CONFIRMED: The REAL Motive for Removing Confederate Memorials/Battle Flag

A little perspective exercise... imagine being a Jew living in Germany and walking by Nazi Park where you see a big statue of Adolph Hitler... I know I went to the extreme but as I said it's a perspective exercise

I'm 1/8th Jewish and I support Hitler. You see how nationalistic we are too, you would call us far right wingnuts if only you knew! Why can't whites be nationalistic, but every every race and nation in the US can?

‘Jewish’ Senior Officers In Hitler’s Army: Erhard Milch, Wilhelm Keitel, Walther von Brauchitsch, Erich Raeder, and Maximilian von Weichs.

In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross.

THOUSANDS of soldiers of Jewish parentage served in Hitler’s army during the Second World War and fought for the Nazi leaders.

Discoveries by a 25-year-old American student, published for the first time by The Telegraph, show that Hitler knew of the Jewish origins of dozens of his senior officers and signed documents declaring them to be « of German blood ».

German law under the Nazis from 1935 forbade anyone with a Jewish grandparent from becoming an officer. But the German army personnel office in January 1944 knew of 77 « high-ranking officers of mixed Jewish race or married to a Jew » serving in the Wehrmacht, the German armed forces. All 77 had received a declaration from Hitler that they were « of German blood ».

The list has been discovered by Bryan Rigg, a history student now working at Cambridge University, who has traced former members of the Wehrmacht who were Jews or had Jewish parentage. He has interviewed hundreds of former soldiers and their families and has examined the individual army personnel files, in the German federal government archives, which reveal how much the Nazi leadership knew of their ancestry. Mr Rigg has found evidence that Hermann Goering, head of the Luftwaffe and Hitler’s chosen successor, falsified the fatherhood of Field Marshal Erhard Milch, his deputy, who was, by the Nazis’ own definitions, a half-Jew.

He has found that the Nazi leadership awarded the Knight’s Cross, Germany’s highest military honour, to soldiers who had previously been discharged because of their Jewish ancestry, then reinstated.
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A little perspective exercise... imagine being a Jew living in Germany and walking by Nazi Park where you see a big statue of Adolph Hitler... I know I went to the extreme but as I said it's a perspective exercise

I'm 1/8th Jewish and I support Hitler.

Good for you. Many more are disgusted by what he did and what he represented. They are going to win the arguement with you every time
Quite ridiculous to remove that "racist symbols". As if slavery and racism were limited to the states of the confederation only. If you ban the Blood-stained Banner you need to ban the Star-spangled Banner as well.

Need to lose all kinds of shit, Washington, Jefferson, Kennedy, FDR, American Indians, etc. etc. etc................I can't believe many on the left have bought into this BS.
One of the reasons I respected Bernie Sanders during the primaries was his honesty....

Bro, Crazy Bernie is by far one of the filthiest, most dishonest politicians in world history. I feel sorry for you that you did not see that. Sure Crooked Hillary attacked our democracy and rigged the election against him, but he went along with it and got a lakeside vacation house in exchange, after fucking every voter who voted for him.
Oh my. Pure insanity at its finest.
I think it would be a landslide thruout the world if Trump was nominated as the filthiest most dishonest politician ever.
No contest.
And a poll came out last month that Bernie would handily beat Trump if the election was today.
Bernie is hypocritical piece of fucking shit, why don't you buy a bobble head of Bernie Sanders and shove it up your ass if you like him so much.
Most of The Left Wants To transform America in to The Soviet Union and that's what drives their hatred of America because people are just
Not laying down for this.

I was suspicious about what would motivate the seemingly coordinated and sudden nature of the removal of these confederate memorials and statues. I became more suspicious after watching the violent and provocative nature of the Durham nonsense.

Then, today, the lady in this video who put the rope on the Durham statue:

Was arrested after she gave a speech at a Worker's World Party rally.

Listen, I am on board with removing racist symbols, but Worker's World Party? FUCK THAT!!!

These assholes are doing this SOLELY for the purpose of starting a revolution to change not only this:


But this:


to THIS:


and THIS:



with THIS:





No sir. Kiss my American ass. That dog will NOT hunt!!! I will NOT sit by and let a bunch of useless, lazy, tyrannical, mini-Mao's and their unquenchable, lustful. envious need to pillage and plunder the productive by way of government, start their murderous revolution.

Tell the truth. Is racial harmony the real goal? If it is, you have an ally. If it's another attempt at a nonsensical communist revolution to change America into the impossible, fake, fairy-tale dreamland called "Utopia" , you can GET BENT COMMIES!!! We'll start building new Lee and Stonewall monuments!!!
I do not believe that the CSA was based on racism but when you have 80 or 90 % slaves you have a hard time giving up on that questionable luxury. Slavery was not related to color, anyway. Born as a free man, even a black could not be enslaved. If those Africans that were imported were not black but green, it would be green. Badluck for the Africans that they had no leaderships but local chieftains.
I believed the same as you.

Then, I read the declarations/ordinances of secession from the states.

See how many times it states "free white person" in the ordinance.

My beloved Texas
She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. Her institutions and geographical position established the strongest ties between her and other slave-holding States of the confederacy. Those ties have been strengthened by association. But what has been the course of the government of the United States, and of the people and authorities of the non-slave-holding States, since our connection with them?
[hanging my head in shame]

...[the U.S.] advocates negro equality, socially and politically, and promotes insurrection and incendiarism in our midst.

You get the idea. Go look up all of them. They are all laden with white supremacy/superiority language and state as one of the main causes for secession being "negro-slavery."

Don't deny it. Plead guilty. The South was guilty. The South seceded because of black slavery. The South resisted black equality for at least 100 years after the war. It does no good to live in that north-running croc-infested river that flows to the Mediterranean.

How do we plead? GUILTY!!!

To fix a problem, you must admit that there is a problem.

"Hello, I am The American South and I am a [recovering] slave-owning bigot racist."

"Hi, The American South."
Most of The Left Wants To transform America in to The Soviet Union and that's what drives their hatred of America because people are just
Not laying down for this.

I was suspicious about what would motivate the seemingly coordinated and sudden nature of the removal of these confederate memorials and statues. I became more suspicious after watching the violent and provocative nature of the Durham nonsense.

Then, today, the lady in this video who put the rope on the Durham statue:

Was arrested after she gave a speech at a Worker's World Party rally.

Listen, I am on board with removing racist symbols, but Worker's World Party? FUCK THAT!!!

These assholes are doing this SOLELY for the purpose of starting a revolution to change not only this:


But this:


to THIS:


and THIS:



with THIS:





No sir. Kiss my American ass. That dog will NOT hunt!!! I will NOT sit by and let a bunch of useless, lazy, tyrannical, mini-Mao's and their unquenchable, lustful. envious need to pillage and plunder the productive by way of government, start their murderous revolution.

Tell the truth. Is racial harmony the real goal? If it is, you have an ally. If it's another attempt at a nonsensical communist revolution to change America into the impossible, fake, fairy-tale dreamland called "Utopia" , you can GET BENT COMMIES!!! We'll start building new Lee and Stonewall monuments!!!

I live in California and do not know ONE person that thinks that way.... where do you find these Lefties that want communism? How many do you know?
A little perspective exercise... imagine being a Jew living in Germany and walking by Nazi Park where you see a big statue of Adolph Hitler... I know I went to the extreme but as I said it's a perspective exercise

I'm 1/8th Jewish and I support Hitler. You see how nationalistic we are too, you would call us far right wingnuts if only you knew! Why can't whites be nationalistic, but every every race and nation in the US can?

‘Jewish’ Senior Officers In Hitler’s Army: Erhard Milch, Wilhelm Keitel, Walther von Brauchitsch, Erich Raeder, and Maximilian von Weichs.

In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross.

THOUSANDS of soldiers of Jewish parentage served in Hitler’s army during the Second World War and fought for the Nazi leaders.

Discoveries by a 25-year-old American student, published for the first time by The Telegraph, show that Hitler knew of the Jewish origins of dozens of his senior officers and signed documents declaring them to be « of German blood ».

German law under the Nazis from 1935 forbade anyone with a Jewish grandparent from becoming an officer. But the German army personnel office in January 1944 knew of 77 « high-ranking officers of mixed Jewish race or married to a Jew » serving in the Wehrmacht, the German armed forces. All 77 had received a declaration from Hitler that they were « of German blood ».

The list has been discovered by Bryan Rigg, a history student now working at Cambridge University, who has traced former members of the Wehrmacht who were Jews or had Jewish parentage. He has interviewed hundreds of former soldiers and their families and has examined the individual army personnel files, in the German federal government archives, which reveal how much the Nazi leadership knew of their ancestry. Mr Rigg has found evidence that Hermann Goering, head of the Luftwaffe and Hitler’s chosen successor, falsified the fatherhood of Field Marshal Erhard Milch, his deputy, who was, by the Nazis’ own definitions, a half-Jew.

He has found that the Nazi leadership awarded the Knight’s Cross, Germany’s highest military honour, to soldiers who had previously been discharged because of their Jewish ancestry, then reinstated.
A lot of people don't get real life is like that. It's not clean cut.
I do not believe that the CSA was based on racism
Well, if basing the CSA on the inferiority of the black man was not racism you might well be correct. Here we go, again, from an address by the Vice President of the CSA, the Cornerstone Address...

“Corner Stone” Speech

Alexander H. Stephens
Savannah, Georgia
March 21, 1861

[...] The new constitution has put at rest, forever, all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution African slavery as it exists amongst us the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization.[...]

The constitution, it is true, secured every essential guarantee to the institution while it should last, and hence no argument can be justly urged against the constitutional guarantees thus secured, because of the common sentiment of the day. Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the government built upon it fell when the “storm came and the wind blew.”

Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth.[...]

With us, all of the white race, however high or low, rich or poor, are equal in the eye of the law. Not so with the negro. Subordination is his place. He, by nature, or by the curse against Canaan, is fitted for that condition which he occupies in our system.
Again, they could have been green.
Quite ridiculous to remove that "racist symbols". As if slavery and racism were limited to the states of the confederation only. If you ban the Blood-stained Banner you need to ban the Star-spangled Banner as well.

Need to lose all kinds of shit, Washington, Jefferson, Kennedy, FDR, American Indians, etc. etc. etc................I can't believe many on the left have bought into this BS.
It´s the zeitgeist that spooks around. There was recently another post in the other thread that said freedom is the right to not to agree. But they have set their liberal multiculturalism as the standard to determine the good and evil. 0 - 99% consent = evil = nazi = the evil. I reject any standards that base on race and racism, fascism and extremism and all those are the pillars of the liberal multiculturalism.
I do not believe that the CSA was based on racism but when you have 80 or 90 % slaves you have a hard time giving up on that questionable luxury. Slavery was not related to color, anyway. Born as a free man, even a black could not be enslaved. If those Africans that were imported were not black but green, it would be green. Badluck for the Africans that they had no leaderships but local chieftains.
I believed the same as you.

Then, I read the declarations/ordinances of secession from the states.

See how many times it states "free white person" in the ordinance.

My beloved Texas
She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. Her institutions and geographical position established the strongest ties between her and other slave-holding States of the confederacy. Those ties have been strengthened by association. But what has been the course of the government of the United States, and of the people and authorities of the non-slave-holding States, since our connection with them?
[hanging my head in shame]

...[the U.S.] advocates negro equality, socially and politically, and promotes insurrection and incendiarism in our midst.

You get the idea. Go look up all of them. They are all laden with white supremacy/superiority language and state as one of the main causes for secession being "negro-slavery."

Don't deny it. Plead guilty. The South was guilty. The South seceded because of black slavery. The South resisted black equality for at least 100 years after the war. It does no good to live in that north-running croc-infested river that flows to the Mediterranean.

How do we plead? GUILTY!!!

To fix a problem, you must admit that there is a problem.

"Hello, I am The American South and I am a [recovering] slave-owning bigot racist."

"Hi, The American South."
The question is were they racists before they imported the first black slaves. Maybe they just were in need of a justification for their economic model.
I reject any standards that base on race and racism, fascism and extremism and all those are the pillars of the liberal multiculturalism.
I enjoyed the way the Charlotteville marchers had Fascist symbols on their shields. Very classical.
Which dear leader do they want to build a shrine of?
Who knows. Ho Chi Mihn?
Maybe they just don't like racism.
With the violent way they tore down and beat the shit out of that statue, it's obvious they are not interested in racial harmony either. They want a violent reaction. They want to stir up discord. They are lying about their intent. And, they are idiot communists, so there's that.
All because of one video. You idiots make me laugh.
Well, they are a bunch of worthless shit commies, aren't they (self proclaimed). They did beat that statue like they were beating all southerners and "getting even". If they really think they can build racial harmony that way, they need to just give up now and knock it the fuck off, because they really suck at diplomacy.

Yeah, you know, statues don't fight or shoot back or anything. :dunno:

The vandals were caught, I hope they get their phones and see who they've been in contact with and everything, and give them maximum penalties.
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Not to change the subject, but the hood rat was charged with a felony.

Takiya Fatima Thompson, 22, was charged Tuesday with two felonies -- participation in a riot with property damage in excess of $1,500 and inciting others to riot -- and two misdemeanors -- disorderly conduct by injury to a statue and damage to property, the sheriff's office said. She was held on $10,000 bond.
On Wednesday, Dante Emmanuel Strobino, 35, Ngoc Loan Tran, 24, and Peter Gull Gilbert, 39, were arrested on the same charges, the sheriff's office said. Additional arrests are expected, the office said

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