Company Behind Keystone XL Pipeline Pulls Plug On Long-Controversial Project


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
Keystone pipeline is now officially dead. The pipeline won't be built.

This is very good news for everyone who loves our Mother Earth.

We didn't need another pipeline going through our nation. Especially when it's tar sand from Canada that can't be made into gasoline. Only diesel and that diesel would have gone to China.

Let China and Canada take the risk.

Keystone pipeline is now officially dead. The pipeline won't be built.

This is very good news for everyone who loves our Mother Earth.

We didn't need another pipeline going through our nation. Especially when it's tar sand from Canada that can't be made into gasoline. Only diesel and that diesel would have gone to China.

Let China and Canada take the risk.

There is about 5 trillion miles of pipeline in the USA you stupid idiot.
Keystone pipeline is now officially dead. The pipeline won't be built.

This is very good news for everyone who loves our Mother Earth.

We didn't need another pipeline going through our nation. Especially when it's tar sand from Canada that can't be made into gasoline. Only diesel and that diesel would have gone to China.

Let China and Canada take the risk.

There is about 5 trillion miles of pipeline in the USA you stupid idiot.

You should really learn how to use Google, as there are NOT 5 trillion miles of pipeline as you claim, more like only 2.6 million miles (significantly less than what you claimed).

Keystone pipeline is now officially dead. The pipeline won't be built.

This is very good news for everyone who loves our Mother Earth.

We didn't need another pipeline going through our nation. Especially when it's tar sand from Canada that can't be made into gasoline. Only diesel and that diesel would have gone to China.

Let China and Canada take the risk.

It’s no surprise to anyone that the trump Nazis have their panties in a twist after hearing the news of the Keystone XL pipeline project’s demise. This is comical, because, while the trump Nazis want to see fossil fuels continue to wreak havoc on the environment, they also hate China, which, would be the final destination of this Canadian-produced crude.

As usual, the GOP’s propaganda has completely fooled their simple-minded voting base, claiming the tar sands crude piped to the Gulf Coast would provide the U.S. added security by importing more oil from its friendly neighbor to the north.

The GOP’s tall tale of the Keystone XL pipeline carefully omits the fact that refineries on the Gulf Coast have long-term commitments to buy oil from current suppliers. These suppliers include Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Mexico, and those nations have no intentions of relinquishing market share to Canada. All three have ownership in Texas refineries, and they can also match any discount that comes with the Canadian crude.

The Republicans want their simple-minded trump Nazis to accept the rosy picture they’ve painted regarding Keystone XL. However, the builder of the pipeline predicts the completed project would enable Canadian producers to boost the price of their crude. The oil would bypass refineries in the Midwest that are now getting their oil at a discount because of new sources in Canada and elsewhere. Shipping the tar sands crude to the Gulf Coast would reduce the oversupply in the Midwest and boost Canadian income by as much as $4 billion. It appears the typically clueless trump Nazis don’t understand who would be paying the Canadian oil producers that extra $4 billion. (Hint: It would be the people in the Midwest, the very heart of trump Nazi country.)

But, perhaps, the trump Nazis needn’t worry about the Canadians’ misfortune. After all, Chinese investors did help finance early work on an alternate route out of Alberta. That pipeline would take the oil west, across the Canadian Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean, where tankers could ship it to Asia. But this project is also likely to fail, due to the steep opposition from Canadian environmentalists and native Indian nations that control parts of the route through British Columbia.

So, will the trump Nazis be more angered by the loss of the pipeline due to the successful interference by environmental groups, or, by the successful completion of the Keystone XL pipeline and the loss of all that Canadian crude to the Chinese?

Keystone pipeline is now officially dead. The pipeline won't be built.

This is very good news for everyone who loves our Mother Earth.

We didn't need another pipeline going through our nation. Especially when it's tar sand from Canada that can't be made into gasoline. Only diesel and that diesel would have gone to China.

Let China and Canada take the risk.

There is about 5 trillion miles of pipeline in the USA you stupid idiot.
liar ^^^
This is very good news. I was against the pipeline from the beginning.

So was I.

I see no reason for a pipeline to move Canadian tar sand down to Texas to avoid federal taxes to ship the diesel to China.

America gets next to zero benefit and all the risks.

Canada and China aren't liable for any of the risks.
So relieved that the oil will be sent by rail, which is a far riskier and dirtier mode of transport than pipeline.

You evirowhacks are some of the most stupid fucks to ever draw a breath.
Come 2024 Keystone will be revived

Demoquacks digging their own graves. Know why? You're fckn little weasels all "woke"
We will FUCK YOU IN THE ASS with high fuel prices.

You are Texas' bitch and you will pay for this shit!

Come 2024 Keystone will be revived

Demoquacks digging their own graves. Know why? You're fckn little weasels all "woke"

You're kidding right? Inflation at around 5%, fuel prices risings, consumer prices out of control, your dementia ridden POS wife telling him to pay attention, on and on and on.

Get in touch, America is
Keystone pipeline is now officially dead. The pipeline won't be built.

This is very good news for everyone who loves our Mother Earth.

We didn't need another pipeline going through our nation. Especially when it's tar sand from Canada that can't be made into gasoline. Only diesel and that diesel would have gone to China.

Let China and Canada take the risk.

There is about 5 trillion miles of pipeline in the USA you stupid idiot.
liar ^^^

If a republican couldn't lie, they wouldn't have anything to say.
We will FUCK YOU IN THE ASS with high fuel prices.

You are Texas' bitch and you will pay for this shit!

Come 2024 Keystone will be revived

Demoquacks digging their own graves. Know why? You're fckn little weasels all "woke"

You're kidding right? Inflation at around 5%, fuel prices risings, consumer prices out of control, your dementia ridden POS wife telling him to pay attention, on and on and on.

Get in touch, America is
And President Biden controls America’s private supply chains now?
Keystone pipeline is now officially dead. The pipeline won't be built.

This is very good news for everyone who loves our Mother Earth.

We didn't need another pipeline going through our nation. Especially when it's tar sand from Canada that can't be made into gasoline. Only diesel and that diesel would have gone to China.

Let China and Canada take the risk.

Love our mother earth?
Now they will be using over a thousand rail cars a day to transport it. Which is a lot less safe than a pipeline.
I am against the pipeline as well. Its just for REAL reasons. Not delusional quackery from your masters.
Resident retard :rolleyes:

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