If we got super lucky

and biden and trump fell over dead(you know, since the voters cant nominate decent people) who would you support to replace them?
Haley? Desantis? Newsome? I doubt harris, because none of you liked her until the DNC told you to.
What about that Clinton bitch?

Just going by your list, I'd have to pick DeSantis. But if I had my own choice, it would be Chip Roy or Thomas Massie. Either one, would do, as long as the other would be the House Speaker.
And in the Senate, Rand Paul for the Senate majority leader.

It's way passed time for fiscal and constitutional conservatives had a real voice and power in our government.

Enough with these weak, left leaning Republicans like Trump and Mike Johnson.
and biden and trump fell over dead(you know, since the voters cant nominate decent people) who would you support to replace them?
Haley? Desantis? Newsome? I doubt harris, because none of you liked her until the DNC told you to.
What about that Clinton bitch?
Vivek, Rand, or Jason Lewis.

Nada one have a snowball's chance in hell being nominated.
Rand kinda lost me a while back. And he's carried a lot of water for Trump at this point.

His voting record is still good. So I try not to pay much attention to him if he's speaking about Trump. They'd primary him in a heart beat.
and biden and trump fell over dead(you know, since the voters cant nominate decent people) who would you support to replace them?
Haley? Desantis? Newsome? I doubt harris, because none of you liked her until the DNC told you to.
What about that Clinton bitch?
DeSantis.... very effective Governor. That is really all I care about. Everything else is white noise.
He governed Florida very well.
Geert Wilders. If a Kenyan commie can be President, why not a Dutch guy who has bravely risked his life to constantly point out what feral animals Muslim migrants are for years?

There are almost no liberals in the Democratic Party any more, and there are almost no conservatives in the GOP any more. Let's quit pretending there are. They are both corporatist and technocratic. 'the 'Libertarian' Party is just another media front for the Koch brothers, so they're worthless as well, and are also corporatists and technocrats. We would be better off hiring Lawrence Wong to run the country. He's more competent at that stuff than our Pols are.

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DeSantis is a conservative who gets things done.
Of course that's an illusion, and what DeSantis actually accomplishes is theater for the rubes. His knows his ridiculous laws are destined to fail under court scrutiny. And that's what they do. The important part is making his audience FEEL like he is actually doing things.

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