Attorney: No More `Black Pastors' in Court for Arbery Case

You know, I can't think of any other way he could have said it to get what he wanted without using the word "black" to describe the type of person ("pastor") he didn't want in the courtroom, as if he gets to make a demand like that and have it granted.

You all are so entrenched in the white supremacist mindset that you can't see what's right before your faces. It doesn't matter HOW he says it, he doesn't want certain BLACK people in the courtroom. That is textbook racism no matter how much you've bought into the lie that black people don't know what we're talking about when we allege racism and that it's always a false accusation. The attorney himself made the distinction of "black", no one else did. He didn't imply it, he didn't allude to it, he didn't hint at it, he came right out and said it.

Hell at this point, you all are nothing but liars, lying about the evidence and events you can see with your own eyes yet your racism addled brain keeps rejecting what you see and SHOULD know to be true because the facts don't comport with the white supremacist theory that whites are superior to blacks.

Considering the acts of his client, a black pastor, sitting in the courtroom wearing a mask is scarier than a murderer, unconvicted though he may be?
What he doesn’t want is harassing the jury
Al Sharpton has never held an honest job, he makes his living off the backs of victims, and he's nothing but a race pimp.
Will be a great day when this fuck is gone from society.
I can name some white pastors who have never had an honest job. They just go around stirring up hate and collecting big bucks for it. The Grahams and the Falwells never did anything but hustle.
It's nothing to do with racism despite what all liberals, progressives, anti racists, BLM, antifa, and democrats might say. They all constantly say everything is racist when they don't like something, something doesn't go their way, or when they want something.

He doesn't want a black pastor because they are disruptive and because they love attention so they will go out on the streets, on tv, infront of their congregation and shout and yell about racism and in effect be disruptive to the procedure.

He didn't say "no blacks", he said "no black pastors" because they are a problem.

You really should get off the racism bandwagon because it blinds you to reality and it also turns you into a single and narrow minded puppet that only sees racism and nothing else.

Didn't you know...everything is racist. Even jogging, milk and dieting are all racist. Get with the times

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There can scarcely be a more straightforward case. One which the lynch mob filmed their actions.

I dont think that the prosecution really needs the help of Rev Sharpton or anyone else.

I look forward to the investigation of the police department who corruptly looked the other way.
There can scarcely be a more straightforward case. One which the lynch mob filmed their actions.

I dont think that the prosecution really needs the help of Rev Sharpton or anyone else.

I look forward to the investigation of the police department who corruptly looked the other way.
Both this case and the Rittenhouse case have revealed deep flaws in policing in these jurisdictions. The BLM movement appears to be right. There is some talk that the Kenosha police chief had ties to a white gang and encouraged these armed hoods to come to Kenosha, and then there is video of the Kenosha police making friendly with them and refusing to chase them out. I look forward to a complete investigation of this matter. Did the chief invite a gang into the city? Something is deeply wrong in the USA.
The victim is Ahmad Arbery...

I understand how you may feel the people who killed him are the victims...they are not....

And Rev Jackson was an authentic enough pastor to be trusted by MLK....and was by his side until his death....

But nevermind....dic suckers like you don't really think MLK was a pastor nevermind

An authentic pastor doesn't lie like notsosharpton did in the Tawana Brawley case and never admit his error or ask forgiveness from the people he wronged. He's nothing but a race baiting opportunist, profiting off his propaganda.

An authentic pastor doesn't lie like notsosharpton did in the Tawana Brawley case and never admit his error or ask forgiveness from the people he wronged. He's nothing but a race baiting opportunist, profiting off his propaganda.

What is an "authentic pastor"? A frankie graham traveling around trying to raise hate against LGBT people? The falwells setting up racially segregated "academies" to defeat integration? What is it about that there are "white" pastors and "black" pastors anyway? Isn't Christianity supposed to be about all in together? As you may have picked up, I think that graham and the falwells are total sluts.
You know, I can't think of any other way he could have said it to get what he wanted without using the word "black" to describe the type of person ("pastor") he didn't want in the courtroom, as if he gets to make a demand like that and have it granted.

You all are so entrenched in the white supremacist mindset that you can't see what's right before your faces. It doesn't matter HOW he says it, he doesn't want certain BLACK people in the courtroom. That is textbook racism no matter how much you've bought into the lie that black people don't know what we're talking about when we allege racism and that it's always a false accusation. The attorney himself made the distinction of "black", no one else did. He didn't imply it, he didn't allude to it, he didn't hint at it, he came right out and said it.

Hell at this point, you all are nothing but liars, lying about the evidence and events you can see with your own eyes yet your racism addled brain keeps rejecting what you see and SHOULD know to be true because the facts don't comport with the white supremacist theory that whites are superior to blacks.

Considering the acts of his client, a black pastor, sitting in the courtroom wearing a mask is scarier than a murderer, unconvicted though he may be?

He doesn't want national figures in the court trying to influence the jury. Especially ones that have made public statements about the case like notsosharpton.

What is an "authentic pastor"? A frankie graham traveling around trying to raise hate against LGBT people? The falwells setting up racially segregated "academies" to defeat integration? What is it about that there are "white" pastors and "black" pastors anyway? Isn't Christianity supposed to be about all in together? As you may have picked up, I think that graham and the falwells are total sluts.

You might want to go back and read the post I was responding to. Then you might get a clue about my comment.

There can scarcely be a more straightforward case. One which the lynch mob filmed their actions.

I dont think that the prosecution really needs the help of Rev Sharpton or anyone else.
So using Sharpton to influence or tamper with a jury is okay?

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