The Trump Republican Party has given way to organized treason

“The litmus test for being Trump’s vice president – lying that the 2020 election was stolen, that the rioters were patriots, and that Biden and the Democrats are unfairly prosecuting them and Trump — is also becoming the litmus tests for being a Republican lawmaker. Any Republican who doesn’t spout these lies is politically endangered.

These are not small lies. They are not political hyperbole. They are lies that cut to the core of our entire system of self-government. They undermine belief in our democracy and system of justice.

It is one thing for Donald Trump – a pathological liar and sociopath – to conjure up these lies. He is nuts. It has been America’s great misfortune for him to emerge at a time when the nation was already distrustful and disdainful of politics.

But for an entire political party to wittingly repeat these lies amounts to organized treason.”

And whatever the disdain and distrust, doesn’t warrant the insanity of putting Trump back in the WH.
Half the population or so will never believe that election was honest.
our side isn't on college campuses chanting terrorist and Nazi anti semitic anti American slogans like the left is ..
Yeah, right
If you really want to see a 'traitor', stare at a picture of Joe Biden. He's the mother fucker who should be strung up by his thumbnails for inviting the third-world to flood our country!!
Hopefully he pays a steep price!!!
yawn. anerica'[s job creators have been inviting cheap foreign labor since the founding of jamestown.

maybe if trump cared more about fixing it and less about who will cut the grass on the golf course he might not have dragged his feet building his wall?

we will talk about treason at trump's jan 6 trial. if his treasonous maga judges ever allow smith to do his job.
By the way, why are we even posting anything from Alternet, in Current Events?
This belongs in the Badlands.
Everyone knows the Republican Party achieved organised treason, they didn't give way to it.

The Badlands aren't loony enough.
Half the population or so will never believe that election was honest.

They will just as soon as they stop drinking the Koolaid. Naziism started the same way using the same methods. Mussolini wrote the book and he used it to form a Fascist Government. None of these 3 are sustainable.
I love how people pretend labour hasn't always been imported on demand.
i love the way they run around with their hair on fire about a "crisis!" but won't allow us to implement their policy because trump wants a "live" issue?": give me a break.

1. i don't hire these guys or invite them here, but i treat all humans , well, humanely., and would like my gov't to do the same whenever possible.

2. if immigrants were protected by the same "fair labor standards" and occupational safety and health rules as citizens, there woulod be no economic advantage to the donor class to the employment of "illegals."

3. no one is "releasing swarthy criminals to rape and murder our innocent white women.," most innocent white women are raped and murdered by their husbands.

4. where do they come up with the price tags per immigrant? and why are their states and localities paying anything?

as near as i can tell illegal immigrants do not qualify for any government programs. so where is all this money going?

5. if the laws regarding the hiring and employment of immigrants were enforced, there would not be many immigrants. these guys want cheap labor and, plenty of it and the more illegal and punitive the better to keep the labor cheap.

6. the puppet governments of the chiquita empire do not help. but don't blame el supremo du jour. he works for an american corporation

7. any leader or movement in latin america that strives to return the peons to their traditional commons is regarded as "communist " and brutally suppressed by cia trained death squads.

we need to fix our own economy, so that americans pay enough for a head of lettuce to pay all the "essential workers" involved enough to sustain their needs without "welfare" and repeat the cycle. i am sure that the capitalists will profit in the process.
our side isn't on college campuses chanting terrorist and Nazi anti semitic anti American slogans like the left is ..
They are indeed the ones chanting nazi anti semitic anti American slogans. It's just like what your side did during the Floyd protests. The left is opposing Netanyahu and his government, the right are opposing jews and the RWM dishonestly makes both the same and you guys run your mouths blaming the so called left.
They are indeed the ones chanting nazi anti semitic anti American slogans. It's just like what your side did during the Floyd protests. The left is opposing Netanyahu and his government, the right are opposing jews and the RWM dishonestly makes both the same and you guys run your mouths blaming the so called left.
didn't we tell trump not to move the embassy? annex golan? continue the brutal settlements? etc etc etc.

no excuse for oct 7 type reprisal, but these people do have a valid complaint.

does any of the hard line "build the temple" pressure come from american megachurches?
didn't we tell trump not to move the embassy? annex golan? continue the brutal settlements? etc etc etc.

no excuse for oct 7 type reprisal, but these people do have a valid complaint.

does any of the hard line "build the temple" pressure come from american megachurches?
Yep. trump acted in accordance to the wishes of the evangelical megachurch leadership.
That certainly isn`t something we should brag about.
In Pa., Biden won, but across the rest of the state, the GOP kicked butt.
It`s been almost 4 years and no evidence of significant fraud has been found.
Their "logic" is Trump was cheated, but...................
No one else was.
Makes perfect sense................. to Trump and his cult.
Yep. trump acted in accordance to the wishes of the evangelical megachurch leadership.
i don't want to blame our good christian nationalist fellow posters for oct 7 scale atrocity, but a lot of taxpayer money is paying for their end times delusions.

startling revelation . the prosperity megachurches got it backwards.

the end times , in which god punishes the wicked in tribulation and institutes a millenial utopia is a warning NOT to do wicked things,

the apocalypse is NOT a commandment from god to do such wicked things in order to prepare for his big party.

revelations is like the tower of babel or noahs flood. "THOU SHALT NOT MAKE ME DO THIS"

sorry about that rant. there is no god, not that matters here and now anyway. we can't pray trump away.

this antichrist is ours to banish or to worship. the cult have made their choice.
i don't want to blame our good christian nationalist fellow posters for oct 7 scale atrocity, but a lot of taxpayer money is paying for their end times delusions.

startling revelation . the prosperity megachurches got it backwards.

the end times , in which god punishes the wicked in tribulation and institutes a millenial utopia is a warning NOT to do wicked things,

the apocalypse is NOT a commandment from god to do such wicked things in order to prepare for his big party.

revelations is like the tower of babel or noahs flood. "THOU SHALT NOT MAKE ME DO THIS"

sorry about that rant. there is no god, not that matters here and now anyway. we can't pray trump away.

this antichrist is ours to banish or to worship. the cult have made their choice.
I disagree with your claim of no God, but other than that, I agree with you 100 percent. Revelations is a prediction. There is prosperity in doing what is written, but the goal is not to do such things in search of prosperity. The megachurches are led by false prophets and they decieve their congregations, this is written as to what will happen. Trump is a false prophet and some has said he is the anti christ himself. I don't now about all that anti christ stuff, but what I do know is that trump is a false prophet and I won't be part of his following.

These evangelicals think that if they just do anything Israel tells them, they will be blessed. But Netanyahus works show that he is not godly. HE is the cause of Oct 7. He is the one who propped up Hamas for his political gain. He has forgotten the covenant God made with his ancestors way back in the days of Moses. Their mistreatment of the Palestinians is disobedient to Gods order for them to love the foreigner because they had once been foreigners in a strange land and God spared them. Netanyahu is todays Pharoah, and Pharoahs bones might stilll be resting at the bottom of the Red Sea.

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