Chick-fil-A Has More Than Doubled Sales Since Critics Called For Boycott


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Everything the Left does has the opposite effect they intended.


Chick-fil-A has more than doubled sales since critics called for boycott
Maybe a doubling of sales was their every intention. One way or another, all that they do in my opinion should be appreciated. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. My local Chic-Fil-A is currently undergoing a face lift since Friday September 13th. As of right now I don't know when they will re-open.
Boston refuses CF.. I live next to a town next to Boston, that has a CF, and Boston won’t let them deliver here lol
Thats the power of salt and sugar. We americans are suckers for it.
Good think McDonalds uses no salt or sugar.
It's in the way that you use it. People aren't going to chik fil a for burgers. They are going for the chicken sandwiches... that salty, sweet batter that is their signature.

That's why other companies are scrambling to compete by making new, different chicken sandwiches than they did previously. What they are not doing to compete is to hop on board the christian fundie anti LGBT train.

And that says it all. The idea you are so coyly trying to imply is hot garbage.
Thats the power of salt and sugar. We americans are suckers for it.
Good think McDonalds uses no salt or sugar.
It's in the way that you use it. People aren't going to chik fil a for burgers. They are going for the chicken sandwiches... that salty, sweet batter that is their signature.

That's why other companies are scrambling to compete by making new, different chicken sandwiches than they did previously. What they are not doing to compete is to hop on board the christian fundie anti LGBT train.

And that says it all. The idea you are so coyly trying to imply is hot garbage.
Half their menu is grilled with no batter.

Your ignorance runs deep.
Half their menu is grilled with no batter.
irrelevant. We are talking about why chik fil a's sales are higher, not why they have any sales at all. And that reason is their signature sandwich. Sure, there are peripherals involved (drive they efficiency, for one), but those are incidental.

As the entire industry realizes, obviously, as they scramble to compete with them in the fried chicken sandwich market...

...instead of copying their politics.

Sorry, your hopeful, implied point is hot garbage.
Thats the power of salt and sugar. We americans are suckers for it.
Good think McDonalds uses no salt or sugar.
It's in the way that you use it. People aren't going to chik fil a for burgers. They are going for the chicken sandwiches... that salty, sweet batter that is their signature.

That's why other companies are scrambling to compete by making new, different chicken sandwiches than they did previously. What they are not doing to compete is to hop on board the christian fundie anti LGBT train.

And that says it all. The idea you are so coyly trying to imply is hot garbage.
Maybe a doubling of sales was their every intention. One way or another, all that they do in my opinion should be appreciated. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


P.S. My local Chic-Fil-A is currently undergoing a face lift since Friday September 13th. As of right now I don't know when they will re-open.

Ours is too but I don't go there so it doesn't matter to me how long they stay closed.
Just goes to show that people wanna be led. They'll line up around the block for a salt sandwich if they feel like it's a politically correct thing to do.

None of that stuff's any good for you. But whuheva. Not my problem.

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