Arkham Asylum for Trump


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Sep 22, 2013
Here's a consumerism-paranoia psychiatry evaluation in the tradition of DC Comics' Arkham Asylum (an incarceration-rehabilitation center for anti-social behavior) meant to signify a modern-day commerce-related anxiety towards 'traffic turbulence,' which will be of main concern to our arguably pedestrianism-neglectful Trump Administration.

We remember Jackie Kennedy as the stylish counterpart to the fabled JFK administration. We remember Nancy Reagan as the centering charm to Ronald Reagan's speech-centric leadership. Will we remember Melania Trump as an anesthesia to Donald Trump's overtly pro-capitalism dictatorship?

I personally find 'piracy storytelling' very sobering.




Bruce Wayne, America's socialite-businessman who was also actually secretly the valiant masked vigilante Batman, was reading Dante's Inferno, a treatise on the levels of hell. Bruce/Batman started thinking about what could comprise the levels of hell from the real-world bizarre crimes in modern Gotham. Batman began to take notes, remembering the words of his sometime-nemesis Harley Quinn (an anarchist who nevertheless share's Batman's anxieties regarding 'urbanization flaws') who would serve as his surprising 'vigilantism Devil's Advocate muse.'

1. LIMBO: A Gotham prostitute and single-mother named Moll discovers that her pimp-boyfriend is abusing her young son Bobby and can not reach out to anyone for help and therefore contacts Batman for counsel
2. GREED: Robin (Batman's young ally) is trying to curry favor with the press to help his 'crusade' but finds the press unresponsive towards youngsters interested in vigilantism, and this drives him insane
3. LUST: Gotham's seductive female eco-terrorist Poison Ivy is being stalked by her mentor Ra's al Ghul who wants her to become his unholy bride in some terrible fascist eco-revolution too crazy even for her
4. ANGER: Harvey Dent, Gotham's former DA has become the disfigured vengeful 'punisher' Two-Face and is being chased by his old friend Bruce/Batman who insists Harvey is nothing less than a tragic lunatic
5. HERESY: The Joker is trying to sell his artwork to a museum and is holding the daughter of the curator hostage until the museum agrees to showcase his odd paintings of Batman in purgatory
6. TREACHERY: Scarecrow has poisoned Gotham's water-reservoir with a dangerous amount of hallucinogens on Halloween Eve, believing that Gothamites need to be 'scared' into rapture
7. VIOLENCE: Penguin threatens to kidnap all the children of Gotham unless the mayor agrees to free all his allies (members of his Red Triangle Gang) who are currently incarcerated for arson
8. FRAUD: Catwoman (Selina Kyle) is being blackmailed by her old boss Max Shreck who wants to expose her as a self-serving fanatic and true enemy of Batman, even though she secretly loves Bruce
9. GLUTTONY: The Riddler plans to plant explosives in the Gotham Subway while it is closed on Christmas Day to impress upon the people that public services are compromised by citizenry-arrogance

As Batman completed his 'Inferno-portfolio,' he remembered what Harley Quinn told him about Starbucks and consumerism-culture: "He who revels in the modern city is he who neglects dystopian sadism, Batman!"


Arkham Arson

Here's a smaller-group interview between heroes and the villains they've incarcerated. How would each villain be 'categorized' in terms of anti-consumerism cynicism 'sectors'?

I think Poison Ivy would be a terrific 'nihilism foil' for the Starbucks mermaid-siren logo (a symbol of consumer-poetry)!

I think I'm understanding now why there're so many darn comic book-adapted films in this new 'Facebook age.'


PENGUIN: The secret to malice is mischief...
BATMAN: Don't play with words just because you're in Arkham Asylum; crime never helps.

RIDDLER: Don't you understand that the mind is meant to be manipulated?
AQUAMAN: You're not too objective about psychiatry...

CATWOMAN: Men are weak, and women have to pick up the slack!
SUPERMAN: No one is above temptation.

POISON IVY: My 'final analysis' is that crime is conceivable.
BATMAN: Redemption is as much of an 'adventure' as rebelliousness...






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