California orders no EV charging over Labor Day weekend

If a Democrat is elected as President again, and they managed to hold seats in the house - America will be like Europe is right now, easily within 5 years.
Europe is experiencing between 130% - 300% utility price increases.
Mandated Thermostat settings or pay fine.
Rationed WATT usage

All coming

Germany is using coal this winter.

It's a special Greeeeeeeen Energy Coal.

It's a common theme voiced by the Trump Cult party. "If we don't get our way, we will riot in the streets!"

Trump and his Cult allies called for violence after Trump lost the 2020 election which resulted in the January 6 attempted takeover of the government of the United States.

And their leaders, Lindsey Graham and Bannon are threatening street violence when Trump is inevitably indicted for his nefarious concealment of sensitive classified documents at his crib in Florida. They know it's coming; to not indict Trump would be a dereliction of duty for Garland, and he has said no one is above the law, not even carrot top.
it was also because of the California budget crisis that followed the bursting of the dot-com bubble, and the car tax......and wilson left him with a 13 billion dollar surplus...
A budget surplus with millions of unfunded liabilities???
Do you live in CA? Will it affect you? Record heat is forecasted. Do you understand why people are being warned?
It's a 3 day weekend for many and most will be at home with a/c and fans running 24/7. Does that compute with you?
So the grid in KKKalifornia is still shit.

Has Pretty Boy authorized any new power plants for KKKalifornia since they are about to go all electric?
Do you live in CA? Will it affect you? Record heat is forecasted. Do you understand why people are being warned?
It's a 3 day weekend for many and most will be at home with a/c and fans running 24/7. Does that compute with you?

Yes, it computes perfectly. The state is not able to meet the power demands of it's citizens (or their water requirements). Nice government you've got there.

It's a common theme voiced by the Trump Cult party. "If we don't get our way, we will riot in the streets!"

Trump and his Cult allies called for violence after Trump lost the 2020 election which resulted in the January 6 attempted takeover of the government of the United States.

And their leaders, Lindsey Graham and Bannon are threatening street violence when Trump is inevitably indicted for his nefarious concealment of sensitive classified documents at his crib in Florida. They know it's coming; to not indict Trump would be a dereliction of duty for Garland, and he has said no one is above the law, not even carrot top.
Wow another perfectly backward post by the party of violence....what a joke being accused of violence by the masters of looting, burning and murder.

It's a common theme voiced by the Trump Cult party. "If we don't get our way, we will riot in the streets!"

Trump and his Cult allies called for violence after Trump lost the 2020 election which resulted in the January 6 attempted takeover of the government of the United States.

And their leaders, Lindsey Graham and Bannon are threatening street violence when Trump is inevitably indicted for his nefarious concealment of sensitive classified documents at his crib in Florida. They know it's coming; to not indict Trump would be a dereliction of duty for Garland, and he has said no one is above the law, not even carrot top.
In the current political atmosphere, Biden may accomplish the opposite!

He's mocking the 'proud boys' and that may motivate one of them to come out of their safety closets.
That may well be the case.

But the FACT is that Californians have not been ordered to not charge their EV's, despite the assertion made in the OP.

What will or might happen in the future isn't pertinent to that particular conversation...


What will or might happen in the future isn't pertinent to that particular conversation

It most certainly is.
Water conservation used to be a suggestion, now ... fines.

It's a common theme voiced by the Trump Cult party. "If we don't get our way, we will riot in the streets!"

Trump and his Cult allies called for violence after Trump lost the 2020 election which resulted in the January 6 attempted takeover of the government of the United States.

And their leaders, Lindsey Graham and Bannon are threatening street violence when Trump is inevitably indicted for his nefarious concealment of sensitive classified documents at his crib in Florida. They know it's coming; to not indict Trump would be a dereliction of duty for Garland, and he has said no one is above the law, not even carrot top.
Which of us Patriotic and peaceful persons walked out to the sidewalk and stepped over the property line? The more paranoid your leader gets the funnier his dementia is. :laughing0301:
Again, completely irrelevant.

No one in California has been ordered not to charge their EV's, despite the assertion of the OP to the contrary...
Yes or No... so you personally believe that, at least in CA, there will be -NO- EV station "blackouts" in the near future?
It won't be voluntary, it will be mandatory in the sense that Government sponsored EV stations will be turned off.
If it was possible... I would absolutely bet you $5000 this takes place, in one form or another by the end of 2023.
Yes, it computes perfectly. The state is not able to meet the power demands of it's citizens (or their water requirements). Nice government you've got there.
When you stated the lie that the govt says something it did not say, that is effectively BS. You must have heard that on Facebook, which was also de-bunked. Do you take pride in bitching over something that doesn't affect you? I think so. Misery loves company.
Germany is using coal this winter.

It's a special Greeeeeeeen Energy Coal.
In Poland people are spending the night in their vehicles waiting in line for rationed coal.
This has not happened since WW II.

coal mine poland.jpg
When you stated the lie that the govt says something it did not say, that is effectively BS. You must have heard that on Facebook, which was also de-bunked. Do you take pride in bitching over something that doesn't affect you? I think so. Misery loves company.

I'm not on Facebook.

Why can't the state meet the power or water requirements of it's citizens?

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