BREAKING: Noted IPCC scientist says, "The science is not settled!"


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Well, this sure is a kick in the nut sacks of the global warming religion.

Seems an esteemed IPCC scientist......Judith Curry, says modifying climate by turning a knob on CO2 is total horseshit!!!

Im laughing my fucking balls off tonight!!!!!

CO2 Not a Control Knob that Can Fine Tune Climate says Judith Curry to US Senate - Yahoo Finance Canada

Overestimated global warming over the past 20 years | Climate Etc.

Warming debate continues: Physicist makes case against catastrophic climate change - Daily Inter Lake: Opinion

Just more fodder that these AGW people have serious, serious issues.
It surely isn't...I believe the sensitivity is really low with co2 forcing so around 1.0c-1.2c of extra warming should be the expected by 2100. I wouldn't be shocked if this is the long term forcing the way things are looking.
Well, this sure is a kick in the nut sacks of the global warming religion.

Seems an esteemed IPCC scientist......Judith Curry, says modifying climate by turning a knob on CO2 is total horseshit!!!

Im laughing my fucking balls off tonight!!!!!

CO2 Not a Control Knob that Can Fine Tune Climate says Judith Curry to US Senate - Yahoo Finance Canada

Overestimated global warming over the past 20 years | Climate Etc.

Warming debate continues: Physicist makes case against catastrophic climate change - Daily Inter Lake: Opinion

Just more fodder that these AGW people have serious, serious issues.

Curry is neither an IPCC scientist, nor is she esteemed by it.
Looks like she's got critics of her own..

Curry Chimes in – 'McIntyre Said So'

The fact that McIntyre failed to identify the baselining correction is itself not a big deal, although it doesn't reflect well on his math or analytical abilities. The fact that he defaulted to an implication of a conspiracy theory rather than actually doing any data analysis doesn't reflect particularly well on his analytical mindset, but a blogger is free to say what he likes on his blog.

The problem lies in the significant number of people who continued to believe that the modeled global surface temperature projections in the IPCC reports were inaccurate – despite my having shown they have been accurate and having explained the error in the draft figure – for no other reason than 'McIntyre said so.' This appeal to McIntyre's supposed authority extended to Judith Curry on Twitter, who asserted with a link to McIntyre's blog, in response to my post,

"No the models are still wrong, in spite of IPCC attempts to mislead."

In short, Curry seems to agree with McIntyre's conspiratorial implication that the IPCC had shifted the data in the figure because they were attempting to mislead the public. What was Curry's evidence for this accusation? She expanded on her blog.

"Steve McIntyre has a post IPCC: Fixing the Facts that discusses the metamorphosis of the two versions of Figure 1.4 ... Using different choices for this can be superficially misleading, but doesn’t really obscure the underlying important point, which is summarized by Ross McKitrick on the ClimateAudit thread"

Ross McKitrick (an economist and climate contrarian), it turns out, had also offered his opinion about Figure 1.4, with the same lack of analysis as McIntyre's (emphasis added).

"Playing with the starting value only determines whether the models and observations will appear to agree best in the early, middle or late portion of the graph. It doesn’t affect the discrepancy of trends, which is the main issue here. The trend discrepancy was quite visible in the 2nd draft Figure 1.4."

In short, Curry deferred to McIntyre's and McKitrick's "gut feelings." This is perhaps not surprising, since she has previously described the duo in glowing terms:

Mr. McIntyre, unfortunately for his opponents, happens to combine mathematical genius with a Terminator-like relentlessness. He also found a brilliant partner in Ross McKitrick, an economics professor at the University of Guelph.

Brilliant or not, neither produced a shred of analysis or evidence to support his conspiratorial hypothesis.
Why Curry, McIntyre, and Co. are Still Wrong about IPCC Climate Model Accuracy
Looks like she's got critics of her own..

Curry Chimes in – 'McIntyre Said So'

The fact that McIntyre failed to identify the baselining correction is itself not a big deal, although it doesn't reflect well on his math or analytical abilities. The fact that he defaulted to an implication of a conspiracy theory rather than actually doing any data analysis doesn't reflect particularly well on his analytical mindset, but a blogger is free to say what he likes on his blog.

The problem lies in the significant number of people who continued to believe that the modeled global surface temperature projections in the IPCC reports were inaccurate – despite my having shown they have been accurate and having explained the error in the draft figure – for no other reason than 'McIntyre said so.' This appeal to McIntyre's supposed authority extended to Judith Curry on Twitter, who asserted with a link to McIntyre's blog, in response to my post,

"No the models are still wrong, in spite of IPCC attempts to mislead."

In short, Curry seems to agree with McIntyre's conspiratorial implication that the IPCC had shifted the data in the figure because they were attempting to mislead the public. What was Curry's evidence for this accusation? She expanded on her blog.

"Steve McIntyre has a post IPCC: Fixing the Facts that discusses the metamorphosis of the two versions of Figure 1.4 ... Using different choices for this can be superficially misleading, but doesn’t really obscure the underlying important point, which is summarized by Ross McKitrick on the ClimateAudit thread"

Ross McKitrick (an economist and climate contrarian), it turns out, had also offered his opinion about Figure 1.4, with the same lack of analysis as McIntyre's (emphasis added).

"Playing with the starting value only determines whether the models and observations will appear to agree best in the early, middle or late portion of the graph. It doesn’t affect the discrepancy of trends, which is the main issue here. The trend discrepancy was quite visible in the 2nd draft Figure 1.4."

In short, Curry deferred to McIntyre's and McKitrick's "gut feelings." This is perhaps not surprising, since she has previously described the duo in glowing terms:

Mr. McIntyre, unfortunately for his opponents, happens to combine mathematical genius with a Terminator-like relentlessness. He also found a brilliant partner in Ross McKitrick, an economics professor at the University of Guelph.

Brilliant or not, neither produced a shred of analysis or evidence to support his conspiratorial hypothesis.
Why Curry, McIntyre, and Co. are Still Wrong about IPCC Climate Model Accuracy

well of course the religion is going to vigorously fire back as they do with ANY opponents. Because if the information refutes the narrative, time to go nuclear.:up:
IPCC: "But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy"
I love the latest claims by the global warming alarmist.
Axial tilt is caused by global warming. Hmmmm...I've always been told axial tilt will cause climate change.
But I guess there's no money in trying to stop axial tilt.
Global Climate Warming Change

You know it's total bullshit when they have to change the name of it
Well, this sure is a kick in the nut sacks of the global warming religion.

Seems an esteemed IPCC scientist......Judith Curry, says modifying climate by turning a knob on CO2 is total horseshit!!!

Im laughing my fucking balls off tonight!!!!!

CO2 Not a Control Knob that Can Fine Tune Climate says Judith Curry to US Senate - Yahoo Finance Canada

Overestimated global warming over the past 20 years | Climate Etc.

Warming debate continues: Physicist makes case against catastrophic climate change - Daily Inter Lake: Opinion

Just more fodder that these AGW people have serious, serious issues.

“Yes, there’s a lot of crankology out there,” Curry says. “But not all of it is. If only 1 percent of it or 10 percent of what the skeptics say is right, that is time well spent because we have just been too encumbered by groupthink.”

from your fist link

Now remember she is ONE person.

what do the vast majority in the field say?
I love the latest claims by the global warming alarmist.
Axial tilt is caused by global warming. Hmmmm...I've always been told axial tilt will cause climate change.
But I guess there's no money in trying to stop axial tilt.

Is that the truth?

Holy crap.....these people will say anything. Just confirms........fucking k00ks, all.:clap2:
I love the latest claims by the global warming alarmist.
Axial tilt is caused by global warming. Hmmmm...I've always been told axial tilt will cause climate change.
But I guess there's no money in trying to stop axial tilt.

Is that the truth?

Holy crap.....these people will say anything. Just confirms........fucking k00ks, all.:clap2:

So they say. I cant wait to hear how we are responsible for axial tilt.
Man made axial tilt!!! Gaaahhhhh !!!! To many fat people on one side of the planet!!!!
But then were back to...what caused it before people were fat?
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