Atheists don't believe in God or gods but they have no alternative theories that make sense...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
1,255 to how the universe came to exist or how humans became aware of our own existence.

And I've tried to get answers from atheists, but none are forthcoming.

They do like to mock those of us who do believe in God or gods, as if somehow mockery can make up for lack of answers.

And I do anticipate that they will simply do that in this thread, mock and ridicule.
you claim there is a god--prove it
the term ''atheist'' is really ridiculous--as there is no god to believe in
....and before you say like everyone else says-- ''prove there isn't a god'' [dumb]---just like in court, if the prosecutor claims someone commits a crime, the claim has to be proven --not the other way around
I always ask christians/etc to explain their theory of creation or evolution--their answer:
god did it

there are theories of how the Universe was created
The Origin of the Universe
Big Bang: How the Universe was created
Our Expanding Universe: Age, History & Other Facts
etc etc etc

''god did it'' does not make sense
....the supposedly most important creation [ of god? ] is imperfect/does not make sense/VERY nonsensical/etc --if you believe god created it
o--I know why--it's god's plan---right??
god's plan was to make an imperfect/idiotic/nonsensical/etc creation.....???!!!??
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also it's WELL beyond human knowledge
we can't even begin to comprehend creation/etc
and we've had this conversation before in many threads
your theory is just as--if not more- ridiculous
how idiotic to think ''christians'' '''''theory'' [ hahahah--which is what????!!! ] is not as ridiculous as '''atheists'' theories to how the universe came to exist or how humans became aware of our own existence.

And I've tried to get answers from atheists, but none are forthcoming.
You get the answer 'I don't know', but that's too adult for you, so you have to invent fairy stories to assuage your fear of the unknown.
They do like to mock those of us who do believe in God or gods, as if somehow mockery can make up for lack of answers.

And I do anticipate that they will simply do that in this thread, mock and ridicule.
Yes, mocking fantasy answers, the various gods of gaps. to how the universe came to exist or how humans became aware of our own existence.

And I've tried to get answers from atheists, but none are forthcoming.

They do like to mock those of us who do believe in God or gods, as if somehow mockery can make up for lack of answers.

And I do anticipate that they will simply do that in this thread, mock and ridicule.
I’ve long argued that a lesbian in a hijab farted us into existence. You can’t prove it wrong.
The universe didn't get here by itself.

That's my proof of God. to how the universe came to exist or how humans became aware of our own existence.

And I've tried to get answers from atheists, but none are forthcoming.

They do like to mock those of us who do believe in God or gods, as if somehow mockery can make up for lack of answers.

And I do anticipate that they will simply do that in this thread, mock and ridicule.
This thread is dumb from the start. "God" doesn't explain anything. It's just a way of replacing a mystery with an even bigger mystery.
The universe didn't get here by itself.

That's my proof of God.
Well that sure is not proof of anything, since you could not possibly know the truth of your claim and have not a shred of evidence for it. In fact, that's a circular, meaningless mess.
The universe didn't get here by itself.

That's my proof of God.
Well that sure is not proof of anything, since you could not possibly know the truth of your claim and have not a shred of evidence for it. In fact, that's a circular, meaningless mess.
How is my argument circular?
You assume the universe had a designer and someone to put it in motion. Then you claim this assumption is proof that the designer which you need exists. It's meaningless pap. Furthermore, you are now tasked with proving "the universe didn't get here by itself". Then you have to prove it is only possible that a magical invisible fairy did it. All of your work lies ahead of you.
The universe didn't get here by itself.

That's my proof of God.
Well that sure is not proof of anything, since you could not possibly know the truth of your claim and have not a shred of evidence for it. In fact, that's a circular, meaningless mess.
How is my argument circular?
You assume the universe had a designer and someone to put it in motion. Then you claim this assumption is proof that the designer which you need exists. It's meaningless pap. Furthermore, you are now tasked with proving "the universe didn't get here by itself". Then you have to prove it is only possible that a magical invisible fairy did it. All of your work lies ahead of you.
All I have to prove is that universe didn't cause itself.

If I prove that, then there is something else that isn't the universe.
All I have to prove is that universe didn't cause itself.
Which you will not do. We have already demonstrated that it is possible that our universe formed spontaneously. So, you will have to start with proving that impossible. And then STILL all your work will lie ahead of you.

You would then have to prove that only a god is the possible impetus. How do you propose to prove such a thing? No, contrived ontological arguments do not accomplish this.

And even then you would still not have lent any credibility to your volumes of silly dogma. to how the universe came to exist or how humans became aware of our own existence.

And I've tried to get answers from atheists, but none are forthcoming.

They do like to mock those of us who do believe in God or gods, as if somehow mockery can make up for lack of answers.

And I do anticipate that they will simply do that in this thread, mock and ridicule.
We have theories

We call them science
The universe didn't get here by itself.

That's my proof of God.
When did the Universe get here? What if it's existed forever?
Don't expect good responses. We are about to get treated to the usual song and dance. A confused theist thinks an argument is "proof" of its conclusions, because, hey, we call valid arguments "proofs" in mathematics. Seriously, this usually comes up.

But the premises in valid arguments are always true. In the rehash of one of the "5 ways" of Aquinas that is forthcoming, it cannot be said that the premises are always true. And, even if they were, that would still no be proof of theism, or even deism. The arguments that try to argue god must be intelligent and must exist due to the intelligence nature shows are always the worst, most easily ignored/defeated arguments. And once this specious bit of nonsense is off the table, all we are left with is a mystical woo woo argument for a mindless force of nature. At that point, we have eliminated the concept of god, and instead just replaced it with a force or forces. So these arguments are a dead end for the theists.

Just as people used to think the fact that "everything falls down" showed intelligent design, and we then replaced that nonsense with gravity.
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