Zone1 Can one be pan-religious?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
You adhere to a standard of character that is espoused by multiple religions. You believe in a monolithic G_d. You read and educate yourself on multiple religions. is it possible to be pan-religious? Different than Agnostic for sure.
You adhere to a standard of character that is espoused by multiple religions. You believe in a monolithic G_d. You read and educate yourself on multiple religions. is it possible to be pan-religious? Different than Agnostic for sure.
Why not.

Humans have worshiped literally thousands of different gods there's no reason to believe the most current god or gods are the only correct ones to worship.

Religions were invented by humans so if you invent your own it is no less valid than any other.
From my personal experiences I believe it is very possible to find your own path to God. That path may coincide with the paths of other faiths along certain portions and diverge in others. Not unlike a highway being parts of multiple routes or street names in certain areas then separating to go their own way.

My personal Spirituality coincides with pieces of many religious and spiritual movements but does not fully adhere to any one.
You adhere to a standard of character that is espoused by multiple religions. You believe in a monolithic G_d. You read and educate yourself on multiple religions. is it possible to be pan-religious? Different than Agnostic for sure.
According to the Left, you can be pan anything, except pan anti-Left anything.
From my personal experiences I believe it is very possible to find your own path to God. That path may coincide with the paths of other faiths along certain portions and diverge in others. Not unlike a highway being parts of multiple routes or street names in certain areas then separating to go their own way.

My personal Spirituality coincides with pieces of many religious and spiritual movements but does not fully adhere to any one.
Christ went to the cross for a reason, or no reason.

Which do you think it is?
Christ went to the cross for a reason, or no reason.

Which do you think it is?
With respect, I do not view Jesus as the Son of God or as the path to Salvation/Eternal Life.

I grew up in a faith that does believe that, but I have moved on from that doctrine due to personal experiences and life events.
With respect, I do not view Jesus as the Son of God or as the path to Salvation/Eternal Life.

I grew up in a faith that does believe that, but I have moved on from that doctrine due to personal experiences and life events.
So, you would say he died in vain then.

Not necessarily. His preaching/teachings hav lead to a lot of wonderful things in this world. I’m just not buying that his followers are all headed to eternal delight upon death.
So, when Jesus said that I am the way, the truth, and the life, and that no one comes to the Father but by me, he was lying?

Jesus prayed to be delivered from the cross but his prayer was denied. In fact, his own mental torment was such he sweated blood.

So, if there were other avenues to God, he died in vain as God just enjoyed him suffering for no reason.

In other words, there is no power in the cross, and as such, it was all in vain.

There is no way to sugar coat this


1 Corinthians 15:14-19​

King James Version​

14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.
15 Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.
16 For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised:
17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.
18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.
19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.

I think you will find, truth tends not to be a easy feel good reality for all.

The truth hurts, it offends, as it cuts like a two-edged sword.

That is why Jesus was nailed to the cross and why you are squeamish trying not to poo poo it while at the same time embracing everything else.
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So, if there were other avenues to God, he died in vain as God just enjoyed him suffering for no reason.

In other words, there is no power in the cross, and as such, it was all in vain.

There is no way to sugar coat this
I believe there are many roads that lead to places of eternal pleasure just as there are many ways to reach eternal damnation. That’s what my personal experiences and what I’ve seen in the world have led me to believe.

Please realize I’m having a civil conversation with you. I’ve also made it very clear I’m not a Christian. Quoting Bible verses at me will be a good way to end this conversation.

I’m not trying to suggest that your beliefs aren’t right for YOU or that you should believe as I do. Please give me the same respect I’m showing you.
I believe there are many roads that lead to places of eternal pleasure just as there are many ways to reach eternal damnation. That’s what my personal experiences and what I’ve seen in the world have led me to believe.

Please realize I’m having a civil conversation with you. I’ve also made it very clear I’m not a Christian. Quoting Bible verses at me will be a good way to end this conversation.

I’m not trying to suggest that your beliefs aren’t right for YOU or that you should believe as I do. Please give me the same respect I’m showing you.
Yes, I have offended you.


Anyone got a cross to nail me on?

You adhere to a standard of character that is espoused by multiple religions. You believe in a monolithic G_d. You read and educate yourself on multiple religions. is it possible to be pan-religious? Different than Agnostic for sure.
Sure, if you want to burn in hell for all of eternity
No you haven’t. Annoyed, but not offended.

No harm, no foul.

I prefer drawing and quartering.
I remain unimpressed with religions that are there only to make people feel good. You mentioned something about "places of eternal pleasure".

Illicit drugs can do that, but that is not what life is about, is it.

In fact, Christ showed us the exact opposite as he lived to serve and suffered as a result.
I remain unimpressed with religions that are there only to make people feel good. You mentioned something about "places of eternal pleasure".
My beliefs have absolutely nothing to do with being happy, enjoying life, or being pleased with this life. Quite to the contrary. My beliefs fall far more in line with the OLD Testament of you Bible, and with the more extremist ends of the Muslim faith. Pleasure is to be earned in the next life by living properly in this one.
From my personal experiences I believe it is very possible to find your own path to God. That path may coincide with the paths of other faiths along certain portions and diverge in others. Not unlike a highway being parts of multiple routes or street names in certain areas then separating to go their own way.

My personal Spirituality coincides with pieces of many religious and spiritual movements but does not fully adhere to any one.
What if this religion is a worship of a different god than you worship?
You assume the god you worship is the only god to worship.

You may very well be wrong.
I don't believe in god. But most of the gods make it very clear the OP will burn in hell for all of eternity if they feel the way he feels.
My beliefs have absolutely nothing to do with being happy, enjoying life, or being pleased with this life. Quite to the contrary. My beliefs fall far more in line with the OLD Testament of you Bible, and with the more extremist ends of the Muslim faith. Pleasure is to be earned in the next life by living properly in this one.
Earn pleasure? Pleasure you are not really after?

Doing what and how much?

If true, this brings pride.

Forgive me if I torment you with another Bible verse

Ephesians 2:8-9

King James Version

8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

The thief dying next to Jesus on the cross did not have time to do any good works, yet he was saved in the end.
Earn pleasure? Pleasure you are not really after?

Doing what and how much?
Earn the right to be happy, joyful, relaxed and trouble-free. It is earned by living a good, decent and proper life. Not a perfect one, but a very good one, despite every trial and tribulation that is presented to us. Especially when doing so goes against the grain of our society.

Have a lovely day; this conversation is over.

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