Evangelical devotion to Trump

typical lib, when confronted with facts and truth always resort to juvenile insults of the person presenting the facts-----------its called kill the messenger and you libs have it to an art form. But its not working any more, the american people see thru your bullshit.
They day that you can even recognize a fact or truth is the day I'll care what you shit out of your mouth here.
Have these people even read the Bible they claim to hold so dear?
How can they ignore the basic backbone of their religion to support a man who refuses to admit guilt or change his ways?

He’s been found liable for committing sexual abuse. He’s bragged about grabbing women by the you-know-what. He’s in the middle of a court case over paying hush money to a porn star with whom he allegedly cheated on his wife — the third woman he’s married. And he’s the de facto leader of American evangelicalism.

How could Christians embrace a leader who has seemingly treated half the “thou shalt nots” in the Bible as a challenge?
Because their goals are bigger than Trump. they are using him just as much as or more than he is using them.

They are playing by the "jihad" rules: Any sin or endorsement of sin is fine, if done in service to their God.
typical lib, when confronted with facts and truth always resort to juvenile insults of the person presenting the facts-----------its called kill the messenger and you libs have it to an art form. But its not working any more, the american people see thru your bullshit.
In other words, what you just did when rightwinger called you out.

It's all right there for everyone to see.
In other words, what you just did when rightwinger called you out.

It's all right there for everyone to see.
I post facts and truth, I know those things hurt your lib feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings, but I will continue to post them, because the truth will win out in the end, it always does.
I post facts and truth, I know those things hurt your lib feeeeeeeeeeeeeelings, but I will continue to post them, because the truth will win out in the end, it always does.
You are the biggest bull shiter here.
typical lib, when confronted with facts and truth always resort to juvenile insults of the person presenting the facts-----------its called kill the messenger and you libs have it to an art form. But its not working any more, the american people see thru your bullshit.
Conservatives have advanced a campaign of dishonesty and lies for decades; indeed, Trump is a product of the right’s contempt for facts and the truth.

/——/ How many did they ask to find these people?
The only way I learned about the civil war was after I graduated and read history books. I knew it was over states rights and the expansion of slavery but not much more.
The education system in the US sucks.
Does it allow wackos to make up shit and put it on forums , you are an idiot. You are as Nazi as Trump is , your list of lies proves it , You are a microbe getting in the way of truth. and reason. Love it when you ignorant bastard step right up to proclaim your stupidity, thinking that it is a post supporting your Hate Nazi positions and lies. That tattoo on your forehead saying dumb fuck is more than visible.
/—-/ Got anything other than childish insults? A random fact would be nice.,
Religious people are rejecting the DEMONcrats.

Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion. 240515. {post•36}. MarathonMike May’24 Spiwtt: But Christianity and Christian principles are clearly part of the Constitution and the origins of the country e.g. "Endowed by their CREATOR with certain inalienable rights...." etc. mrthnmk 240515 Spiwtt00036

America’s founding generation was less than 20 percent Christian Churched. Atheism was rare because everyone grew up involuntarily under state authority surrounded by and controlled by white European Protestant Christianity of one sect or an other.

Up to 80 percent of British Colony adult white European male inhabitants in 1776 had a closer relationship with their local tavern keeper than with a preacher going on about being saved by Jesus Christ from the human disease of original sin and the godlessness of Satan.

To most - the belief in a Creator aka Supreme Being was not the one presented over the ages as the one read about in the Biblical Worldview .

You are living in one of the all time greatest myths of all time that America was founded as a Christian nation.
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Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion. 240515. {post•36}. MarathonMike May’24 Spiwtt: But Christianity and Christian principles are clearly part of the Constitution and the origins of the country e.g. "Endowed by their CREATOR with certain inalienable rights...." etc. mrthnmk 240515 Spiwtt00036

America’s founding generation was less than 20 percent Christian Churched. Atheism was rare because everyone grew up involuntarily under state authority surrounded by and controlled by white European Protestant Christianity of one sect or an other.

Up to 80 percent of British Colony adult white European male inhabitants in 1776 had a closer relationship with their local tavern keeper than with a preacher going on about being saved by Jesus Christ from the human disease of original sin and the godlessness of Satan.

To most - the belief in a Creator aka Supreme Being was not the one presented over the ages as the one read about in the Biblical Worldview .

You are living in one of the all time greatest myths of all time that America was founded as a Christian nation.
Must be all those references to God, and carvings of religious figures on govt buildings that make America an atheist country right?
Conservatives have advanced a campaign of dishonesty and lies for decades; indeed, Trump is a product of the right’s contempt for facts and the truth.
facts and truth 101

1. our southern border is open thanks to senile joe
2. inflation is destroying middle class families
3. wars are waging in Europe and Israel thanks to Biden's incompetence
4. China is taking over the economic world?
5. Fauci is a criminal and serial liar
6. Trump will win in November because the american people are not as dumb as you libs think they are.
Must be all those references to God, and carvings of religious figures on govt buildings that make America an atheist country right?
If you were capable of understanding, pretty plain straightforward English when I use the term “creator“ a.k.a. supreme being you would know I am not saying that American is a strictly atheist country.

America is a country that is neutral on all religion and that’s the way it was intended to be. So quit the lie America was founded as a Christian nation.

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