Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous:


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
bernie said at a town meeting in morrisvile "you have all the scientists on one side, and rush limbaugh on the other" that's what i mean by cooking the story for political expediency.

when there is a unanimous opinion supported empirically, the scientists will stop arguing about it.

it's a big fat vague political monster revenue generator.

if controlling the weather is the highest priority we have on earth right now, it does explain a bit the way things are the way they are.

Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous

when it comes to global warmalists, follow the money. :cool:


taking the earth's temperature is like finding the average phone number in the new york phone book.

climate change is the the new whatever at the ballot box. if the wasn't $$ in it, no one would care.

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Return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 29%
And now it's global COOLING! Return of Arctic ice cap as it grows by 29% in a year
  • 533,000 more square miles of ocean covered with ice than in 2012
  • BBC reported in 2007 global warming would leave Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013
  • Publication of UN climate change report suggesting global warming caused by humans pushed back to later this month
Global Warming Scientists Still Trapped In Record-Level Antarctic Ice
The scientific ship currently trapped in Antarctic ice is carrying a team of climate change scientists who keep harping the dangers of “global warming” even after multiple rescue ships failed in their attempts to save them.
Did you know that December 30th is the middle of summer for Antarctica? Liberal don't know that, because they are stupid.
Deep Freeze on Great Lakes Halts Cargo Shipments
Global warming, global warming, global warming, there I said it 3 times, so it must be true. Of course TRUTH, doesn't always happen the way liberals want it to. Yes it is all about the money, Al Gore has made 100s of millions of dollars on carbon credit exchange, where companies have to pay TAXES on a clean GAS, that produces GREEN grasses and trees, are you telling me that LIBERALS hate green grasses and trees, which is why they are banning CO2? The real enemies of the world are those that vote liberal.
bernie said at a town meeting in morrisvile "you have all the scientists on one side, and rush limbaugh on the other" that's what i mean by cooking the story for political expediency.

when there is a unanimous opinion supported empirically, the scientists will stop arguing about it.

it's a big fat vague political monster revenue generator.

if controlling the weather is the highest priority we have on earth right now, it does explain a bit the way things are the way they are.

Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous

when it comes to global warmalists, follow the money. :cool:


taking the earth's temperature is like finding the average phone number in the new york phone book.

climate change is the the new whatever at the ballot box. if the wasn't $$ in it, no one would care.

If a billion people say a false thing, it is still a false thing.
I wonder how long ole Bernie had to burn his brain to come up with that stupid line.

they feed out one liners of gibberish and hope the majority swallows it.

just awful how they believe we are all stupid and will believe anything they put out there
bernie said at a town meeting in morrisvile "you have all the scientists on one side, and rush limbaugh on the other" that's what i mean by cooking the story for political expediency.

when there is a unanimous opinion supported empirically, the scientists will stop arguing about it.

it's a big fat vague political monster revenue generator.

if controlling the weather is the highest priority we have on earth right now, it does explain a bit the way things are the way they are.

Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous

when it comes to global warmalists, follow the money. :cool:


taking the earth's temperature is like finding the average phone number in the new york phone book.

climate change is the the new whatever at the ballot box. if the wasn't $$ in it, no one would care.

If a billion people say a false thing, it is still a false thing.

A billion people said what?

There are many scientists who disagree with the climate change theory. They aren't allowed to attend the climate change summits.
"global cooling" doesn't really mean anything. Climate change has no bounds.
I think the majority of the people realize what a scam this Globull warming is.

after these snakes saw the globe wasn't warming, so they had to come with something else and went and CHANGE THE NAME of the scam to:

Climate change.

and many realize there is NO Consensus in Science. EVER

how many times have they said one thing and had to come back and correct themselves? many that I recall. take coffee, eggs, etc

seriously if people are still falling this. It will be to all of our Peril.
"Yet the assertion that 97% of scientists believe that climate change is a man-made, urgent problem is a fiction. The so-called consensus comes from a handful of surveys and abstract-counting exercises that have been contradicted by more reliable research.

The "97 percent" figure in the Zimmerman/Doran survey represents the views of only 79 respondents who listed climate science as an area of expertise and said they published more than half of their recent peer-reviewed papers on climate change. Seventy-nine scientists—of the 3,146 who responded to the survey—does not a consensus make. "

The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'
"Yet the assertion that 97% of scientists believe that climate change is a man-made, urgent problem is a fiction. The so-called consensus comes from a handful of surveys and abstract-counting exercises that have been contradicted by more reliable research.

The "97 percent" figure in the Zimmerman/Doran survey represents the views of only 79 respondents who listed climate science as an area of expertise and said they published more than half of their recent peer-reviewed papers on climate change. Seventy-nine scientists—of the 3,146 who responded to the survey—does not a consensus make. "

The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'

Exactly... it's complete bullshit.
bernie said at a town meeting in morrisvile "you have all the scientists on one side, and rush limbaugh on the other" that's what i mean by cooking the story for political expediency.

when there is a unanimous opinion supported empirically, the scientists will stop arguing about it.

it's a big fat vague political monster revenue generator.

if controlling the weather is the highest priority we have on earth right now, it does explain a bit the way things are the way they are.

Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous

when it comes to global warmalists, follow the money. :cool:


taking the earth's temperature is like finding the average phone number in the new york phone book.

climate change is the the new whatever at the ballot box. if the wasn't $$ in it, no one would care.

If a billion people say a false thing, it is still a false thing.

A billion people said what?

There are many scientists who disagree with the climate change theory. They aren't allowed to attend the climate change summits.

Apparently it's over your head.
bernie said at a town meeting in morrisvile "you have all the scientists on one side, and rush limbaugh on the other" that's what i mean by cooking the story for political expediency.

when there is a unanimous opinion supported empirically, the scientists will stop arguing about it.

it's a big fat vague political monster revenue generator.

if controlling the weather is the highest priority we have on earth right now, it does explain a bit the way things are the way they are.

Climate Change Consensus Is Virtually Unanimous

when it comes to global warmalists, follow the money. :cool:


taking the earth's temperature is like finding the average phone number in the new york phone book.

climate change is the the new whatever at the ballot box. if the wasn't $$ in it, no one would care.

If a billion people say a false thing, it is still a false thing.

A billion people said what?

There are many scientists who disagree with the climate change theory. They aren't allowed to attend the climate change summits.

Apparently it's over your head.

No it's not. Your post is ridiculous. A billion people? Get out of the pool you're water logged.

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