US budget cannot afford a GOP President


Posting From Under Kamala’s Coconut Tree
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
They say doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Well, then why would anyone elect a GOP candidate to President?

For 50 straight years every single presidential administration results in Republicans increasing deficits and Democrats decreasing deficits. We have enough data to conclude that Republican high spending and low taxes is a disaster.

It’s time for right wingers to give up the bold faced lie that republicans are fiscal constratined. They bilk the US taxpayers by cutting taxes to the rich and then spending government money on their company profits. The gig is up. Vote Biden for 4 more years so that your grandchildren dont pay for your ignorance in economics.

LOL!! Lets look at the Biden Budget compared to the Trump Budgets:

Biden’s 2024 Budget was $7.30T with a $2.0T deficit
Biden's 2023 Budget was $6.13T with a $1.7T deficit
Biden's 2022 Budget was $6.27T with a $1.4T deficit
Biden's 2021 Budget was $6.82T with a $2.8T deficit
Trump's 2020 Budget was $6.55T with a $3.1T deficit
Trump's 2019 Budget was $4.40T with a $0.9T deficit
Trump's 2018 Budget was $4.10T with a $0.8T deficit
Trump's 2017 Budget was $4.00T with a $0.5T deficit

Trump should take the Budget back to $5T and CUT SPENDING back to balance.

Mike Johnson had a chance to cut the 2024 Budget, but folded like a cheap suit.
President Biden has been making a big claim about the national debt on the campaign trail. Biden has been saying he has reduced the national debt by $1.7 trillion within his first two years in office. Yahoo Finance Senior Columnist Rick Newman clarifies that while the claim is technically correct, the cuts are attributed to a reduction in emergency COVID spending which was authorized during the peak of the national debt in 2020. Newman explains that "the deficit is not doing well at all" and is much higher than it was before the pandemic began.

Video Transcript​

- Meanwhile, as a 2024 presidential campaign gets underway, President Biden is touting claims of reducing the National debt as one key difference he's made in his first two years in office. But Yahoo Finance's Rick Newman says not so fast. He joins us now. All right. Hi, Rick. What do you mean when you say not so fast?

RICK NEWMAN: I'm paying attention to all of Biden's speeches and appearances when he brags about Biden nomics and how well the economy is doing under his watch. And there's just one claim he keeps repeating that just grates on me. He says, I reduced the annual deficit by $1.7 trillion in two years. No President has ever done that.

So you look into it. And here are the facts. Technically, he's right. But the reason that he reduced the deficit is because of all the COVID aid, the fiscal stimulus, in 2020 that pushed the deficit all the way up to $3.1 trillion, the most ever. So as that money ran out, the deficit naturally fell. So that's where Biden gets the $1.7 trillion in so-called savings.

But the deficit is not doing well at all. It's much higher than it was before COVID. And it's going to be going up, not down during the next few years. So if Biden leaves the impression with you that he has-- he is doing something to get this debt addiction under control, he is not. Don't believe that.

- Be that all of that as it may, Rick. It almost feels like just like him-- the actual legitimate gains that he has made for the US and the economy. Just like voters are kind of ignoring that, it doesn't seem like that the deficit issues really tends to set people on fire. Unless you're talking about the GOP, talking about deficits when it serves their purposes. But in general, like, do people get worked up over this stuff? Besides you.

RICK NEWMAN: Some polls show that-- yeah, I mean. So voters are concerned about the size of the national debt, which I believe is now around $32 trillion. I mean, it's so big. Nobody even knows what $32 trillion is. But it generally becomes a sideshow during elections. People care much more about the economy today. And the debt, as big as it is, it has not yet caused the debt crisis or the fiscal crisis that many economists have been saying is coming.
LOL!! Lets look at the Biden Budget compared to the Trump Budgets:

Biden’s 2024 Budget was $7.30T with a $2.0T deficit
Biden's 2023 Budget was $6.13T with a $1.7T deficit
Biden's 2022 Budget was $6.27T with a $1.4T deficit
Biden's 2021 Budget was $6.82T with a $2.8T deficit
Trump's 2020 Budget was $6.55T with a $3.1T deficit
Trump's 2019 Budget was $4.40T with a $0.9T deficit
Trump's 2018 Budget was $4.10T with a $0.8T deficit
Trump's 2017 Budget was $4.00T with a $0.5T deficit

Trump should take the Budget back to $5T and CUT SPENDING back to balance.

Mike Johnson had a chance to cut the 2024 Budget, but folded like a cheap suit.
You need to convert to real dollars. You aren’t really that clueless are you?
LOL!! Lets look at the Biden Budget compared to the Trump Budgets:

Biden’s 2024 Budget was $7.30T with a $2.0T deficit
Biden's 2023 Budget was $6.13T with a $1.7T deficit
Biden's 2022 Budget was $6.27T with a $1.4T deficit
Biden's 2021 Budget was $6.82T with a $2.8T deficit
Trump's 2020 Budget was $6.55T with a $3.1T deficit
Trump's 2019 Budget was $4.40T with a $0.9T deficit
Trump's 2018 Budget was $4.10T with a $0.8T deficit
Trump's 2017 Budget was $4.00T with a $0.5T deficit

Trump should take the Budget back to $5T and CUT SPENDING back to balance.

Mike Johnson had a chance to cut the 2024 Budget, but folded like a cheap suit.
A. Republicans never cut spending either.

B. Republicans always inherit low deficits and increase them each year of their term. Democrats do the opposite.
I post facts you post a republican opinion piece. That is what they call deflection.
They say doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Well, then why would anyone elect a GOP candidate to President?

For 50 straight years every single presidential administration results in Republicans increasing deficits and Democrats decreasing deficits. We have enough data to conclude that Republican high spending and low taxes is a disaster.

It’s time for right wingers to give up the bold faced lie that republicans are fiscal constratined. They bilk the US taxpayers by cutting taxes to the rich and then spending government money on their company profits. The gig is up. Vote Biden for 4 more years so that your grandchildren dont pay for your ignorance in economics.

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White House says Trump’s tariffs will destroy manufacturing, exacerbate inflation​

"Yesterday congressional Republicans met to plot a 2025 agenda that involves historic tax increases on the middle class in the form of high tariffs, then gives tax handouts to big corporations that are overcharging Americans despite inflation decreasing,"

‘Unchecked mandatory spending on programs like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and welfare represent a growing threat to our economic security and potentially our way of life,’" Bates said in the memo.

Pointing to other recent reporting, Bates claimed that "in addition to extending the Trump tax giveaway for billionaires and multinational companies, congressional Republicans want even further corporate tax windfalls that will add another $1 trillion to the deficit."

OMG did Biden lower the debt too? Holy fuck!

Reminds me of when Clinton handed Bush a surplus.
Just once I'd like to see the GQP cut spending first, and THEN cut taxes.

When they're running for office, they can pledge to cut Social Security, Medicare, Welfare, all the departments and all the other evil commie stuff they hate.

I'm sure they'll win with that platform. When they do, they can make all those cuts, and then cut taxes accordingly.

Will this ever happen, or will the fucked up Kabuki Theater just continue?
Keynesian theory is that government should increase spending and debt when there are economic downturns, but once the economy has recovered the government should pay down the debt.

Only after the debt is paid down should the government consider tax cuts.

Unfortunately, the Republicans never follow up with paying down the debt and just jump into tax cuts - no matter what the state of the economy.

The Democrats keep fixing the economy, the American people get stupid and elect Republicans, then the Republicans ruin the economy again.

The American people never seem to learn.
why don't you tell the whole story?... Trump had covid to address... but you leave that out...
He increased it every year before covid. How about you address that? It would have been higher when he left with or without covid. Can’t wait for this spin.
They say doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Well, then why would anyone elect a GOP candidate to President?

For 50 straight years every single presidential administration results in Republicans increasing deficits and Democrats decreasing deficits. We have enough data to conclude that Republican high spending and low taxes is a disaster.

It’s time for right wingers to give up the bold faced lie that republicans are fiscal constratined. They bilk the US taxpayers by cutting taxes to the rich and then spending government money on their company profits. The gig is up. Vote Biden for 4 more years so that your grandchildren dont pay for your ignorance in economics.

View attachment 964616
Looks more like republican administrations are just responding to 'pent up demand' in the economy due to democrat fiscal policies.
Keynesian theory is that government should increase spending and debt when there are economic downturns, but once the economy has recovered the government should pay down the debt.

Only after the debt is paid down should the government consider tax cuts.

Unfortunately, the Republicans never follow up with paying down the debt and just jump into tax cuts - no matter what the state of the economy.

The Democrats keep fixing the economy, the American people get stupid and elect Republicans, then the Republicans ruin the economy again.

The American people never seem to learn.
Republicans promise the country a diet of candy and ice cream and then the country gets sick. After a few years eating right candy and ice cream diet sounds fun again so we try Republicans…again. It is nuts.
He increased it every year before covid. How about you address that? It would have been higher when he left with or without covid. Can’t wait for this spin.
Fixing Obama's dying US military.... they were stealing parts off one truck to fix another... don't you remember those stories... when Obama was asked about those reports he just chuckled...
The American people never seem to learn.
Nailed it. The public would rather spend more on prisoners than on students. They would rather hire more police than teachers. And they don't give a rat's ass about the environment, or much else for that matter. Hell, they don't even care for themselves.

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