Chauvin Is Lonely Behind Bars

Actually, in what the rest of us call "reality" and "America", Floyd WAS innocent, as he was convicted of no crime.
His rap sheet was longer than your arm.

Floyd was NOT an 'innocent'.

He resisted arrest, by fighting against being put in the patrol car.

Floyd was NOT an 'innocent'.

Chauvin went too far, but

Floyd was NOT an 'innocent'.
His rap sheet was longer than your arm.
Irrelevant, sorry. None of that is why he interacted with Chauvin.

It's just your way of justifying y0our dehumanization of him. Ironic, considering the biggest scumbag there that day was a murderer named Chauvin, and you are swinging from his nutsack.

Not sure who you think you are fooling.
To hell with Chauvin and those who defend this murderer.
Bottom line is that traitor is dead, over 700 other right wing terrorist traitors have been arrested, and many have been put in jail for multiple years. But we get it, you're a despicable piece of trash that supports people attacking cops.

No matter what you say, the cop's firing of his weapon was ruled clean. And there is NOTHING you can do to change that. Your opinion is meaningless. You're lucky more of the cop hating traitors you support werent killed.
By not responding to the question of your support of traitorous, murderous, racist actions in 2020 by BLM/Antifa you have proven yourself to be a racist hypocrite. And by supporting Piglosi's hit man, you have proven yourself to be a traitorous democrat shill of the same ilk. Run along little commie fuck. BTW, how did you serve the nation selling drugs on the corner.
His rap sheet was longer than your arm.

Floyd was NOT an 'innocent'.

He resisted arrest, by fighting against being put in the patrol car.

Floyd was NOT an 'innocent'.

Chauvin went too far, but

Floyd was NOT an 'innocent'.
At the end of the day, do you understand how worthless that argument is?
People like me? Take your head out of your backside. The truth is Chauvin got what he deserved for killing another human.
If that human was someone close to you, I suspect you would have wanted a death penalty conviction.
There is more to this. The city did not respond fast enough to get Floyd away from public ways. in policing, there is dirty work. No body admits it. In this case was there a phone call by a store owner for a reason? Was he African American? If so, why did the brutha 5-0. He called the man! On every shift in every city a small percentage of total cops are on the street. And of those cops, there is a percentage who will actually do the jobs needed. Some may go overboard because there are many who do not get involved at all because of PC, Diversity and Quotas. Truthfully he may have been looked at as someone who got things done with all of that even with some complaints. No excuses for him. But avenues opened because of the system we have pushed on ourselves. Well now the worst crimes are much larger including murders. But hey...Chauvin is in jail for the death of an unrepentant felon who has cost the system millions of dollars before his demise. The Village!
By not responding to the question of your support of traitorous, murderous, racist actions in 2020 by BLM/Antifa you have proven yourself to be a racist hypocrite. And by supporting Piglosi's hit man, you have proven yourself to be a traitorous democrat shill of the same ilk. Run along little commie fuck. BTW, how did you serve the nation selling drugs on the corner.
Is that your question? :auiqs.jpg: Damn son, you've exceeded expectations. ANTIFA is not a person you idiot. No wonder folks can't answer your question.

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