Biden & The Democrats Are Destroying the US To Lower the Planet's Temperature by 0.05 Degrees By 2100


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The Paris Agreement, if fully implemented, would lower temperatures around the planet by 0.05 degrees Fahrenheit, stated Bjorn Lomborg, president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center and author of False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet.

“If all nations did all of their promises, which include what Obama originally promised, we would see temperature cuts by the end of the century of less than 0.05 degrees Fahrenheit,” Lomborg said in reference to the Paris Agreement, an international agreement brokered by the United Nations and described by the institution as “an international treaty on climate change.”

“If every rich country in the world stopped all of [their] CO2 emissions tomorrow and for the rest of the centuryif you run this UN climate model — it turns out that by the end of the century, you will have reduced temperatures by 0.7 degrees Fahrenheit.”

Remember how Biden and Kerry just declared all of those XL Pipeline workers can just go get solar energy jobs?

Yeah, Lomborg just explained how they are IDIOTS:

“For the same amount of power that one person produces in the gas sector, you need 38 people working in the solar sector,” Lomborg stated. “That’s not great. That doesn’t mean, ‘Oh, wow, we get 38 jobs instead of one,’ That means those 37 jobs can’t be used elsewhere in the economy to teach our kids or to staff our hospitals or clean streets or whatever you need people to do. … If you really wanted to, you could just hire up lots of people to dig holes. Of course, we realize that would be silly.”

The Paris Agreement, if fully implemented, would lower temperatures around the planet by 0.05 degrees Fahrenheit, stated Bjorn Lomborg, president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center and author of False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet.

“If all nations did all of their promises, which include what Obama originally promised, we would see temperature cuts by the end of the century of less than 0.05 degrees Fahrenheit,” Lomborg said in reference to the Paris Agreement, an international agreement brokered by the United Nations and described by the institution as “an international treaty on climate change.”

“If every rich country in the world stopped all of [their] CO2 emissions tomorrow and for the rest of the centuryif you run this UN climate model — it turns out that by the end of the century, you will have reduced temperatures by 0.7 degrees Fahrenheit.”

Remember how Biden and Kerry just declared all of those XL Pipeline workers can just go get solar energy jobs?

Yeah, Lomborg just explained how they are IDIOTS:

“For the same amount of power that one person produces in the gas sector, you need 38 people working in the solar sector,” Lomborg stated. “That’s not great. That doesn’t mean, ‘Oh, wow, we get 38 jobs instead of one,’ That means those 37 jobs can’t be used elsewhere in the economy to teach our kids or to staff our hospitals or clean streets or whatever you need people to do. … If you really wanted to, you could just hire up lots of people to dig holes. Of course, we realize that would be silly.”

The cult of climate change is a religion for them. Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Greta Thunberg, John Kerry, Al Gore; they're all high priests and priestesses of the cult and will mass murder us all in the course of worshipping mother Gaia. Lunatics to the last.
The Paris Agreement, if fully implemented, would lower temperatures around the planet by 0.05 degrees Fahrenheit, stated Bjorn Lomborg, president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center and author of False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet.

“If all nations did all of their promises, which include what Obama originally promised, we would see temperature cuts by the end of the century of less than 0.05 degrees Fahrenheit,” Lomborg said in reference to the Paris Agreement, an international agreement brokered by the United Nations and described by the institution as “an international treaty on climate change.”

“If every rich country in the world stopped all of [their] CO2 emissions tomorrow and for the rest of the centuryif you run this UN climate model — it turns out that by the end of the century, you will have reduced temperatures by 0.7 degrees Fahrenheit.”

Remember how Biden and Kerry just declared all of those XL Pipeline workers can just go get solar energy jobs?

Yeah, Lomborg just explained how they are IDIOTS:

“For the same amount of power that one person produces in the gas sector, you need 38 people working in the solar sector,” Lomborg stated. “That’s not great. That doesn’t mean, ‘Oh, wow, we get 38 jobs instead of one,’ That means those 37 jobs can’t be used elsewhere in the economy to teach our kids or to staff our hospitals or clean streets or whatever you need people to do. … If you really wanted to, you could just hire up lots of people to dig holes. Of course, we realize that would be silly.”

I would love to hear from our resident "moderates" on this topic.

I'll wait.
The Paris Agreement, if fully implemented, would lower temperatures around the planet by 0.05 degrees Fahrenheit, stated Bjorn Lomborg, president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center and author of False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet.

“If all nations did all of their promises, which include what Obama originally promised, we would see temperature cuts by the end of the century of less than 0.05 degrees Fahrenheit,” Lomborg said in reference to the Paris Agreement, an international agreement brokered by the United Nations and described by the institution as “an international treaty on climate change.”

“If every rich country in the world stopped all of [their] CO2 emissions tomorrow and for the rest of the centuryif you run this UN climate model — it turns out that by the end of the century, you will have reduced temperatures by 0.7 degrees Fahrenheit.”

Remember how Biden and Kerry just declared all of those XL Pipeline workers can just go get solar energy jobs?

Yeah, Lomborg just explained how they are IDIOTS:

“For the same amount of power that one person produces in the gas sector, you need 38 people working in the solar sector,” Lomborg stated. “That’s not great. That doesn’t mean, ‘Oh, wow, we get 38 jobs instead of one,’ That means those 37 jobs can’t be used elsewhere in the economy to teach our kids or to staff our hospitals or clean streets or whatever you need people to do. … If you really wanted to, you could just hire up lots of people to dig holes. Of course, we realize that would be silly.”

The cult of climate change is a religion for them. Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Greta Thunberg, John Kerry, Al Gore; they're all high priests and priestesses of the cult and will mass murder us all in the course of worshipping mother Gaia. Lunatics to the last.
Lunatics or authoritarian narcissists?

I would argue the latter.
PROGS believe in this BS of course, but then they believe a useless part of the establishment is suited to run a country on condition the leader has dementia.

Unfortunately for PROGS there's this weird relationship between the Earth and our nearest star. Xiden is going to serve rockets on one or both objects and change our relationship. In the meantime there are people who can get RICH while losers are chosen too. The fact the Xiden family is one of the chosen economic winners is just coincidence.

ILMAO @ PROGS, so pathetic. When was Gore's movie again? Oh that's right, we're all dead now.
"Saving the planet" is a ruse.....They're collapsing the economy on purpose so they can "Build Back Better" to be like the CCP.

Absolutely right. We're on track for the genetic editing/engineering of all future generations much like Brave New World. We're already flying high on versions of "soma" such as social media and cellphones and smart devices. Much the same as in Huxley's novel, when the going gets too rough for us we bury our heads in professional sports, TV series binges, video games or porn and forget about the sharks circling us in every direction.
The Paris Agreement, if fully implemented, would lower temperatures around the planet by 0.05 degrees Fahrenheit, stated Bjorn Lomborg, president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center and author of False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet.

“If all nations did all of their promises, which include what Obama originally promised, we would see temperature cuts by the end of the century of less than 0.05 degrees Fahrenheit,” Lomborg said in reference to the Paris Agreement, an international agreement brokered by the United Nations and described by the institution as “an international treaty on climate change.”

“If every rich country in the world stopped all of [their] CO2 emissions tomorrow and for the rest of the centuryif you run this UN climate model — it turns out that by the end of the century, you will have reduced temperatures by 0.7 degrees Fahrenheit.”

Remember how Biden and Kerry just declared all of those XL Pipeline workers can just go get solar energy jobs?

Yeah, Lomborg just explained how they are IDIOTS:

“For the same amount of power that one person produces in the gas sector, you need 38 people working in the solar sector,” Lomborg stated. “That’s not great. That doesn’t mean, ‘Oh, wow, we get 38 jobs instead of one,’ That means those 37 jobs can’t be used elsewhere in the economy to teach our kids or to staff our hospitals or clean streets or whatever you need people to do. … If you really wanted to, you could just hire up lots of people to dig holes. Of course, we realize that would be silly.”

More horse shit from the biggest hoax on the planet.

If they find a way to control the sun and the moon then they can change the climate. Since that will never happen their horse shit is just that. Horse shit.
The Paris Agreement, if fully implemented, would lower temperatures around the planet by 0.05 degrees Fahrenheit, stated Bjorn Lomborg, president of the Copenhagen Consensus Center and author of False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet.

“If all nations did all of their promises, which include what Obama originally promised, we would see temperature cuts by the end of the century of less than 0.05 degrees Fahrenheit,” Lomborg said in reference to the Paris Agreement, an international agreement brokered by the United Nations and described by the institution as “an international treaty on climate change.”

“If every rich country in the world stopped all of [their] CO2 emissions tomorrow and for the rest of the centuryif you run this UN climate model — it turns out that by the end of the century, you will have reduced temperatures by 0.7 degrees Fahrenheit.”

Remember how Biden and Kerry just declared all of those XL Pipeline workers can just go get solar energy jobs?

Yeah, Lomborg just explained how they are IDIOTS:

“For the same amount of power that one person produces in the gas sector, you need 38 people working in the solar sector,” Lomborg stated. “That’s not great. That doesn’t mean, ‘Oh, wow, we get 38 jobs instead of one,’ That means those 37 jobs can’t be used elsewhere in the economy to teach our kids or to staff our hospitals or clean streets or whatever you need people to do. … If you really wanted to, you could just hire up lots of people to dig holes. Of course, we realize that would be silly.”

The cult of climate change is a religion for them. Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Greta Thunberg, John Kerry, Al Gore; they're all high priests and priestesses of the cult and will mass murder us all in the course of worshipping mother Gaia. Lunatics to the last.

I agree and Gore already laughed his way to the bank with his CC gig. Climate Change a cash cow for the Dem's and a slap in the face to every tax paying American.
You don't even need to consult science to realize the Paris Accord is a sham. The world's two biggest polluters China and India aren't going to do diddlysquat to reduce their carbon emissions OR the shit they dump into the oceans. Liberal leaders have to be the most gullible idiots on the planet.
'Biden Taking A Sledgehammer To the Economy By Biden Royal Edicts Declaring War On US Energy Independence, Killing Oil & Gas Leases, Destroying American Lives, Ability To Provide For Families, Bankrupting States / Communities That Benefit From Revenue From Oil / Natural Gas'
- Wyoming Representative

CBO / Economists Predict
1 Million Jobs Lost By 2022'
$9 BILLION in State Revenue Lost in 6 Western States
- Public Schools, Day Care, Health Care, etc...hard hit
- Lodging and Food Businesses Devastated as oil / gas workers are out of work & leaving

Loss of Energy Independence
Making OPEC, China, Russia Stronger

....all worth that 0.05 by 2100

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