So I Went Fishing Today

Fucking punks.

These people are lunatics and need to be confined accordingly.

“He came over and said ‘fish have feelings, you’re hurting that fish and you need to stop fishing,’” said Hope.

"He said moments later, more activists showed up and threatened to throw the fish back.

“It got to the point where they said ‘we’re going to take your fish and throw it back in the water,’ and that’s when my mother and my father said, ‘no you can’t take our fish, that’s our fish.'”

"A man with the group grabbed the fish and tossed it back."

In my family, someone you don't know and who doesn't have permission grabs something from you or touches a kid, and that someone will get decked in their pie hole.

Chick-fil-A protesters confront fishermen at St. Pete park, throw fish back in water
" A protester then approached the family and said he was going to throw the fish back into the lake.

“My father said, ‘no, you’re not’ and my mom actually walked over and put her foot onto the fish,” said Hope. “Well, the man took her leg, physically removed her leg, picked our fish up and threw it back into the water.

"An invasive species, tilapia," he continued, "that’s not even legal to return back to the water once it’s caught.”

And as usually, they are exploiting children (they were sending kids over to tell the fishermen to stop fishing) and targeting children for intimidation. Cuz they're progressive dingbats.

“They’re choosing the vulnerable to protest in front of. They’re choosing the children,” he said. “They were at Chick-Fil-A in front of lots of children. There’s a park 50-feet behind us … that was full of children.”

"We were unable to reach representatives of "Direct Action Everywhere Pinellas" for comment on this story."

Animal rights protesters who disrupted Chick-Fil-A also targeted fishermen
"An animal rights organization picked the spot to make its point. In front of dozens of startled customers, including many kids, they staged a loud protest."

"Smiles turned to anger as they realized fake blood covered people in cow and chicken costumes and one person carried a huge knife."

“People running in with knives, bleeding. Like bleeding on their shirts and just bloody knives. It scared the kids,” said Nichole Kretchmar.

Some parents shielded kids from the gory protest, but plenty watched."

Pinellas Park Chick-fil-A protest angers parents, scares kids
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As they chew on defenceless vegetables
" A protester then approached the family and said he was going to throw the fish back into the lake.

“My father said, ‘no, you’re not’ and my mom actually walked over and put her foot onto the fish,” said Hope. “Well, the man took her leg, physically removed her leg, picked our fish up and threw it back into the water.

"An invasive species, tilapia," he continued, "that’s not even legal to return back to the water once it’s caught.”

And as usually, they are exploiting children (they were sending kids over to tell the fishermen to stop fishing) and targeting children for intimidation. Cuz they're progressive dingbats.

“They’re choosing the vulnerable to protest in front of. They’re choosing the children,” he said. “They were at Chick-Fil-A in front of lots of children. There’s a park 50-feet behind us … that was full of children.”

"We were unable to reach representatives of "Direct Action Everywhere Pinellas" for comment on this story."

Animal rights protesters who disrupted Chick-Fil-A also targeted fishermen
A nylon fishing rod will wrap itself around the head and neck twice, leaving a nasty welt. Plus, protesters car windows will shatter into small pieces.
I'd pay good money to watch this pack of loons roll up on a Good Ole Boy in Texas at his favorite fishing spot about half way through a case of beer. I can just imagine the confusion on his face resolve into amusement right before he popped open a can of whoopass.

Don't put your foot on the fish. Put it in their teeth. Once confronted by real violence the shit stops.

You are at a lake, with buckets. Use your imagination.
They should go voice their opinion on the docks of Alaska

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