
Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.

The California Assembly on Monday advanced a bill to add school faculty, employers and co-workers to the list of people who can ask a judge to take away someone’s guns.

The measure, AB 61, passed the Assembly in a Democrat-heavy 54-16 vote and now heads to the state Senate. It would greatly expand who can file for a Gun Violence Restraining Order in the state under California’s so-called “red flag law.”

Adopted in 2014, the current law allows the seizure of firearms– for up to 21 days– from an otherwise legal gun owner who is believed to pose a “significant danger.” This initial order could be extended for as long as a year if the situation warrants while filing a false petition is a misdemeanor offense. As it stands, just law enforcement and immediate family can seek such an order. AB 61 would expand this to include school employees such as guidance counselors and teachers as well as the employers and co-workers of a subject.

Second Amendment groups such as the Firearms Policy Coalition and Gun Owners of California, who have long felt the orders were a dangerous pathway to gun confiscation without delivering any promise of treatment for someone in legitimate crisis, are opposed to the expansion.

According to the state Department of Justice, GVROs have been issued 614 times from 2016 to the end of 2018.​

Oh, look -- just as I've said, a Red Flag law getting "adjusted" so that anyone can declare any gun owner a threat and have his/her weapons confiscated.

Because, naturally, anyone who owns firearms is a threat, right?

The California Assembly on Monday advanced a bill to add school faculty, employers and co-workers to the list of people who can ask a judge to take away someone’s guns.

The measure, AB 61, passed the Assembly in a Democrat-heavy 54-16 vote and now heads to the state Senate. It would greatly expand who can file for a Gun Violence Restraining Order in the state under California’s so-called “red flag law.”

Adopted in 2014, the current law allows the seizure of firearms– for up to 21 days– from an otherwise legal gun owner who is believed to pose a “significant danger.” This initial order could be extended for as long as a year if the situation warrants while filing a false petition is a misdemeanor offense. As it stands, just law enforcement and immediate family can seek such an order. AB 61 would expand this to include school employees such as guidance counselors and teachers as well as the employers and co-workers of a subject.

Second Amendment groups such as the Firearms Policy Coalition and Gun Owners of California, who have long felt the orders were a dangerous pathway to gun confiscation without delivering any promise of treatment for someone in legitimate crisis, are opposed to the expansion.

According to the state Department of Justice, GVROs have been issued 614 times from 2016 to the end of 2018.​

Oh, look -- just as I've said, a Red Flag law getting "adjusted" so that anyone can declare any gun owner a threat and have his/her weapons confiscated.

Because, naturally, anyone who owns firearms is a threat, right?

They (the Democrats) promised us (gun owners) they would never "come for our guns". Now the enemy is at the gate. So we must ask ourselves, who is the enemy of the American People? I fear the day when mandatory surrender of all firearms is passed into federal law. That'll be the day we surrender, one handloaded round at a time.
Naw...more fun to have workplace shootings.
An occasional workplace shooting is much preferable to losing our civil rights.

But of course you jackass party of slavery supporters have never been very keen on allowing people to have civil rights.

You are all a bunch of slimeballs.

The California Assembly on Monday advanced a bill to add school faculty, employers and co-workers to the list of people who can ask a judge to take away someone’s guns.

The measure, AB 61, passed the Assembly in a Democrat-heavy 54-16 vote and now heads to the state Senate. It would greatly expand who can file for a Gun Violence Restraining Order in the state under California’s so-called “red flag law.”

Adopted in 2014, the current law allows the seizure of firearms– for up to 21 days– from an otherwise legal gun owner who is believed to pose a “significant danger.” This initial order could be extended for as long as a year if the situation warrants while filing a false petition is a misdemeanor offense. As it stands, just law enforcement and immediate family can seek such an order. AB 61 would expand this to include school employees such as guidance counselors and teachers as well as the employers and co-workers of a subject.

Second Amendment groups such as the Firearms Policy Coalition and Gun Owners of California, who have long felt the orders were a dangerous pathway to gun confiscation without delivering any promise of treatment for someone in legitimate crisis, are opposed to the expansion.

According to the state Department of Justice, GVROs have been issued 614 times from 2016 to the end of 2018.​

Oh, look -- just as I've said, a Red Flag law getting "adjusted" so that anyone can declare any gun owner a threat and have his/her weapons confiscated.

Because, naturally, anyone who owns firearms is a threat, right?

Just because someone owns a gun doesn't mean his gun will be confiscated.
Naw...more fun to have workplace shootings.
Yes, we must violate due process to punish thoughtcriminals every chance we get, right?
At least you're consistent it being wrong.

Such measures of afford gun owners comprehensive due process.

The California Assembly on Monday advanced a bill to add school faculty, employers and co-workers to the list of people who can ask a judge to take away someone’s guns.

The measure, AB 61, passed the Assembly in a Democrat-heavy 54-16 vote and now heads to the state Senate. It would greatly expand who can file for a Gun Violence Restraining Order in the state under California’s so-called “red flag law.”

Adopted in 2014, the current law allows the seizure of firearms– for up to 21 days– from an otherwise legal gun owner who is believed to pose a “significant danger.” This initial order could be extended for as long as a year if the situation warrants while filing a false petition is a misdemeanor offense. As it stands, just law enforcement and immediate family can seek such an order. AB 61 would expand this to include school employees such as guidance counselors and teachers as well as the employers and co-workers of a subject.

Second Amendment groups such as the Firearms Policy Coalition and Gun Owners of California, who have long felt the orders were a dangerous pathway to gun confiscation without delivering any promise of treatment for someone in legitimate crisis, are opposed to the expansion.

According to the state Department of Justice, GVROs have been issued 614 times from 2016 to the end of 2018.​

Oh, look -- just as I've said, a Red Flag law getting "adjusted" so that anyone can declare any gun owner a threat and have his/her weapons confiscated.

Because, naturally, anyone who owns firearms is a threat, right?

Just because someone owns a gun doesn't mean his gun will be confiscated.
It will be if irrational gun-haters get their way.
Naw...more fun to have workplace shootings.
Yes, we must violate due process to punish thoughtcriminals every chance we get, right?
At least you're consistent it being wrong.

Such measures of afford gun owners comprehensive due process.
Wrong. Here's the text of the bill. Nothing in there about due process. No examination by a qualified mental health professional. Someone presents an affidavit to the court, and the court can issue a seizure order that very day.

It's a kangaroo court, and leftists will abuse it. Guaranteed.

Just because you support it doesn't make it due process.

The California Assembly on Monday advanced a bill to add school faculty, employers and co-workers to the list of people who can ask a judge to take away someone’s guns.

The measure, AB 61, passed the Assembly in a Democrat-heavy 54-16 vote and now heads to the state Senate. It would greatly expand who can file for a Gun Violence Restraining Order in the state under California’s so-called “red flag law.”

Adopted in 2014, the current law allows the seizure of firearms– for up to 21 days– from an otherwise legal gun owner who is believed to pose a “significant danger.” This initial order could be extended for as long as a year if the situation warrants while filing a false petition is a misdemeanor offense. As it stands, just law enforcement and immediate family can seek such an order. AB 61 would expand this to include school employees such as guidance counselors and teachers as well as the employers and co-workers of a subject.

Second Amendment groups such as the Firearms Policy Coalition and Gun Owners of California, who have long felt the orders were a dangerous pathway to gun confiscation without delivering any promise of treatment for someone in legitimate crisis, are opposed to the expansion.

According to the state Department of Justice, GVROs have been issued 614 times from 2016 to the end of 2018.​

Oh, look -- just as I've said, a Red Flag law getting "adjusted" so that anyone can declare any gun owner a threat and have his/her weapons confiscated.

Because, naturally, anyone who owns firearms is a threat, right?

Just because someone owns a gun doesn't mean his gun will be confiscated.
Have you ever been involved in a lawsuit? How about placed under surveillance? Had your privacy invaded unlawfully?

The California Assembly on Monday advanced a bill to add school faculty, employers and co-workers to the list of people who can ask a judge to take away someone’s guns.

The measure, AB 61, passed the Assembly in a Democrat-heavy 54-16 vote and now heads to the state Senate. It would greatly expand who can file for a Gun Violence Restraining Order in the state under California’s so-called “red flag law.”

Adopted in 2014, the current law allows the seizure of firearms– for up to 21 days– from an otherwise legal gun owner who is believed to pose a “significant danger.” This initial order could be extended for as long as a year if the situation warrants while filing a false petition is a misdemeanor offense. As it stands, just law enforcement and immediate family can seek such an order. AB 61 would expand this to include school employees such as guidance counselors and teachers as well as the employers and co-workers of a subject.

Second Amendment groups such as the Firearms Policy Coalition and Gun Owners of California, who have long felt the orders were a dangerous pathway to gun confiscation without delivering any promise of treatment for someone in legitimate crisis, are opposed to the expansion.

According to the state Department of Justice, GVROs have been issued 614 times from 2016 to the end of 2018.​

Oh, look -- just as I've said, a Red Flag law getting "adjusted" so that anyone can declare any gun owner a threat and have his/her weapons confiscated.

Because, naturally, anyone who owns firearms is a threat, right?

They (the Democrats) promised us (gun owners) they would never "come for our guns". Now the enemy is at the gate. So we must ask ourselves, who is the enemy of the American People? I fear the day when mandatory surrender of all firearms is passed into federal law. That'll be the day we surrender, one handloaded round at a time.
This fails as a slippery slope fallacy.

Democrats don't want to take anyone's guns, the notion is a ridiculous lie.

The California Assembly on Monday advanced a bill to add school faculty, employers and co-workers to the list of people who can ask a judge to take away someone’s guns.

The measure, AB 61, passed the Assembly in a Democrat-heavy 54-16 vote and now heads to the state Senate. It would greatly expand who can file for a Gun Violence Restraining Order in the state under California’s so-called “red flag law.”

Adopted in 2014, the current law allows the seizure of firearms– for up to 21 days– from an otherwise legal gun owner who is believed to pose a “significant danger.” This initial order could be extended for as long as a year if the situation warrants while filing a false petition is a misdemeanor offense. As it stands, just law enforcement and immediate family can seek such an order. AB 61 would expand this to include school employees such as guidance counselors and teachers as well as the employers and co-workers of a subject.

Second Amendment groups such as the Firearms Policy Coalition and Gun Owners of California, who have long felt the orders were a dangerous pathway to gun confiscation without delivering any promise of treatment for someone in legitimate crisis, are opposed to the expansion.

According to the state Department of Justice, GVROs have been issued 614 times from 2016 to the end of 2018.​

Oh, look -- just as I've said, a Red Flag law getting "adjusted" so that anyone can declare any gun owner a threat and have his/her weapons confiscated.

Because, naturally, anyone who owns firearms is a threat, right?

Just because someone owns a gun doesn't mean his gun will be confiscated.
Have you ever been involved in a lawsuit? How about placed under surveillance? Had your privacy invaded unlawfully?
Non sequitur fallacy.

The California Assembly on Monday advanced a bill to add school faculty, employers and co-workers to the list of people who can ask a judge to take away someone’s guns.

The measure, AB 61, passed the Assembly in a Democrat-heavy 54-16 vote and now heads to the state Senate. It would greatly expand who can file for a Gun Violence Restraining Order in the state under California’s so-called “red flag law.”

Adopted in 2014, the current law allows the seizure of firearms– for up to 21 days– from an otherwise legal gun owner who is believed to pose a “significant danger.” This initial order could be extended for as long as a year if the situation warrants while filing a false petition is a misdemeanor offense. As it stands, just law enforcement and immediate family can seek such an order. AB 61 would expand this to include school employees such as guidance counselors and teachers as well as the employers and co-workers of a subject.

Second Amendment groups such as the Firearms Policy Coalition and Gun Owners of California, who have long felt the orders were a dangerous pathway to gun confiscation without delivering any promise of treatment for someone in legitimate crisis, are opposed to the expansion.

According to the state Department of Justice, GVROs have been issued 614 times from 2016 to the end of 2018.​

Oh, look -- just as I've said, a Red Flag law getting "adjusted" so that anyone can declare any gun owner a threat and have his/her weapons confiscated.

Because, naturally, anyone who owns firearms is a threat, right?

They (the Democrats) promised us (gun owners) they would never "come for our guns". Now the enemy is at the gate. So we must ask ourselves, who is the enemy of the American People? I fear the day when mandatory surrender of all firearms is passed into federal law. That'll be the day we surrender, one handloaded round at a time.
This fails as a slippery slope fallacy.

Democrats don't want to take anyone's guns, the notion is a ridiculous lie.

You're a broken record, an eight track tape stuck repeating the same worn out, has-been tune. Seems to me that's a recursive repetition fallacy. Don't bother Googling it, I just made that one up, special, for you.

The California Assembly on Monday advanced a bill to add school faculty, employers and co-workers to the list of people who can ask a judge to take away someone’s guns.

The measure, AB 61, passed the Assembly in a Democrat-heavy 54-16 vote and now heads to the state Senate. It would greatly expand who can file for a Gun Violence Restraining Order in the state under California’s so-called “red flag law.”

Adopted in 2014, the current law allows the seizure of firearms– for up to 21 days– from an otherwise legal gun owner who is believed to pose a “significant danger.” This initial order could be extended for as long as a year if the situation warrants while filing a false petition is a misdemeanor offense. As it stands, just law enforcement and immediate family can seek such an order. AB 61 would expand this to include school employees such as guidance counselors and teachers as well as the employers and co-workers of a subject.

Second Amendment groups such as the Firearms Policy Coalition and Gun Owners of California, who have long felt the orders were a dangerous pathway to gun confiscation without delivering any promise of treatment for someone in legitimate crisis, are opposed to the expansion.

According to the state Department of Justice, GVROs have been issued 614 times from 2016 to the end of 2018.​

Oh, look -- just as I've said, a Red Flag law getting "adjusted" so that anyone can declare any gun owner a threat and have his/her weapons confiscated.

Because, naturally, anyone who owns firearms is a threat, right?

What the Fuck????

George was right

download (3).jpeg

The California Assembly on Monday advanced a bill to add school faculty, employers and co-workers to the list of people who can ask a judge to take away someone’s guns.

The measure, AB 61, passed the Assembly in a Democrat-heavy 54-16 vote and now heads to the state Senate. It would greatly expand who can file for a Gun Violence Restraining Order in the state under California’s so-called “red flag law.”

Adopted in 2014, the current law allows the seizure of firearms– for up to 21 days– from an otherwise legal gun owner who is believed to pose a “significant danger.” This initial order could be extended for as long as a year if the situation warrants while filing a false petition is a misdemeanor offense. As it stands, just law enforcement and immediate family can seek such an order. AB 61 would expand this to include school employees such as guidance counselors and teachers as well as the employers and co-workers of a subject.

Second Amendment groups such as the Firearms Policy Coalition and Gun Owners of California, who have long felt the orders were a dangerous pathway to gun confiscation without delivering any promise of treatment for someone in legitimate crisis, are opposed to the expansion.

According to the state Department of Justice, GVROs have been issued 614 times from 2016 to the end of 2018.​

Oh, look -- just as I've said, a Red Flag law getting "adjusted" so that anyone can declare any gun owner a threat and have his/her weapons confiscated.

Because, naturally, anyone who owns firearms is a threat, right?

They (the Democrats) promised us (gun owners) they would never "come for our guns". Now the enemy is at the gate. So we must ask ourselves, who is the enemy of the American People? I fear the day when mandatory surrender of all firearms is passed into federal law. That'll be the day we surrender, one handloaded round at a time.
This fails as a slippery slope fallacy.

Democrats don't want to take anyone's guns, the notion is a ridiculous lie.

You're a broken record, an eight track tape stuck repeating the same worn out, has-been tune. Seems to me that's a recursive repetition fallacy. Don't bother Googling it, I just made that one up, special, for you.
this is a momentous for the USMB.....the therapy worked,jones has done posts within minutes of each other.....they should give him a USMB cap and a jar of Nutella....

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