Big Al’s Big Lie, Arctic Ice Did Not Disappear in 2014, It Increased! Will Gore Return Nobel Prize?

Why Did Al Gore Claim the Arctic would be ice free by 2014?

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May 4, 2014
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The North Polar ice cap is falling off a cliff,’ Al Gore said. ‘It could be completely gone in summer in as little as seven years. Seven years from now!’ That was in 2007. Today there is more Arctic Ice than in 2007. Instead of Al Gore getting a Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, for spreading lies about world climate, a more appropriate award would have been Environmental Lie of the Decade.

Today an area the size of Alaska, America’s biggest state, was open water two years ago, but is again now covered by ice.

The most widely used measurements of Arctic ice extent are the daily satellite readings issued by the US National Snow and Ice Data Center, which is co-funded by Nasa. These reveal that – while the long-term trend still shows a decline – last Monday, August 25, the area of the Arctic Ocean with at least 15 per cent ice cover was 5.62 million square kilometres.

This was the highest level recorded on that date since 2006 (see graph, right), and represents an increase of 1.71 million square kilometres over the past two years – an impressive 43 per cent.
Other figures from the Danish Meteorological Institute suggest that the growth has been even more dramatic. Using a different measure, the area with at least 30 per cent ice cover, these reveal a 63 per cent rise.
In 2009 Al Gore Doubled down, even though Arctic Ice had increased in 2008 and 2009. This video shows his claims in 2007 and 2009. He said that in 2014 (5 years) the Arctic “may” be ice free.
AUN-TV has created a video with Al Gore’s predictions.

Big Al 8217 s Big Lie Arctic Ice Did Not Disappear in 2014 It Increased Will Gore Return Nobel Prize AUN-TV

Yeah, the myth of melting ice....coldest August in a long time....we can only hope global,warming is real...if we are moving into a cooling period that will be a real problem,..
Billc, Exactly. warming is good, cooling is bad. As a geologist know earth temp has never been stable. Lately it has been quiet.
Billc, Exactly. warming is good, cooling is bad. As a geologist know earth temp has never been stable. Lately it has been quiet.

A geologist? Really? My, my. And you make a statement like that? How long have you been selling used cars?

Any and every real geologist knows how the cryosphere has been affected in the last 50 years. Every and any geologist knows what the paleontological record tells us about the periods in the Earth's history where there have been rapid changes in the levels of GHGs have been periods of extinction. And the rate of change that we are seeing at present in CO2 and CH4 exceeds the fastest rate of change in those periods.

No, you ain't no geologist, boy. Another posier like ol' Walleyes.
Big Al’s Big Lie, Arctic Ice Did Not Disappear in 2014, It Increased! Will Gore Return Nobel Prize?

The pay was good to begin with and the Nobel prize has long outlived its mystique.

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I voted that it was an honest mistake. I really believe he believes what he says although it has proved to be completely wrong. He said over 10 years ago that we only had 10 years to act. Well the US did act and our CO2 emissions have dropped steadily. I just wish it was because of the manufacturing we have lost.

There are lots of things to worry about in the world. A few degree variation, in my opinion, isn't one of them. Especially considering the gloom and doom that has been predicted in the past and has never come to pass. Once the Icelandic volcano or Yellowstone volcano lights off we will be very happy we started from a place of relative warmth.
LMAO Leftist nitwit after nitwit.. you name one, you name them all. "Nancy, 'We gotta pass the bill to see what's in it" to ALGORE's melting planet hysteria- and Al Baraqi's sheer incompetence at virtually everything but riding sissy bikes and playing golf shows the entire world what absolute NUTTY people leftists are, not to mention CONS. Cheap used car salesmen in DC.. nothing more.
The Nobel prize has been made absolutely meaningless with the award going to Obama for doing absolutely nothing and Gore for spreading manure.
I voted that it was an honest mistake. I really believe he believes what he says although it has proved to be completely wrong. He said over 10 years ago that we only had 10 years to act. Well the US did act and our CO2 emissions have dropped steadily. I just wish it was because of the manufacturing we have lost.

There are lots of things to worry about in the world. A few degree variation, in my opinion, isn't one of them. Especially considering the gloom and doom that has been predicted in the past and has never come to pass. Once the Icelandic volcano or Yellowstone volcano lights off we will be very happy we started from a place of relative warmth.

Yeah, of course. It's all the fault of the US. And while we have curbed CO2 slightly, China's emissions have gone through the roof - nullifying anything WE have done. Nice try though. Al Gore is as stupid as they come - check that - the Nazi Left in America is as gullible as they come.

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