Zone1 Christians: Have you ever hated God?


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
Maybe only a few of us have been there?

But I have been there many times. I survive it... In other words, I don't hang onto my hate.

I have heard plenty of stories of former Christians, though, holding onto it...

Well, God knows their stories...

But one time I told this non-Christian (or weak Christian would be more accurate) friend about how this woman I knew once said that she nver got angry with God

My friend said: She's lying!

He was emphatic about that...

So maybe a lot of Christians hide this and do not discuss it with anyone... but God?
Hate is a strong word. As a youth I have mildly cursed him after begging for help. I've since repented.
well, I am not sure we should always repent.

It's like apologizing for being human. If God doesn't know how human we are... Who does?

But that ssaid... I have often just... been at a total loss as to how to respond to this anger I've had...

still am...

But it happens. Life on Planet E can be hell.. which is not God'ss fault but He can do something about it... and probably will (when we are LONG gone and couldn't ccare less about good old Planet E anymore)
Everything that happens there is a reason for it. For those of us who are led by the Holy Spirit, anything we see as good or bad happens because we are to learn from it and it is to guide us. Hating God is wanting God to do what we want instead of we doing what God wants. I never hated God. I struggled with its post I hope I explained it well. :)
Everything that happens there is a reason for it. For those of us who are led by the Holy Spirit, anything we see as good or bad happens because we are to learn from it and it is to guide us.
Why does everything need a reason and purpose? Maybe it just is.
Another Cultist thread highlighting the battle they have about Faith, or ,

setting up an imaginary hurdle and then managing to trip over it every day , never learning a thing .
The true definition of stupidity apparently , courtesy of Albert Einstein .
But one time I told this non-Christian (or weak Christian would be more accurate) friend about how this woman I knew once said that she nver got angry with God

My friend said: She's lying!
I have never been angry with God, and no, I am not lying. Getting angry with God makes no sense. To me it sounds like misplaced anger. From a young age I was taught God made us to know Him; to love Him; to serve Him--and anger does not enter into any of those parameters.

Secondly, when I think back on what has made me angry, there has always been a more local (physical world) reason for that anger. Anything spiritual and the supernatural have not made me angry, and it has never occurred to me that they could.

Question I am truly curious about, so I am hoping no one takes it the wrong way: Could it be that people who do get angry with God are more focused on their expectations of God than they are focused on God's expectations of us?
amazing how one little word with only 2 letters

can sound so sanctimonious
Only to you. Sorry nobody cares to nurse your grudges.

I've always seen my own failings as the problem. I've never considered myself more righteous than a Being who has ALWAYS existed and knows a "little" more than me
Everything that happens there is a reason for it. For those of us who are led by the Holy Spirit, anything we see as good or bad happens because we are to learn from it and it is to guide us. Hating God is wanting God to do what we want instead of we doing what God wants. I never hated God. I struggled with its post I hope I explained it well. :)
just because people have a weak moment and feel hatred toward God does not AT ALL mean that person is "wanting God to do what we want instead of" His will

It happens but that is NOT the case with me
Everything that happens there is a reason for it. For those of us who are led by the Holy Spirit, anything we see as good or bad happens because we are to learn from it and it is to guide us.

This part of your post appears to be true... even though sometimes God seems... entirely unfathomable and even unreasonable... (not that our human opinions or viewpoint should matter... and ultimately, they do NOT)
I have never been angry with God, and no, I am not lying. Getting angry with God makes no sense. To me it sounds like misplaced anger. From a young age I was taught God made us to know Him; to love Him; to serve Him--and anger does not enter into any of those parameters.

Secondly, when I think back on what has made me angry, there has always been a more local (physical world) reason for that anger. Anything spiritual and the supernatural have not made me angry, and it has never occurred to me that they could.

Question I am truly curious about, so I am hoping no one takes it the wrong way: Could it be that people who do get angry with God are more focused on their expectations of God than they are focused on God's expectations of us?

I could have written this same post or a similar one several years ago

But things have happened to me since then that I cannot begin to explain to myself much less to strangers on usmb or anywhere else..

God is no respecter of persons, as the Word says, so I tend to think that those who have never been angry at God, much less hated Him... Why would God do that to one of His servants and not others?

People need to stop with the sanctimony (and be careful that their words do not even sound like it)
God is no respecter of persons, as the Word says, so I tend to think that those who have never been angry at God, much less hated Him... Why would God do that to one of His servants and not others?

People need to stop with the sanctimony (and be careful that their words do not even sound like it)
Free will?

Sanctimony? Again, you use that term and you don't even know the person who you are talking to.
You haven't a clue if they are being sanctimonious..
With me, I don't know the 'upper story', but I know there is a reason for everything. Why would I be angry at God.
Maybe only a few of us have been there?

But I have been there many times. I survive it... In other words, I don't hang onto my hate.

I have heard plenty of stories of former Christians, though, holding onto it...

Well, God knows their stories...

But one time I told this non-Christian (or weak Christian would be more accurate) friend about how this woman I knew once said that she nver got angry with God

My friend said: She's lying!

He was emphatic about that...

So maybe a lot of Christians hide this and do not discuss it with anyone... but God?
I could have written this same post or a similar one several years ago

But things have happened to me since then that I cannot begin to explain to myself much less to strangers on usmb or anywhere else..

God is no respecter of persons, as the Word says, so I tend to think that those who have never been angry at God, much less hated Him... Why would God do that to one of His servants and not others?

People need to stop with the sanctimony (and be careful that their words do not even sound like it)
It's all about your outlook. Maybe you've never really experienced repentance, but coming to conclusions about others because they don't react the way YOU want them to indicates to me where the real problem lies. And it ain't with God

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