Better to have a straight parent in jail than gay parents at home

You speak the truth Sunni Man. I am not a psych major but I took 3 psych classes while attending college back in 1985. We were told of the damage of adoption & shown the evidence from many case studies & from the failed Nazi master race program that was dependant on adoption.

I also have a life long friend who holds a masters in Psychology & Sociology. She works as a social worker in Illinois. She & the judge make the decision to remove children from their parents in domestic cases. I have always been told by her that it is always a last resort even if it is a newborn that the mother has never laid eyes on. She has always stated studies have proven that a newborn who has never known it's biological mother will under perform & somehow knows something is different with themselves. She has said that is why she is not for right to life. She thinks adoption is not always the best decision.

Now recently there are loads of propaganda supporting gay parenting. The only way that seems possible is for lesbians of which one is the biological mother. They purposefully leave out data on gay men. They can't have it both ways. If they are pushing abortion, adoption is bad, but if it is gays adoption is good. It is hogwash. They are skewing the data.

I see a huge case of confirmation bias here. Something you should have learned from psychology.

Do you have data to suggest that there is more problems with gay adoptions than hetero adoptions?

And do you know for sure that is causation?

Seriously give me some fucking hard facts for once. Your opinions do not constitute a reason to deny them a right given to so many unsuitable people.

I am not saying that gay adoption is worse than straight adoption. I am saying that adoption is worse than a biological mother family unit. Peer reviewed studies prove that gay families increase gay offspring. Gay offspring increase adoption. This causes an increase in non-biological mother family units. Gay male family units are void of biological mothers. This multiplies itself every generation. This is negative for our society.
Link those studies or I call you a liar.
You speak the truth Sunni Man. I am not a psych major but I took 3 psych classes while attending college back in 1985. We were told of the damage of adoption & shown the evidence from many case studies & from the failed Nazi master race program that was dependant on adoption.

I also have a life long friend who holds a masters in Psychology & Sociology. She works as a social worker in Illinois. She & the judge make the decision to remove children from their parents in domestic cases. I have always been told by her that it is always a last resort even if it is a newborn that the mother has never laid eyes on. She has always stated studies have proven that a newborn who has never known it's biological mother will under perform & somehow knows something is different with themselves. She has said that is why she is not for right to life. She thinks adoption is not always the best decision.

Now recently there are loads of propaganda supporting gay parenting. The only way that seems possible is for lesbians of which one is the biological mother. They purposefully leave out data on gay men. They can't have it both ways. If they are pushing abortion, adoption is bad, but if it is gays adoption is good. It is hogwash. They are skewing the data.

I see a huge case of confirmation bias here. Something you should have learned from psychology.

Do you have data to suggest that there is more problems with gay adoptions than hetero adoptions?

And do you know for sure that is causation?

Seriously give me some fucking hard facts for once. Your opinions do not constitute a reason to deny them a right given to so many unsuitable people.

I am not saying that gay adoption is worse than straight adoption. I am saying that adoption is worse than a biological mother family unit. Peer reviewed studies prove that gay families increase gay offspring. Gay offspring increase adoption. This causes an increase in non-biological mother family units. Gay male family units are void of biological mothers. This multiplies itself every generation. This is negative for our society.

Of course adoption is worse than Biological, but the last bit doesn't really have any evidence supporting it.

You're just taking a fact and extrapolating extra meaning from it to support your conclusion.
You speak the truth Sunni Man. I am not a psych major but I took 3 psych classes while attending college back in 1985. We were told of the damage of adoption & shown the evidence from many case studies & from the failed Nazi master race program that was dependant on adoption.

I also have a life long friend who holds a masters in Psychology & Sociology. She works as a social worker in Illinois. She & the judge make the decision to remove children from their parents in domestic cases. I have always been told by her that it is always a last resort even if it is a newborn that the mother has never laid eyes on. She has always stated studies have proven that a newborn who has never known it's biological mother will under perform & somehow knows something is different with themselves. She has said that is why she is not for right to life. She thinks adoption is not always the best decision.

Now recently there are loads of propaganda supporting gay parenting. The only way that seems possible is for lesbians of which one is the biological mother. They purposefully leave out data on gay men. They can't have it both ways. If they are pushing abortion, adoption is bad, but if it is gays adoption is good. It is hogwash. They are skewing the data.

I see a huge case of confirmation bias here. Something you should have learned from psychology.

Do you have data to suggest that there is more problems with gay adoptions than hetero adoptions?

And do you know for sure that is causation?

Seriously give me some fucking hard facts for once. Your opinions do not constitute a reason to deny them a right given to so many unsuitable people.

I am not saying that gay adoption is worse than straight adoption. I am saying that adoption is worse than a biological mother family unit. Peer reviewed studies prove that gay families increase gay offspring. Gay offspring increase adoption. This causes an increase in non-biological mother family units. Gay male family units are void of biological mothers. This multiplies itself every generation. This is negative for our society.

Where are your peer reviewed studies that prove ANY of what you are claiming?

Gay parents, statistically, have just as many gay and/or straight kids that heterosexual parents do. I did see one study that showed that the children of gays and lesbians are more likely to experiment, but that did not increase the likelihood of the child identifying as gay.
Where are your peer reviewed studies that prove ANY of what you are claiming?

Gay parents, statistically, have just as many gay and/or straight kids that heterosexual parents do. I did see one study that showed that the children of gays and lesbians are more likely to experiment, but that did not increase the likelihood of the child identifying as gay.

Wrong - Peer Reviewed Study: Children of homosexuals more apt to be homosexuals.
It only makes sense that when kids see their homo parents acting homo and doing homo things.

Of course they will think it's normal and try to imitate them.
Where are your peer reviewed studies that prove ANY of what you are claiming?

Gay parents, statistically, have just as many gay and/or straight kids that heterosexual parents do. I did see one study that showed that the children of gays and lesbians are more likely to experiment, but that did not increase the likelihood of the child identifying as gay.

Wrong - Peer Reviewed Study: Children of homosexuals more apt to be homosexuals.

Gotta get back to work. Will respond later.
Where are your peer reviewed studies that prove ANY of what you are claiming?

Gay parents, statistically, have just as many gay and/or straight kids that heterosexual parents do. I did see one study that showed that the children of gays and lesbians are more likely to experiment, but that did not increase the likelihood of the child identifying as gay.

Wrong - Peer Reviewed Study: Children of homosexuals more apt to be homosexuals.

Which means that children of heterosexuals are more likely to be heterosexuals. What a disappointment, all of those heterosexual parents out there brainwashing their children into being heterosexual....

As you see, that is absurd to complain about. So too is it absurd to say "Oh look, those kids are turning out to be gay" as if there is a need or justification to condemn people based on their sexual orientation in the first place. At the end of the day, all you're doing is question begging. Your premises and conclusion alike are postulated on the false belief that being gay is a bad thing and something to be avoided.
I only wish it was that straight forward and simple.

During the 70's the homosexual agenda started taking over the Psychology departments at most universities.

Any professor who published or wrote a paper that was contrary to the this prevailing view was either fired or lost tenure.

Soon all objective scientific studies were censored if they didn't pass the PC/homo agenda.

Now the only papers and studies that ever see the light of day at any major universities are those which can be used to further the radical homosexual agenda.

You speak the truth Sunni Man. I am not a psych major but I took 3 psych classes while attending college back in 1985. We were told of the damage of adoption & shown the evidence from many case studies & from the failed Nazi master race program that was dependant on adoption.

I also have a life long friend who holds a masters in Psychology & Sociology. She works as a social worker in Illinois. She & the judge make the decision to remove children from their parents in domestic cases. I have always been told by her that it is always a last resort even if it is a newborn that the mother has never laid eyes on. She has always stated studies have proven that a newborn who has never known it's biological mother will under perform & somehow knows something is different with themselves. She has said that is why she is not for right to life. She thinks adoption is not always the best decision.

Now recently there are loads of propaganda supporting gay parenting. The only way that seems possible is for lesbians of which one is the biological mother. They purposefully leave out data on gay men. They can't have it both ways. If they are pushing abortion, adoption is bad, but if it is gays adoption is good. It is hogwash. They are skewing the data.

I have never seen any propaganda supporting gay parenting.
I have seen a lot of literature supporting parenting, something that these kids that gays are willing to adopt were NOT getting prior to the adoption.
But I do hear there is a new vaccine coming out and you may be interested in it. You can give it to kids that were adopted by gay couples and they will not become gay.
Of course the kids that are already gay, having been BORN THAT WAY, are immune to it.
I lean against gay parenting as I feel sorry for the kids that have to listen to prejudice and bull shit that you and many others spread.
As usual, the kids lose out to lies, distortions, myths and FEAR.
Where are your peer reviewed studies that prove ANY of what you are claiming?

Gay parents, statistically, have just as many gay and/or straight kids that heterosexual parents do. I did see one study that showed that the children of gays and lesbians are more likely to experiment, but that did not increase the likelihood of the child identifying as gay.

Wrong - Peer Reviewed Study: Children of homosexuals more apt to be homosexuals.
It only makes sense that when kids see their homo parents acting homo and doing homo things.

Of course they will think it's normal and try to imitate them.

So you could have been influenced to like schlong?
Man, didn't work that way with me. I never chose my sexuality or contemplated men.
Some folks may choose and weigh their choices so please tell us how that went.
But no way Jose! Never in a million years. I was born attracted to women and never thought about my choices.
Please tell us how you made your choice and how long you spent elmininating the male choice.
Someone having the general knowledge of an ordinarly indvidual with no expertise at all would spot those "studies" as being bogus.

I have known a great many gay families and done many gay adoptions. I have been in the posiiton of following these families until the children are adults.

What I have observed. Gay and lesbian parents who take extra care in providing gender appropriate role models for the children end up with children that are less dysfunctional and psychologically damaged. It might be a grandfather, uncle, or good friend. Gay and lesbian parents who do not provide gender appropriate role models for children end up with children that have the same kind of dysfunctions and difficulties as any child raised in a single sex household for other reasons. Single mothers or single fathers. In single parent households having a gender appropriate role model is just as important as in any other single sex household.

Homosexuality is a naturally occurring anomaly that is stable and static. Gay parents have the same odds of having a gay child as heterosexual parents have of having a gay child. Adults raised in a same sex household of two parents are likely to be open to more bisexual experimentation but will not be gay just because their parents are.
Someone having the general knowledge of an ordinarly indvidual with no expertise at all would spot those "studies" as being bogus.

I have known a great many gay families and done many gay adoptions. I have been in the posiiton of following these families until the children are adults.

What I have observed. Gay and lesbian parents who take extra care in providing gender appropriate role models for the children end up with children that are less dysfunctional and psychologically damaged. It might be a grandfather, uncle, or good friend. Gay and lesbian parents who do not provide gender appropriate role models for children end up with children that have the same kind of dysfunctions and difficulties as any child raised in a single sex household for other reasons. Single mothers or single fathers. In single parent households having a gender appropriate role model is just as important as in any other single sex household.

Homosexuality is a naturally occurring anomaly that is stable and static. Gay parents have the same odds of having a gay child as heterosexual parents have of having a gay child. Adults raised in a same sex household of two parents are likely to be open to more bisexual experimentation but will not be gay just because their parents are.

Do not confuse them with the facts.
Face It!

The same people who used to beat, roll and rob homosexuals are still with us. There's nothing any one of them could do to overcome the stigma placed upon them by the holy scriptures. It's all just more unjustified bullschit.
Where are your peer reviewed studies that prove ANY of what you are claiming?

Gay parents, statistically, have just as many gay and/or straight kids that heterosexual parents do. I did see one study that showed that the children of gays and lesbians are more likely to experiment, but that did not increase the likelihood of the child identifying as gay.

Wrong - Peer Reviewed Study: Children of homosexuals more apt to be homosexuals.

Cameron. :lmao: I thought you said "peer reviewed".
Someone having the general knowledge of an ordinarly indvidual with no expertise at all would spot those "studies" as being bogus.

I have known a great many gay families and done many gay adoptions. I have been in the posiiton of following these families until the children are adults.

What I have observed. Gay and lesbian parents who take extra care in providing gender appropriate role models for the children end up with children that are less dysfunctional and psychologically damaged. It might be a grandfather, uncle, or good friend. Gay and lesbian parents who do not provide gender appropriate role models for children end up with children that have the same kind of dysfunctions and difficulties as any child raised in a single sex household for other reasons. Single mothers or single fathers. In single parent households having a gender appropriate role model is just as important as in any other single sex household.

Homosexuality is a naturally occurring anomaly that is stable and static. Gay parents have the same odds of having a gay child as heterosexual parents have of having a gay child. Adults raised in a same sex household of two parents are likely to be open to more bisexual experimentation but will not be gay just because their parents are.

Where are your peer reviewed studies that prove ANY of what you are claiming?

Gay parents, statistically, have just as many gay and/or straight kids that heterosexual parents do. I did see one study that showed that the children of gays and lesbians are more likely to experiment, but that did not increase the likelihood of the child identifying as gay.

Wrong - Peer Reviewed Study: Children of homosexuals more apt to be homosexuals.
It only makes sense that when kids see their homo parents acting homo and doing homo things.

Of course they will think it's normal and try to imitate them.

This is such an incredibly stupid post on so many to begin.........
It's really very simple. Children imitate their parents.

If 2 fudge packers adopt a young boy then they will be his role models.

If the child observes his two daddy's swishing when they walk, with limp wrists, and speaking with a pronounced lisp.

Then he will think that is the normal way that an adult man is supposed to act and will imitate their behavior.

Now other kids at school will asume he is gay and refuse to interact with him.

Which will make him think he has no choice but to become a fudge packer himself.

Sadly, a child that could have grown up to be a normal and mentally healthy adult.

Will now be doomed to a life of self degradation, disease, and eventually suicide.
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It's really very simple. Children imitate their parents.

If 2 fudge packers adopt a young boy then they will be his role models.

If the child observes his two daddy's swishing when they walk, with limp wrists, and speaking with a pronounced lisp.

Then he will think that is the normal way that an adult man is supposed to act and will imitate what he sees.

Now his friends at school will asume he is gay and refuse to interact with him.

Which will make him think he has no choice but to become a fudge packer himself.

Sadly, what could have grown up to be a normal and mentally healthy adult.

Will now be doomed to a life of self degradation, disease, and even death.

New York Mother Kills 'Demon' Kid

This says a few things about those people who purport to speak about the merits of raising a child.

When was the last time a homosexual parent killed their kid?

Go on. Find it.

And if you have difficulty finding an instance, take a moment to stand back and ask yourself if you are really holding a reasonable position.
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