College in America

A very informative and interesting chart.

College In America

I take issue though, with the charts implication that students are stupid to major in Social Sciences, Psych, Communications and English because these majors supposedly only lead to jobs at Starbucks and other low paying, low status jobs. I might be old fashioned but I think of higher education as being more than just a ticket to a good salary. I think higher education makes you a better person, a thinking person, whether you end up a garbage collector or a CEO.
Maybe if they work really, really hard they can become paid shills on message boards!

There is Hope after all!
Maybe if they work really, really hard they can become paid shills on message boards!

There is Hope after all!

:lol: I wish I could be paid for posting on USMB.

Just make sure you have no original thoughts, copy and paste from a blog every thread you start, use lots of charts that a lot of the times are wrong, and then keep posting talking points from the blogs in each post you make thereafter.

Then tell everyone how much money you bring in to the site! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Gunny sends me a check every other Friday. I can set my watch by it. What? He doesn't send you a check? You're kidding... Could be a mistake. You better PM Gunny right away and get this straightened out.
When I was attending Roosevelt University in Chicago, the physics class I took had 6 students. The accounting class I took as an elective (I wanted something really easy that semester - physics is hard) was so big, they had to open two of those accordion doors and make a triple size class.

The semester I took differential linear equations, I also took a management class. Differential linear equations had 10 students, the management class was moved to a forum because it was so big.

Students drinking? They have to be art majors or jocks. If you are taking analog and digital electronics and are required to design and build a working Senior Design Project, you most definitely don't have time to drink.

I was lucky enough to pay off the 56 thousand in debt I ran up after less than 10 years. But it meant lots of spaghetti. AND I had the GI bill and worked full time in a factory. But I kept with it.

When I started Calculus, the class had 44 students. By time we got to differential linear equation, there were 10. Only 6 graduated.

The bottom line, it depends on what you take. If you get a degree in "art history" or "phys ed", then expect to work in a different field.
Maybe if they work really, really hard they can become paid shills on message boards!

There is Hope after all!

Actually, that's a highly elite fraternity and you have to know the doorman, Joe, and the secret knock.

We don't want to let too many people in on our racket, or else they'd pay us left.

And for all you righties who are asking the question: George Soros cuts my checks.
Here's how much thought I put into my degree:

"The Business School doesn't have class on Fridays. I am going to be working for the Army after I graduate anyways. A business degree it is!"

Then, when I figured out what I wanted to do, I had to go back to undergrad and get the necessary coursework.

Yeah, college kids make stupid decisions. Yeah, adults make stupid decisions. We correct for our mistakes and march on.
Here's how much thought I put into my degree:

"The Business School doesn't have class on Fridays. I am going to be working for the Army after I graduate anyways. A business degree it is!"

Then, when I figured out what I wanted to do, I had to go back to undergrad and get the necessary coursework.

Yeah, college kids make stupid decisions. Yeah, adults make stupid decisions. We correct for our mistakes and march on.
Sometimes I think college is wasted on the under 25 set. :lol:
Kids are dumb and can't handle money.

Adults are dumb, and can't handle money. At least kids only blow their allowance on stupid shit. Adults buy houses they can't afford, and then take out 2nd and 3rd mortgages on them to buy boats and cars they can't afford, and then cry victim when someone comes along and "steals" all their toys.
Kids are dumb and can't handle money.

Adults are dumb, and can't handle money. At least kids only blow their allowance on stupid shit. Adults buy houses they can't afford, and then take out 2nd and 3rd mortgages on them to buy boats and cars they can't afford, and then cry victim when someone comes along and "steals" all their toys.
A very informative and interesting chart.

College In America

I take issue though, with the charts implication that students are stupid to major in Social Sciences, Psych, Communications and English because these majors supposedly only lead to jobs at Starbucks and other low paying, low status jobs. I might be old fashioned but I think of higher education as being more than just a ticket to a good salary. I think higher education makes you a better person, a thinking person, whether you end up a garbage collector or a CEO.

But is it worth it given how much it now costs? I think the point of that was that they didn't need the degree to get those jobs. So is merely being a more thinking person worth all that money (and lost wages?)
Gunny sends me a check every other Friday. I can set my watch by it. What? He doesn't send you a check? You're kidding... Could be a mistake. You better PM Gunny right away and get this straightened out.

I received my check from Gunny:

Dear xotoxi,

College grads make on average 70% more than high school grads.

Get your degree boys and girls.

Et tu Toro?

I expect a lot of others here to post meaningless, misleading statistics, but I thought you were different. :(

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