut under Reagan. They killed people, kidnapped people, in the 1970s. They have been fighting and killing Westerners for fifty years, and we have only a few possible answers. None of them are good.

We could nuke the region. Turn the entire area into a radioactive waste land. Slaughtering billions. That would insure that they don’t attack us anymore. It would also turn off the oil to the world.

So before we can do that, we have to get off of Oil. We have to have our energy needs managed before that day happens, and not just our own, but the worlds. Europe has to have their energy needs met. Asia has to have their energy needs met. Australia, South America. It goes on and on and on.

All of the answers are like that. Just a hair short of suicide, if we do it right, for the world to end the threat from the region. Crusade anyone? All of the previous Crusades failed. But maybe this time we’ll kill enough to actually win.
That's the problem. The idiots in Government wany to rebuild what our military destroys. For my money. Go in, do what needs to be done and then go home. Let them take care of rebuilding.

That's what happened in Iraq. Instead of bombing the shit out of them. Killing who we needed to kill and then going home. The Govt. idiots decided to rebuild a country that was falling apart.

Hearts and minds my ass.

Historically it works better than your plan. World War One. We left rebuilding to the losers, and required them to pay for the war through Reparations. The reparations were paid, and the world economy went into the crapper. It also created enough animosity to insure that there was part two a generation later.

After War II, we rebuilt Europe, and avoided Part III of the story. So far.

Germany and Japan, our erstwhile enemies, became powerhouses in the world a generation later, economic powerhouses.

If we want to win, long term, not just the battles of today, then we have to assist in the rebuilding, and most importantly educate the population out of the idealism that led to the war.
I thought we shoulda left Afghanistan a longtime ago. When the US finally leaves, that country is going to revert back to what it was before we got there and our leaving would be like pulling your finger out of a pool of water. After the ripples are gone it's the same as it was before you stuck your finger in there. Whether it's now, 20 years from now, or 20 years ago - it don't matter. There's never going to be a good outcome. So - GTFO.
Should have never gone in... The timing was very wrong, the Taliban killed a unifying leader in the northern alliance just a week before 911..

The Taliban was trying to negotiate turning over Bin Laden.... US could have just told Taliban to hand him over or tell us where he is or we will bomb/assassinate back to the caves... Taliban had no real loyalty to a Arab, it would make sense just to hand him over or point out where he is gone...
Last 20 years have been no picnic for Taliban either..

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