The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Clinton is crooked as an Alaskan Summer Day is long!

She is about the cheatenest, lying bitch that ever lived.

Her list of scandals is a mile long, but I can only cover her last few years of criminal and unethical, so enjoy the hard cold truth.

No one has even touched the CNN - Clinton - Donna Brazile Debate Questions Scandal.
Then there is her Collusion with Russia, Schultz, Obama & The DNC to launder money to Russia through Fusion GPS to create the Fake Russian Dossier all so they could lobby FISA to spy on The Trump Campaign through the entire election cycle.

Imagine that, you have Obama spying on every member of the Trump Campaign, and funneling the information to The FBI, DOJ, State Department, NSA, DNC and then to Hillary Clinton. It is WORSE than the equivalent of STEALING A FOOTBALL TEAM'S PLAYBOOK and still not being able to win The Football Game.

And then you have Susan Powers, Lynch, and Comey himself leaking classified information all over the damn place like a sieve, and unmasking the targets of Illegal Wiretapping like it was the day after Halloween.

Then there is Clinton, Obama, and members of Congress Colluding with Russia and accepting bribes to approve The Uranium One Deal, while MUELLER, Holder, Comey, Lynch, Rice, McCabe, & Rosenstein were accessories to these crimes, by doing nothing, saying nothing, and informing no one of these crimes, and this Extortion and Bribery scandal, and then working to Obstruct Justice regarding inquiries in to it, Especially James Comey.

Then there is Clinton & Obama colluding together, on trying to cover up what they knew about Benghazi and their involvement in a gun running operation and financial backing scheme used to pay and arm terrorists in The Middle East to stage Coups and Assassinations in violation of International Law that eventually resulted in the Benghazi Massacre, while Holder, Comey, Lynch, Rice, McCabe, & Rosenstein were accessories to these crimes, by doing nothing, saying nothing, and then working to Obstruct Justice regarding inquiries and investigations in to it, Especially James Comey.

Then there is The State Department Server Scandal in which an illegal, and secret server was used to conceal bribery, insider trading, gun running, and influence selling, in which the ACTING HEAD OF THE FBI INTENTIONALLY allowed Hillary Clinton to Destroy Government Documents, Classified Information, and 33,000 emails to cover her tracks before she handed the server over. Holder, Comey, Lynch, Rice, McCabe, & Rosenstein were accessories to these crimes as well and actively worked to Obstruct Justice regarding inquiries in to it, Especially AGAIN James Comey.

Then there is the Perjurous and Fictitious claim that Russia hacked THE DNC SERVER, which THE DNC OBSTRUCTED THE INVESTIGATION in to, and in which THE DOJ, FBI, and NSA, all became accessories to that crime, in which THE DNC CLAIMED WAS A MATTER OF NATIONAL SECURITY, by REFUSING TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT, and REFUSING TO DEMAND THAT THE DNC TURN OVER THEIR SERVER.

Then there is THE DNC's KNOWINGLY HIRING a criminal gang of Pakistani Foreign Nationals who were hired for one reason ONLY. To hack in to Congressional Records, in a presidential election year, and use their ill gotten gain to their political advantage. Even when this was exposed, The last hacker remaining was so valuable to THE DNC and Clinton that Disgraced Schultz took him with her to THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN. He may have had the last laugh though when he also put Podesta's emails up for sail and shared them with Seth Rich.

But the best Charade of all in all of this to cover up The DNC, Obama and Clinton's Numerous Crimes, was James Comey's Magic Act - Theatrical Presentation ON National TV.

"Live from Washington DC, the not so ready for prime time FBI players present'


James Comey tried to INVENT KNEW LEGAL PRECEDENTS called "INTENT" and in a deliberate and PREMEDITATED MANNER absolved her and exonerated her of all crimes, HE KNEW SHE COMMITTED a full two months before interviewing her, or any of her staff, and intentionally did not document nor record any testimony and gave the entire Clinton Campaign Team inner circle IMMUNITY.

Even despite bleach bitting her server, they still found evidence of crimes, and mishandling classified information.

He did what he was paid to do, sweep the Obama Administration's Crimes under the rug, all the while refusing to Investigate the Unmasking and Illegal Wiretapping and Leaking of Classified Information used unethically, illegally and immorally against not only THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN but against The Leaders and Heads of Foreign Nations.

Not only did they find a ton of evidence on her bleach bit server, but she lied again about more classified emails she failed to turn over on Anthony Weiner's laptop, and even more that THE STATE DEPARTMENT tried to cover up and slow walk access to, until Judicial Watch was able to subpoena them. Some 40,000 emails still have not been released.

Can anyone look your mother your daughter and your son in the face and say Hillary Clinton, the DNC and Barak Obama are pure as driven snow?


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Clinton is crooked as an Alaskan Summer Day is long!

She is about the cheatenest, lying bitch that ever lived.

Her list of scandals is a mile long.

No one has even touched the CNN - Clinton - Donna Brazile Debate Questions Scandal.
Then there is her Collusion with Russia, Schultz, Obama & The DNC to launder money to Russia through Fusion GPS to create the Fake Russian Dossier all so they could lobby FISA to spy on The Trump Campaign through the entire election cycle.

Imagine that, you have Obama spying on every member of the Trump Campaign, and funneling the information to The FBI, DOJ, State Department, NSA, DNC and then to Hillary Clinton. It is WORSE than the equivalent of STEALING A FOOTBALL TEAM'S PLAYBOOK and still not being able to win The Football Game.

And then you have Susan Powers, Lynch, and Comey himself leaking classified information all over the damn place like a sieve, and unmasking the targets of Illegal Wiretapping like it was the day after Halloween.

Then there is Clinton, Obama, and members of Congress Colluding with Russia and accepting bribes to approve The Uranium One Deal, while Holder, Comey, Lynch, Rice, McCabe, & Rosenstein were accessories to these crimes, by doing nothing, saying nothing, and informing no one of these crimes, and this Extortion and Bribery scandal, and then working to Obstruct Justice regarding inquiries in to it, Especially James Comey.

Then there is Clinton & Obama colluding together, on trying to cover up what they knew about Benghazi and their involvement in a gun running operation and financial backing scheme used to pay and arm terrorists in The Middle East to stage Coups and Assassinations in violation of International Law that eventually resulted in the Benghazi Massacre, while Holder, Comey, Lynch, Rice, McCabe, & Rosenstein were accessories to these crimes, by doing nothing, saying nothing, and then working to Obstruct Justice regarding inquiries and investigations in to it, Especially James Comey.

Then there is The State Department Server Scandal in which an illegal, and secret server was used to conceal bribery, insider trading, gun running, and influence selling, in which the ACTING HEAD OF THE FBI INTENTIONALLY allowed Hillary Clinton to Destroy Government Documents, Classified Information, and 33,000 emails to cover her tracks before she handed the server over. Holder, Comey, Lynch, Rice, McCabe, & Rosenstein were accessories to these crimes as well and actively worked to Obstruct Justice regarding inquiries in to it, Especially AGAIN James Comey.

Hell, James Comey even tried to INVENT KNEW LEGAL PRECEDENTS called "INTENT" and in a deliberate and PREMEDITATED MANNER absolved her and exonerated her of all crimes, HE KNEW SHE COMMITTED even despite bleach bitting her server.

Besides being a clinical psychopath ("What difference does it make?"), Hillary is also a spoiled brat who was never told no. That combination causes the whacked-out Hillary behavior we've seen since the election. And it seems to bring out the spoiled brat/psychopath behavior of her followers.
Hillary is as crooked as the Maui Hana Highway, but without the jaw-dropping, technicolor beauty (every particle of matter along that road is nicer to look at than Clinton). And anyone who's driven the Hana Highway knows THAT is crooked.
Clinton is crooked as an Alaskan Summer Day is long!

She is about the cheatenest, lying bitch that ever lived.

Her list of scandals is a mile long, but I can only cover her last few years of criminal and unethical, so enjoy the hard cold truth.

No one has even touched the CNN - Clinton - Donna Brazile Debate Questions Scandal.
Then there is her Collusion with Russia, Schultz, Obama & The DNC to launder money to Russia through Fusion GPS to create the Fake Russian Dossier all so they could lobby FISA to spy on The Trump Campaign through the entire election cycle.

Imagine that, you have Obama spying on every member of the Trump Campaign, and funneling the information to The FBI, DOJ, State Department, NSA, DNC and then to Hillary Clinton. It is WORSE than the equivalent of STEALING A FOOTBALL TEAM'S PLAYBOOK and still not being able to win The Football Game.

And then you have Susan Powers, Lynch, and Comey himself leaking classified information all over the damn place like a sieve, and unmasking the targets of Illegal Wiretapping like it was the day after Halloween.

Then there is Clinton, Obama, and members of Congress Colluding with Russia and accepting bribes to approve The Uranium One Deal, while Holder, Comey, Lynch, Rice, McCabe, & Rosenstein were accessories to these crimes, by doing nothing, saying nothing, and informing no one of these crimes, and this Extortion and Bribery scandal, and then working to Obstruct Justice regarding inquiries in to it, Especially James Comey.

Then there is Clinton & Obama colluding together, on trying to cover up what they knew about Benghazi and their involvement in a gun running operation and financial backing scheme used to pay and arm terrorists in The Middle East to stage Coups and Assassinations in violation of International Law that eventually resulted in the Benghazi Massacre, while Holder, Comey, Lynch, Rice, McCabe, & Rosenstein were accessories to these crimes, by doing nothing, saying nothing, and then working to Obstruct Justice regarding inquiries and investigations in to it, Especially James Comey.

Then there is The State Department Server Scandal in which an illegal, and secret server was used to conceal bribery, insider trading, gun running, and influence selling, in which the ACTING HEAD OF THE FBI INTENTIONALLY allowed Hillary Clinton to Destroy Government Documents, Classified Information, and 33,000 emails to cover her tracks before she handed the server over. Holder, Comey, Lynch, Rice, McCabe, & Rosenstein were accessories to these crimes as well and actively worked to Obstruct Justice regarding inquiries in to it, Especially AGAIN James Comey.

Then there is the Perjurous and Fictitious claim that Russia hacked THE DNC SERVER, which THE DNC OBSTRUCTED THE INVESTIGATION in to, and in which THE DOJ, FBI, and NSA, all became accessories to that crime, in which THE DNC CLAIMED WAS A MATTER OF NATIONAL SECURITY, by REFUSING TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT, and REFUSING TO DEMAND THAT THE DNC TURN OVER THEIR SERVER.

Then there is THE DNC's KNOWINGLY HIRING a criminal gang of Pakistani Foreign Nationals who were hired for one reason ONLY. To hack in to Congressional Records, in a presidential election year, and use their ill gotten gain to their political advantage. Even when this was exposed, The last hacker remaining was so valuable to THE DNC and Clinton that Disgraced Schultz took him with her to THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN. He may have had the last laugh though when he also put Podesta's emails up for sail and shared them with Seth Rich.

But the best Charade of all in all of this to cover up The DNC, Obama and Clinton's Numerous Crimes, was James Comey's Magic Act - Theatrical Presentation ON National TV.

"Live from Washington DC, the not so ready for prime time FBI players present'


James Comey tried to INVENT KNEW LEGAL PRECEDENTS called "INTENT" and in a deliberate and PREMEDITATED MANNER absolved her and exonerated her of all crimes, HE KNEW SHE COMMITTED even despite bleach bitting her server. He did what he was paid to do, sweep the Obama Administration's Crimes under the rug, all the while refusing to Investigate the Unmasking and Illegal Wiretapping and Leaking of Classified Information used unethically, illegally and immorally against not only THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN but against The Leaders and Heads of Foreign Nations.

Not only did they find a ton of evidence on her bleach bit server, but she lied again about more classified emails she failed to turn over on Anthony Weiner's laptop, and even more that THE STATE DEPARTMENT tried to cover up and slow walk access to, until Judicial Watch was able to subpoena them. Some 40,000 emails still have not been released.

Can anyone look your mother your daughter and your son in the face and say Hillary Clinton, the DNC and Barak Obama are pure as driven snow?


Gee I wonder how long and bold that your post would be if Clinton had

Apologies for the typos. But there is zero question in my mind that The DNC run by The Cintonistas, and Saul Alinkyites have completely destroyed their Moral Compass.

The Left embraced her and Bill Clinton & ignored the festering pustules of corruption growing on their faces. The putridication and stench observed and smelt was not only ignored, it was viewed as virtue as beauty.

Again, I say to The Left...”You had honor and respect once when JFK, flawed man that he was, did what was right for the country and put Party last after God, Family & Country!”

Do you care about your party AT ALL?
Do you care about it more than your family, hour country or God All

Is there anyone in your party that has The Moral Fortitude and Courage to take their party back and make it respectable again?

Donna Brazille doesn’t think so but I’m hoping someone on your side proves me and her wrong. Maybe you should help and get your hands dirty too.
Hillary is as crooked as a barrel of snakes

BUT all you asshole republicans Hill, isn't president The lyingest cheatingest piece of turd ever ,is in our WH now and you morons kiss his ass and he never took a shower

President Trump whooped Hillary's ass thank God.

  • Spent 1/5th of the money
  • Spent his own money
  • Did not need to rely on phony absentee ballots filled out in Smokey back rooms.
  • Did not need to rely on a massive propaganda machine with a complicit Media in the bag for him.
  • Did not need to rely on a Fake Russian Dossier
  • Did not need to rely on stolen debate questions
  • Did not need to rely on illegal aliens voting
  • Did not need to rely on a rigged primary
  • Did not need to pay millions to thugs and felons to riot and assault and intimidate Trump supporters at rallies.
  • Did not need to launder money through intermediaries to buy propaganda or accept bribes from Russia to buy our uranium and fund his campaign
  • Did not need to rely on President Obama wiretapping Clinton and feeding her opponent play by play accounts of their strategy
  • Did not need to rely on illegal unmasking of illegal surveillance
  • Did not need to rely on the incumbent administration FBI, DOJ, & NSA leaking classified information
  • Did not need to rely on Pakistani hackers stealing data from congressional files and political rivals to supplement their camapign’s oppo research
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Hillary is as crooked as a barrel of snakes

BUT all you asshole republicans Hill, isn't president The lyingest cheatingest piece of turd ever ,is in our WH now and you morons kiss his ass and he never took a shower

President Trump whooped Hillary's ass thank God.
blues,,you got what you wished for ,,,,now pay the piper

Trump is lowering my taxes as promised, and forcing blue states to pay more :eusa_think: yeah good job president Trump :eusa_clap:

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