a short history on the F.B.I.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2021

J. Edgar Hoover leaded this group of "g" men. Yet he sabotaged his own men who were getting the recognition of bringing in the "gangstas" of the time.

Let us not forget, the FBI was created so interstate laws could be bypassed and the federal government could have jurisdiction to do as they please

(insert YES let's get child abusers, YES lets gets flagrant flawters of the law) BUT in our Republic to hand over authority to a government that is unelected and beholden only to itself and it's blossoming budget is absurd.

Especially when this same agency can be whieled by those in or seeking power as a way to dominate or stiffle the other

Then we no longer have a free democratic republic but a state where we all are made to agree on what the state says to be law and true is such and shall be

For too long we have watched a perversion of just law and equal application sacrificed to appease a mob of brain washed vigilantes hell bent on "damn the law" its for us or we riot"

For too long good decent people sit back and expect God to deliver them

God helps those who help themselves

Democratic/Socialist as they have branded themselves since 2016,portray themselves as friends of the worker and the common man

Yet every vote they have passed, THAT YOU ELECTED THEM TO DO, has been to take more from you.

Inflation =high, gas = high , groceries =high , energy =high , your cost of living sky rockets while you look to a pres who brags "my butts been wiped" and at the climate summit "shit his pants"

This is the paradigm YOU voted for

On one hand a business man crazy as a reindeer stuck in a car wash that was making America great again.

The other?

Someone the " Media" said was good cause he had been in politics for 50 years, picked the most unpopular VP in history but hey he didn't tweet mean things

How's that looking now?

Trump was a populist of the right, believe me our TEA party had has enough of McConnell

Your populist was Bernie, he kissed the ring and YOU all knelt to Clinton

Do I need to breakdown the TRUTH since then?

Shall I continue?
Good post.

Though, I have to take issue with this;

picked the most unpopular VP

This really deserves a thread of it's own. I often think about the establishment participants at the founding. Trump does remind me an awful lot of the nation's FIRST most unpopular VP. The guy that was always calling out the folks in the establishment, and who was looking to use the establishment for personal gain. He hated elites, so Jefferson tolerated him, yet, he also was a bit of a braggart and a rogue, as far as being a fellow elite.

You believe Kamala is more unpopular than Aaron Burr?

Or Dan Quayle? And Dick Cheney?

Time Magazine lists this guy. . . Thomas Marshall, as among the worst, but that just shows you how fucked in the head the cabal is. He sounds like he was one of the best VP's we have ever had!

Some script writer in Hollywood should write a script of his story and get Nick Offerman to do a biopic of him. :auiqs.jpg:

Thomas Marshall​

Thomas Marshall was not impressed by the Vice Presidency. During his inaugural speech, he promised to “acknowledge the insignificant influence of the office” and accept his second-class role “in a good-natured way.” As President Woodrow Wilson’s number two, he frequently complained about his “nameless, unremembered” duties and once told a bodyguard that his job was pointless because no one ever shoots a Vice President. The fact that Wilson disliked him personally probably didn’t improve his attitude either.

Marshall and Wilson’s relationship was one of functioning animosity — the Felix Unger and Oscar Madison of Presidential politics. While Wilson was stoic and businesslike, Marshall was full of handshakes and one-liners. He once gifted the President with a book inscribed, “From your only vice.”

Marshall’s lack of enthusiasm showed in his job. He stopped going to cabinet meetings after his first session, and he asked to switch offices to some place where he could put up his feet and smoke. And yet, Wilson kept him on as Vice President during his second term, asking Marshall to head the cabinet while he traveled to Europe at the end of World War I to lobby for the League of Nations. (Marshall accepted, but warned Wilson that he wouldn’t be responsible for anything that happened while he was away.)

After Wilson was incapacitated by a stroke in October 1919, Marshall refused to take his place, worrying that if Wilson recovered and demanded the Presidency back, the country could erupt into a civil war. And of course, he wasn’t very enthusiastic about the job. When Calvin Coolidge was elected as the next Vice President, he received a note from Marshall that read, “Please accept my sincere sympathies.”

—By Claire Suddath

J. Edgar Hoover leaded this group of "g" men. Yet he sabotaged his own men who were getting the recognition of bringing in the "gangstas" of the time.

Let us not forget, the FBI was created so interstate laws could be bypassed and the federal government could have jurisdiction to do as they please

(insert YES let's get child abusers, YES lets gets flagrant flawters of the law) BUT in our Republic to hand over authority to a government that is unelected and beholden only to itself and it's blossoming budget is absurd.

Especially when this same agency can be whieled by those in or seeking power as a way to dominate or stiffle the other

Then we no longer have a free democratic republic but a state where we all are made to agree on what the state says to be law and true is such and shall be

For too long we have watched a perversion of just law and equal application sacrificed to appease a mob of brain washed vigilantes hell bent on "damn the law" its for us or we riot"

For too long good decent people sit back and expect God to deliver them

God helps those who help themselves

Democratic/Socialist as they have branded themselves since 2016,portray themselves as friends of the worker and the common man

Yet every vote they have passed, THAT YOU ELECTED THEM TO DO, has been to take more from you.

Inflation =high, gas = high , groceries =high , energy =high , your cost of living sky rockets while you look to a pres who brags "my butts been wiped" and at the climate summit "shit his pants"

This is the paradigm YOU voted for

On one hand a business man crazy as a reindeer stuck in a car wash that was making America great again.

The other?

Someone the " Media" said was good cause he had been in politics for 50 years, picked the most unpopular VP in history but hey he didn't tweet mean things

How's that looking now?

Trump was a populist of the right, believe me our TEA party had has enough of McConnell

Your populist was Bernie, he kissed the ring and YOU all knelt to Clinton

Do I need to breakdown the TRUTH since then?

Shall I continue?
Hoover was gay....owned by the mob because they
set him up with his lover and secret cameras. That's the reason they went after black panthers, while mafia guys were making a killing ...especially in Vegas.
Clinton's FBI received commendations for killing about 80 Branch Dividians at Waco with tanks and poison gas. Today we know that FBI agents used a faked dossier obtained from a foreign agent who might have been working for the Russians to try to overthrow the President of the United States. They should be charged with treason but sadly they are agents of the democrat party which is in charge and now they spend their time hunting down mom and pop republican protesters in a 9 month old trespassing case.
Hoover was gay....owned by the mob because they
set him up with his lover and secret cameras. That's the reason they went after black panthers, while mafia guys were making a killing ...especially in Vegas.
Don't know about Hoover being gay, though I have read accounts about it. Apparently he liked to bet horses and was indebted to Frank Costello which is how the mob got to Hoover in the first place or so the story goes.

J. Edgar Hoover leaded this group of "g" men. Yet he sabotaged his own men who were getting the recognition of bringing in the "gangstas" of the time.

Let us not forget, the FBI was created so interstate laws could be bypassed and the federal government could have jurisdiction to do as they please

(insert YES let's get child abusers, YES lets gets flagrant flawters of the law) BUT in our Republic to hand over authority to a government that is unelected and beholden only to itself and it's blossoming budget is absurd.

Especially when this same agency can be whieled by those in or seeking power as a way to dominate or stiffle the other

Then we no longer have a free democratic republic but a state where we all are made to agree on what the state says to be law and true is such and shall be

For too long we have watched a perversion of just law and equal application sacrificed to appease a mob of brain washed vigilantes hell bent on "damn the law" its for us or we riot"

For too long good decent people sit back and expect God to deliver them

God helps those who help themselves

Democratic/Socialist as they have branded themselves since 2016,portray themselves as friends of the worker and the common man

Yet every vote they have passed, THAT YOU ELECTED THEM TO DO, has been to take more from you.

Inflation =high, gas = high , groceries =high , energy =high , your cost of living sky rockets while you look to a pres who brags "my butts been wiped" and at the climate summit "shit his pants"

This is the paradigm YOU voted for

On one hand a business man crazy as a reindeer stuck in a car wash that was making America great again.

The other?

Someone the " Media" said was good cause he had been in politics for 50 years, picked the most unpopular VP in history but hey he didn't tweet mean things

How's that looking now?

Trump was a populist of the right, believe me our TEA party had has enough of McConnell

Your populist was Bernie, he kissed the ring and YOU all knelt to Clinton

Do I need to breakdown the TRUTH since then?

Shall I continue?

I agree, interestingly enough there is a fairly new television show on called FBI. I've only seen it once but they sure want to paint the FBI in a favorable light. In real life, I'm sure there are plenty of good agents in the trenches but their reputations have been drastically tarnished by upper management so to speak.
I'm surprised this post got as much traction as it has. Considering I posted it veterans day after drinking a bottle of Lagavulin and 2 bottles of mead

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