Biden = Embarrassment in Chief


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

Iowa Poll: 62% of Iowans disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as president​

Not a surprise given his mishandling of the border crisis, hypocritical COVID19 policies, Afghanistan disaster, inflation, companies unable to find workers and the tax the rich mantra. I cannot name one action of his that has been positive to be fair. Not one.

Others seem to agree with me. Most others that is.

This is a bad poll for Joe Biden, and it's playing out in everything that he touches right now,” said pollster J. Ann Selzer.”

For those with TDS who always say “but but Trump”….

Biden's job approval rating is lower than former President Donald Trump's worst showing in the Iowa Poll.

Truth over Facts
Buyers Remorse

Iowa Poll: 62% of Iowans disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as president​

Not a surprise given his mishandling of the border crisis, hypocritical COVID19 policies, Afghanistan disaster, inflation, companies unable to find workers and the tax the rich mantra. I cannot name one action of his that has been positive to be fair. Not one.

Others seem to agree with me. Most others that is.

This is a bad poll for Joe Biden, and it's playing out in everything that he touches right now,” said pollster J. Ann Selzer.”

For those with TDS who always say “but but Trump”….

Biden's job approval rating is lower than former President Donald Trump's worst showing in the Iowa Poll.

Truth over Facts
Buyers Remorse
Stolen elections have consequences..Just ask any Socialist nation like Cuba, Venezuela and other failed states...

Iowa Poll: 62% of Iowans disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as president​

Not a surprise given his mishandling of the border crisis, hypocritical COVID19 policies, Afghanistan disaster, inflation, companies unable to find workers and the tax the rich mantra. I cannot name one action of his that has been positive to be fair. Not one.

Others seem to agree with me. Most others that is.

This is a bad poll for Joe Biden, and it's playing out in everything that he touches right now,” said pollster J. Ann Selzer.”

For those with TDS who always say “but but Trump”….

Biden's job approval rating is lower than former President Donald Trump's worst showing in the Iowa Poll.

Truth over Facts
Buyers Remorse

This surprises you - Why?

Dude, it's IOWA. Iowa went for Trump by 9 points in 2020 and 10 in 2016.
Their Senators are Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst.
Legislature? Yep - Overwhelmingly Republican.
Obama did win there twice but Illinois is a neighboring state.

Iowa General Assembly
Senate political groupsRepublican (32) Democratic (18)
House of Representatives political groupsRepublican (59) Democratic (41)

Iowa Poll: 62% of Iowans disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as president​

Not a surprise given his mishandling of the border crisis, hypocritical COVID19 policies, Afghanistan disaster, inflation, companies unable to find workers and the tax the rich mantra. I cannot name one action of his that has been positive to be fair. Not one.

Others seem to agree with me. Most others that is.

This is a bad poll for Joe Biden, and it's playing out in everything that he touches right now,” said pollster J. Ann Selzer.”

For those with TDS who always say “but but Trump”….

Biden's job approval rating is lower than former President Donald Trump's worst showing in the Iowa Poll.

Truth over Facts
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That's what happens when you RIG and CHEAT to win an election. The American people never supported Biden the man is a laughable clown.
This surprises you - Why?

Dude, it's IOWA. Iowa went for Trump by 9 points in 2020 and 10 in 2016.
Their Senators are Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst.
Legislature? Yep - Overwhelmingly Republican.
Obama did win there twice but Illinois is a neighboring state.

Iowa General Assembly
Senate political groupsRepublican (32) Democratic (18)
House of Representatives political groupsRepublican (59) Democratic (41)
Independents there believe he is bad. Read the OP
This one is badf for even the daily hate thread,,,

Iowa is dead duck to both sides pollsters.... It only shows the stupidity of OP that he thinks it anyway important...

Lets put it this way...

If Biden behaved like Trump he would be telling Iowa that they have increasing cases of COVID because they have Republican Governor and legislature... Biden doesn't do that because he works for all Americans...
That pisses off the Trumpsters...
Just in from the desk of “who the fuck cares” I guess.

So you righties are so desperate for affirmation that your ideas and candidates aren’t putrid and vile that you’re touting an Iowa poll from heavy hitter Des Moines Register? Ok. Nice win. I guess.
I did, but obviously Iowa is full of CONSERVATIVE independents.
Hey, Biden has had a rotten month no question and his numbers are down all over.
Temporary situation - Nationally in the most recent Fox poll, he's doing better than Donnie EVER did.

FOX News
9/12 - 9/151002 RV5049+1
Then you have nothing to worry about.

Iowa Poll: 62% of Iowans disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as president​

Not a surprise given his mishandling of the border crisis, hypocritical COVID19 policies, Afghanistan disaster, inflation, companies unable to find workers and the tax the rich mantra. I cannot name one action of his that has been positive to be fair. Not one.

Others seem to agree with me. Most others that is.

This is a bad poll for Joe Biden, and it's playing out in everything that he touches right now,” said pollster J. Ann Selzer.”

For those with TDS who always say “but but Trump”….

Biden's job approval rating is lower than former President Donald Trump's worst showing in the Iowa Poll.

Truth over Facts
Buyers Remorse
I doubt he gets re-elected.

Iowa Poll: 62% of Iowans disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as president​

Not a surprise given his mishandling of the border crisis, hypocritical COVID19 policies, Afghanistan disaster, inflation, companies unable to find workers and the tax the rich mantra. I cannot name one action of his that has been positive to be fair. Not one.

Others seem to agree with me. Most others that is.

This is a bad poll for Joe Biden, and it's playing out in everything that he touches right now,” said pollster J. Ann Selzer.”

For those with TDS who always say “but but Trump”….

Biden's job approval rating is lower than former President Donald Trump's worst showing in the Iowa Poll.

Truth over Facts
Buyers Remorse
Approval from the indies now has a "2" handle on it?....He's in total freefall....Only the <20% of DNC Kool-Aid banging party man loons are keeping his total number above the 30s.
This surprises you - Why?

Dude, it's IOWA. Iowa went for Trump by 9 points in 2020 and 10 in 2016.
Their Senators are Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst.
Legislature? Yep - Overwhelmingly Republican.
Obama did win there twice but Illinois is a neighboring state.

Iowa General Assembly
Senate political groupsRepublican (32) Democratic (18)
House of Representatives political groupsRepublican (59) Democratic (41)
Obama carried Iowa, twice.
Just in from the desk of “who the fuck cares” I guess.

So you righties are so desperate for affirmation that your ideas and candidates aren’t putrid and vile that you’re touting an Iowa poll from heavy hitter Des Moines Register? Ok. Nice win. I guess.
By righties, you mean logical people? What in my OP was incorrect? Do tell.

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