By This Time, doubt has to be creeping into the minds of Trump supporters. How can it not?

His own Secretary of State called him a moron. Why would the former CEO of possibly the largest oil company in the world be so unprofessional that he would call his boss a moron? There is only one reason he would do something like that.

So what did Trump do to counter such a charge? He talks about his IQ? He starts calling names? Liddle instead of Little.

Trump lashes 'Liddle Bob Corker' as senators call for calm

He's got North Korea.

He's trying to help Iran make nuclear weapons.

He even talked about Harvey Weinstein. Remember that Trump was going to sue a dozen women? What happened? Remember, he said he could grab them and forcibly kiss them all because he's a star?
Why get involved with that?

He sent is Vice President to spend a couple of hundred thousand dollars to walk out of a football game when no one else did and it was the two worst teams in the league.

Then he's throwing paper towels. And when his followers say they saw no problem, I don't believe them.
He mispronounces Puerto Rico again and again. And he thinks it's funny.
He says to the people inside a shelter, look at all the people who came to see me. It was in a shelter.
All those followers can't all be morons. For some, doubt has to be creeping in. It just has to be.

Donald Trump sets a new dishonesty record: 40 false claims last week | Toronto Star

40 new trump lies - Google Search

When they say it's fake news who lies, not Trump. I don't believe it anymore that they believe he's truthful. It's too easy to check. They can't NOT know. It's just not possible.

It would be nice if one of them could explain in a coherent manner why they continue to supports someone his Secretary of State called a moron. Who then, spends the rest of the week, acting like a moron.

LMAO Trump isn't a politician which is something you lefty loons forget.

I don't expect him to act like a politician and neither should anyone else.

Catch a clue. LOL
you are right he isnt a politician,but he should have learned by now that his big mouth has created a lot of the turmoil he gets bad mouthed for and keep it shut....Trump is his own worse enemy...
His own Secretary of State called him a moron. Why would the former CEO of possibly the largest oil company in the world be so unprofessional that he would call his boss a moron? There is only one reason he would do something like that.

So what did Trump do to counter such a charge? He talks about his IQ? He starts calling names? Liddle instead of Little.

Trump lashes 'Liddle Bob Corker' as senators call for calm

He's got North Korea.

He's trying to help Iran make nuclear weapons.

He even talked about Harvey Weinstein. Remember that Trump was going to sue a dozen women? What happened? Remember, he said he could grab them and forcibly kiss them all because he's a star?
Why get involved with that?

He sent is Vice President to spend a couple of hundred thousand dollars to walk out of a football game when no one else did and it was the two worst teams in the league.

Then he's throwing paper towels. And when his followers say they saw no problem, I don't believe them.
He mispronounces Puerto Rico again and again. And he thinks it's funny.
He says to the people inside a shelter, look at all the people who came to see me. It was in a shelter.
All those followers can't all be morons. For some, doubt has to be creeping in. It just has to be.

Donald Trump sets a new dishonesty record: 40 false claims last week | Toronto Star

40 new trump lies - Google Search

When they say it's fake news who lies, not Trump. I don't believe it anymore that they believe he's truthful. It's too easy to check. They can't NOT know. It's just not possible.

It would be nice if one of them could explain in a coherent manner why they continue to supports someone his Secretary of State called a moron. Who then, spends the rest of the week, acting like a moron.

LMAO Trump isn't a politician which is something you lefty loons forget.

I don't expect him to act like a politician and neither should anyone else.

Catch a clue. LOL
you are right he isnt a politician,but he should have learned by now that his big mouth has created a lot of the turmoil he gets bad mouthed for and keep it shut....Trump is his own worse enemy...
If he can't learn that one simple lesson, what else is it he can't learn?
His own Secretary of State called him a moron. Why would the former CEO of possibly the largest oil company in the world be so unprofessional that he would call his boss a moron? There is only one reason he would do something like that.

So what did Trump do to counter such a charge? He talks about his IQ? He starts calling names? Liddle instead of Little.

Trump lashes 'Liddle Bob Corker' as senators call for calm

He's got North Korea.

He's trying to help Iran make nuclear weapons.

He even talked about Harvey Weinstein. Remember that Trump was going to sue a dozen women? What happened? Remember, he said he could grab them and forcibly kiss them all because he's a star?
Why get involved with that?

He sent is Vice President to spend a couple of hundred thousand dollars to walk out of a football game when no one else did and it was the two worst teams in the league.

Then he's throwing paper towels. And when his followers say they saw no problem, I don't believe them.
He mispronounces Puerto Rico again and again. And he thinks it's funny.
He says to the people inside a shelter, look at all the people who came to see me. It was in a shelter.
All those followers can't all be morons. For some, doubt has to be creeping in. It just has to be.

Donald Trump sets a new dishonesty record: 40 false claims last week | Toronto Star

40 new trump lies - Google Search

When they say it's fake news who lies, not Trump. I don't believe it anymore that they believe he's truthful. It's too easy to check. They can't NOT know. It's just not possible.

It would be nice if one of them could explain in a coherent manner why they continue to supports someone his Secretary of State called a moron. Who then, spends the rest of the week, acting like a moron.

LMAO Trump isn't a politician which is something you lefty loons forget.

I don't expect him to act like a politician and neither should anyone else.

Catch a clue. LOL
you are right he isnt a politician,but he should have learned by now that his big mouth has created a lot of the turmoil he gets bad mouthed for and keep it shut....Trump is his own worse enemy...
Ahhhh ---- the poor deluded left.

Did it ever occur to your simple little minds that the "turmoil" is intentional? Might it be there to distract you?
Trump's core supporters are irrevelant. Even the candidates who lose elections retain their core support.

It's the swing vote that matters and Trump is losing those people by the busloads.
Trump's core supporters are irrevelant. Even the candidates who lose elections retain their core support.

It's the swing vote that matters and Trump is losing those people by the busloads.
Yes. The swing votes in Oh, PA, Wisc and Mich told the tale ... or the Russians influencing 200K or so swing votes.

BUT, Trump still has nearly 45% approval in rural areas. There's no rational explanation for last year's result. Normally, I'd say you can't lose by 2% and carry the EV. However, there are two explanations, and maybe both. Putin used targeted social media and fake news in the swing districts that swung, and the dems "ran" Hillary.

The core Trump supporters want the gummit torn down for them because they perceive no benefit ... despite soc sec and medicare ... which Trump promised not to touch.
Repeal Obamacare
Build a wall
Tax Reform
Balanced Budget
Bring jobs back from China

What does his base have to complain about
Trump's core supporters are irrevelant. Even the candidates who lose elections retain their core support.

It's the swing vote that matters and Trump is losing those people by the busloads.

Those who voted on " What do we have to lose" and "how bad can he be" have found out
There is NO DOUBT that most people HATED Hillary Rotten Clinton. No regrets about NOT electing that whore.
Well, actually, when you think about "most". You kind of see a majority. As in "the most" or "above 50%".

You know what I'm sayin'?

Trump didn't get "most" so someone else did.
Yeah, whatever. Forget that I was talking about Trump voters. Focus on that minutia and COMPLETE IGNORE THE FUCKING POINT!!!

Most TRUMP VOTERS were on their fucking knees (even we, the atheists) THANKING GOD that Hitlery's murdering ass was NOT elected.



Thank the non-existent being known as God/Allah/Crom/Kek that IT WAS NOT HER TURN!!!

You said: Most TRUMP VOTERS were on their fucking knees (even we, the atheists) THANKING GOD that Hitlery's murdering ass was NOT elected.

Yea, so terrible. Helping millions get healthcare.

All the awful things the press reported. So much smoke, there must be fire.

Only there's no fire.

Now we have a real criminal as president. Both a criminal and a moron.
Hillary isn't charged with anything. Just nonsense like she ran a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor.

Trump has given away classified material to a country that wants ours destroyed. But why shouldn't confederates side with Russia. They want this country destroyed as well. They already tried it once. And they build monuments to traitors. Why? Because they ARE the traitors.
Dude, before Hillary was even a candidate, I hated that evil whore, for many reasons.


Is better than:


Is better than:


Is better than:

But why shouldn't confederates side with Russia. They want this country destroyed as well. They already tried it once. And they build monuments to traitors. Why? Because they ARE the traitors.
Excuse me, WHAT? Confederates?

My great great great grandfather was drafted to serve as a scout in the Louisiana 2nd Cavalry. I have no other relative who was ever a confederate, and I am no confederate myself. I am not even considered Southern. I am a Texan. Texas is not the South. Texas is simply Texas and is the greatest place on Earth.

I am also one who loves freedom and liberty. Hitlery decidedly does not value freedom or liberty for anyone but herself. If hating that bitch makes me a confederate, surely that makes you a totalitarian loving, freedom hating communist, right?

Take your ancient history rhetoric and shove it up your ass.
By This Time, doubt has to be creeping into the minds of Trump supporters. How can it not?

TRANSLATION: "Please, please SOMEBODY believe all our hysterical screams about how horrible and awful Donald Trump is. Please?"
Those who voted on " What do we have to lose" and "how bad can he be" have found out
That it's better than we hoped?

You poor bastards care so much about what all the snooty world leaders think about us. FUCK THEM. We are decidedly better than the rest of the world, and they fucking know it.

The world can suck our collective 19-inch dick!!!

Trump's core supporters are irrevelant. Even the candidates who lose elections retain their core support.

It's the swing vote that matters and Trump is losing those people by the busloads.
So, surely the Democrats will run a candidate that can beat this guy who has no support, right?

Repeal Obamacare
Build a wall
Tax Reform
Balanced Budget
Bring jobs back from China

What does his base have to complain about
I am not sure how you can assign blame to Trump for these failures.

Repeal Obamacare
Does he have a bill to sign yet? Looks like some GOPers are going to get primaried soon.
Build a wall
In the works, but he is getting half-assed cooperation from the establishment GOP, and nearly an armed rebellion from the Democrats. Their voting base is in jeopardy.

But, I support spending MUCH less on a wall, and placing sentry guns in interlocking fire positions to shoot anything that moves along the border. Much cheaper, and takes care of both our problem and Mexico's problem. It also solves a lot of drug and illegal fire arms smuggling.

Tax Reform
No bill to sign yet. I am not sure they can do anything worth while, so you may have a point.

I think that making employers pay taxes for the pleasure of employing someone should be eliminated immediately, and should have never happened to begin with. I would hire more if that were changed.

g5000 will be along to lecture me soon on Tax Expendatures. :lol:

Balanced Budget
GOP and DNC are both greedy culprits. If they present a balanced budget bill to Trump, I expect him to sign it.

That spending will never get under control and will likely give the left what they have always wanted--the destruction of capitalist America. But, they are not going to keep the union together if that happens--as long as we have guns.

Bring jobs back from China
This is his biggest political pander. You may have a point here. It especially holds true in the traditionally blue rust belt, where Obama seemed to be giving them the finger on jobs.

The only thing he can do to make job repatriation work is through Tax Reform.
His own Secretary of State called him a moron. Why would the former CEO of possibly the largest oil company in the world be so unprofessional that he would call his boss a moron? There is only one reason he would do something like that.

So what did Trump do to counter such a charge? He talks about his IQ? He starts calling names? Liddle instead of Little.

Trump lashes 'Liddle Bob Corker' as senators call for calm

He's got North Korea.

He's trying to help Iran make nuclear weapons.

He even talked about Harvey Weinstein. Remember that Trump was going to sue a dozen women? What happened? Remember, he said he could grab them and forcibly kiss them all because he's a star?
Why get involved with that?

He sent is Vice President to spend a couple of hundred thousand dollars to walk out of a football game when no one else did and it was the two worst teams in the league.

Then he's throwing paper towels. And when his followers say they saw no problem, I don't believe them.
He mispronounces Puerto Rico again and again. And he thinks it's funny.
He says to the people inside a shelter, look at all the people who came to see me. It was in a shelter.
All those followers can't all be morons. For some, doubt has to be creeping in. It just has to be.

Donald Trump sets a new dishonesty record: 40 false claims last week | Toronto Star

40 new trump lies - Google Search

When they say it's fake news who lies, not Trump. I don't believe it anymore that they believe he's truthful. It's too easy to check. They can't NOT know. It's just not possible.

It would be nice if one of them could explain in a coherent manner why they continue to supports someone his Secretary of State called a moron. Who then, spends the rest of the week, acting like a moron.

LMAO Trump isn't a politician which is something you lefty loons forget.

I don't expect him to act like a politician and neither should anyone else.

Catch a clue. LOL
you are right he isnt a politician,but he should have learned by now that his big mouth has created a lot of the turmoil he gets bad mouthed for and keep it shut....Trump is his own worse enemy...
Ahhhh ---- the poor deluded left.

Did it ever occur to your simple little minds that the "turmoil" is intentional? Might it be there to distract you?
so if i criticize trump,im a lefty?....and you say im deluded?....
Repeal Obamacare
Build a wall
Tax Reform
Balanced Budget
Bring jobs back from China

What does his base have to complain about
A futile effort ----

Post #33 gave them all kinds of targets to shoot at .... and crickets ensued. Instead, all we heard was the continuing personal attacks and whining.

They're not interested in discussing facts - in fact, they're not interested in discussing anything. They only are interested in whining louder and louder, in a futile attempt to drown out the truth.
More and more reports are coming out of the White House as "unstable" and "erratic".
Trump is proving everyday to be a magnificent president and an awesome leader. .... :thup:
By what metric? He is dividing his own party, thus crippling his political clout on Capital Hill, his staff has a higher turnover rate than a McDonald's near a community college, he is under investigation by a Special Counselor and is held in contempt by most of our allies and disdain by our adversaries. He has yet to pass any significant legislation, repeal and replace or build his wall.

What has he done aside from tweeting and wrecking havoc? He has signed Executive Orders. Remember how "I have a pen and a phone!" was received by your ilk? Karma is indeed a bitch.
that hitlery isn't president.
More and more reports are coming out of the White House as "unstable" and "erratic".
much like JFK eh? you should read up.

Kennedy Considered Supporting Coup in South Vietnam, August 1963

"Washington, D.C., December 11, 2009 - At a critical moment in August 1963, President John F. Kennedy saw only negative choices on Vietnam, according to new audio recordings and documentation posted today by the National Security Archive. Recently declassified tapes of secret White House meetings on the possibility of U.S. support for a military coup against President Ngo Dinh Diem show that Kennedy believed that if Diem's brother Ngo Dinh Nhu remained a major influence, the war might not succeed. Recognizing that Congress might get "mad" at him for supporting coup-minded Vietnamese generals, Kennedy said that it will "be madder if Vietnam goes down the drain." Thus, Kennedy did not disagree when Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara said that the U.S. needed to "plan how we make this thing work." The tapes also show that McNamara, long held to have opposed the Diem coup, failed to express such a strong view at the moment of this decision.

The newly declassified tapes are authoritative evidence on U.S. policy toward the Vietnamese coup, and they shed fresh light on one of the most controversial episodes of the American war in Vietnam. In continuation of our previous coverage of this aspect of U.S. policy during the Vietnam war, the National Security Archive is posting the Kennedy tapes and memoranda containing the written accounts of the same National Security Council (NSC) meetings, together with related documents concerning this affair. The episode is covered in considerable detail in William Colby and the CIA: The Secret Wars of a Controversial Spymaster, by National Security Archive fellow John Prados."
Trump is proving everyday to be a magnificent president and an awesome leader. .... :thup:
By what metric? He is dividing his own party, thus crippling his political clout on Capital Hill, his staff has a higher turnover rate than a McDonald's near a community college, he is under investigation by a Special Counselor and is held in contempt by most of our allies and disdain by our adversaries. He has yet to pass any significant legislation, repeal and replace or build his wall.

What has he done aside from tweeting and wrecking havoc? He has signed Executive Orders. Remember how "I have a pen and a phone!" was received by your ilk? Karma is indeed a bitch.
that hitlery isn't president.
Oh dear God the obsession you idiots bear blinds you to facts!

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