An essay on crime, and what the democrats have done to our country....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is a two part piece looking at the effects of crime.....and this is what the democrats have done to us...

There is an environment—we feel it intuitively—that breeds crime, an element in which crime ineluctably thrives. The “bad” neighborhood, the street where it’s unsafe to walk at night, the urban dystopia where the victims who are ostensibly “asking for it” receive their unwelcome answers. Those forced to endure it try to pretend it doesn’t exist. The demoralizing effect of streets filled with trash and vagrants, of sidewalks land-mined with feces (animal or human), of storefronts marred by graffiti—these, the city-dweller tries to ignore. In traversing the city, he selectively edits his visual field. Like the straphangers in Hazzard’s novel, he affects indifference. A security guard on Market Street in San Francisco recently told New York, “What it really feels like living in San Francisco is that you’re lying to yourself. Oh, I live in San Francisco. It’s so nice. When you walk by the junkies you’re like, They don’t exist. They don’t exist. You’re lying to yourself.” Humankind cannot bear too much urban reality.
There is a link, definite but hard to define, between moral ugliness and the physical ugliness it feeds on and perpetuates. There is a disquiet that comes from realizing you live in the same city and neighborhood as people interested only in destruction. In late May 2020, I watched online as Minneapolis rioters reduced a 189-unit affordable-housing complex to smoldering ashes, burning the unfinished building down to its concrete foundation. Afterward, I texted a dramatic picture of the fire to a friend, a committed progressive who works as a federal prosecutor, to ask what he thought. “That is an incredible photo,” he remarked. “I’m not going to comment on the propriety [of] rioting tho.” I challenged him: What propriety would that be? The propriety of burning homes and police stations to the ground? “We’ve already established,” he said, “I have a soft heart.” As if this admission excused everything, the arsonists, the wanton destruction, himself. As if any condemnation of others would leave him exposed.

And the lies continue from the left....
In popular culture, the face of criminality has changed. Twenty years ago, FX’s The Shield, a Shakespearean tragedy disguised as a cop show—in many ways superior to another crime drama that debuted the same year, HBO’s The Wire—was unsparing in its depiction of black and Latino gangbangers as self-interested lowlifes, warring with one another while preying mostly on their racial and ethnic cohorts. The Shield gave poverty and prejudice and police brutality their due, but not to the extent of denying human agency; the harsh reality of street crime was never subordinated to a comforting ideology.

In Hollywood productions now, beholden to “sensitivity readers,” this seems no longer the case. From Showtime’s Your Honor to Netflix’s The Lincoln Lawyer to FX’s Justified: City Primeval, from The Batman to Rian Johnson’s whodunit Knives Out and its glossy sequel, Glass Onion, ethical judges, competent attorneys, honorable politicians, and other sympathetic characters tend to be nonwhite, usually black, while the villains are overwhelmingly white and male: brutal white gangsters, mendacious white billionaires, corrupt white cops. It is not enough, in the Justified sequel, to make the central villain a white hick (the “Oklahoma Wildman”); the secondary threat must take the form of the all-white Albanian mob, this in Detroit, a city more than three-fourths black and only 10 percent white.

It is not enough, in The Lincoln Lawyer, to make the white-male tech bro a murderous sociopath; he must be unmasked as a preening fraud, who rose to fame by stealing credit for his wife’s code—his murdered wife being the true genius of the pair. (How gratified progressives would be if this proved true of Steve Jobs or Elon Musk, or if female faux visionaries like Elizabeth Holmes and Charlie Javice had proven to be their equals.) In like manner, the deranged Riddler, in The Batman, must of course be stopped by Gotham’s vigilante, but in the end, his serial murders have done the city a service, removing crooked white men from positions of power and clearing the way for an upright new mayor—a black woman, naturally—to lead Gotham into a brighter tomorrow.

Offscreen, the face of murder, of violent assault, of robbery remains much as it was 20 years ago, only more so. The FBI estimates that African Americans, who make up only 13 percent of the population, accounted for 59 percent of all known homicide offenders in 2022. In Minneapolis, fewer than one in five residents is black, yet blacks in 2022 accounted for 84 percent of known violent-crime and homicide suspects—and a similarly outsize share of victims. In Albuquerque, a very different city, where white and black Americans commit about equal numbers of homicides, the enormous disparity is clear when you look at population data. White people (including Hispanic whites) make up more than six in ten of the city’s populace, while black residents—punching way above their weight, murder-wise—are a mere 3.2 percent.

Here is part one.....

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This is a two part piece looking at the effects of crime.....and this is what the democrats have done to us...
In one easy to understand part, crime and mass shootings are skyrocketing out of control in America.
And of course the Demofks are responsible for part of it.

For the sake of discussion: Is there any part of it for which Americans aren't responsible?

eg. iIlegal drugs coming over the border, require users.
This is a two part piece looking at the effects of crime.....and this is what the democrats have done to us...

There is an environment—we feel it intuitively—that breeds crime, an element in which crime ineluctably thrives. The “bad” neighborhood, the street where it’s unsafe to walk at night, the urban dystopia where the victims who are ostensibly “asking for it” receive their unwelcome answers. Those forced to endure it try to pretend it doesn’t exist. The demoralizing effect of streets filled with trash and vagrants, of sidewalks land-mined with feces (animal or human), of storefronts marred by graffiti—these, the city-dweller tries to ignore. In traversing the city, he selectively edits his visual field. Like the straphangers in Hazzard’s novel, he affects indifference. A security guard on Market Street in San Francisco recently told New York, “What it really feels like living in San Francisco is that you’re lying to yourself. Oh, I live in San Francisco. It’s so nice. When you walk by the junkies you’re like, They don’t exist. They don’t exist. You’re lying to yourself.” Humankind cannot bear too much urban reality.
There is a link, definite but hard to define, between moral ugliness and the physical ugliness it feeds on and perpetuates. There is a disquiet that comes from realizing you live in the same city and neighborhood as people interested only in destruction. In late May 2020, I watched online as Minneapolis rioters reduced a 189-unit affordable-housing complex to smoldering ashes, burning the unfinished building down to its concrete foundation. Afterward, I texted a dramatic picture of the fire to a friend, a committed progressive who works as a federal prosecutor, to ask what he thought. “That is an incredible photo,” he remarked. “I’m not going to comment on the propriety [of] rioting tho.” I challenged him: What propriety would that be? The propriety of burning homes and police stations to the ground? “We’ve already established,” he said, “I have a soft heart.” As if this admission excused everything, the arsonists, the wanton destruction, himself. As if any condemnation of others would leave him exposed.

And the lies continue from the left....
In popular culture, the face of criminality has changed. Twenty years ago, FX’s The Shield, a Shakespearean tragedy disguised as a cop show—in many ways superior to another crime drama that debuted the same year, HBO’s The Wire—was unsparing in its depiction of black and Latino gangbangers as self-interested lowlifes, warring with one another while preying mostly on their racial and ethnic cohorts. The Shield gave poverty and prejudice and police brutality their due, but not to the extent of denying human agency; the harsh reality of street crime was never subordinated to a comforting ideology.

In Hollywood productions now, beholden to “sensitivity readers,” this seems no longer the case. From Showtime’s Your Honor to Netflix’s The Lincoln Lawyer to FX’s Justified: City Primeval, from The Batman to Rian Johnson’s whodunit Knives Out and its glossy sequel, Glass Onion, ethical judges, competent attorneys, honorable politicians, and other sympathetic characters tend to be nonwhite, usually black, while the villains are overwhelmingly white and male: brutal white gangsters, mendacious white billionaires, corrupt white cops. It is not enough, in the Justified sequel, to make the central villain a white hick (the “Oklahoma Wildman”); the secondary threat must take the form of the all-white Albanian mob, this in Detroit, a city more than three-fourths black and only 10 percent white.

It is not enough, in The Lincoln Lawyer, to make the white-male tech bro a murderous sociopath; he must be unmasked as a preening fraud, who rose to fame by stealing credit for his wife’s code—his murdered wife being the true genius of the pair. (How gratified progressives would be if this proved true of Steve Jobs or Elon Musk, or if female faux visionaries like Elizabeth Holmes and Charlie Javice had proven to be their equals.) In like manner, the deranged Riddler, in The Batman, must of course be stopped by Gotham’s vigilante, but in the end, his serial murders have done the city a service, removing crooked white men from positions of power and clearing the way for an upright new mayor—a black woman, naturally—to lead Gotham into a brighter tomorrow.

Offscreen, the face of murder, of violent assault, of robbery remains much as it was 20 years ago, only more so. The FBI estimates that African Americans, who make up only 13 percent of the population, accounted for 59 percent of all known homicide offenders in 2022. In Minneapolis, fewer than one in five residents is black, yet blacks in 2022 accounted for 84 percent of known violent-crime and homicide suspects—and a similarly outsize share of victims. In Albuquerque, a very different city, where white and black Americans commit about equal numbers of homicides, the enormous disparity is clear when you look at population data. White people (including Hispanic whites) make up more than six in ten of the city’s populace, while black residents—punching way above their weight, murder-wise—are a mere 3.2 percent.

Here is part one.....

Black people are no more naturally inclined to violence or criminality than any other people. But when they are constantly told that they are oppressed victims incapable of rising above their situation because 'whitey' keeps them down, when they are taught that all white people are inherently racist, when they are taught that they are entitled and the government owes them, they are far more likely to feel justified joining up with criminal elements.

And because 'there is no honor among thieves' those criminal elements either for sport or power or control make war among themselves and/or prey on those in their own neighborhoods.

It is not prejudice or discrimination or injustice that make them this way. It is the racist mentality of Democrats/leftists/progressives, using them for their own purposes, that teach them to be this way. And the welfare state has extremely exacerbated the problem. Kids who do not have the blessing of a strong traditional family with a responsible mom and dad in the home are statistically far more likely to get into trouble or have serious problems.

"The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn’t do….And that is to destroy the black family.” –Walter E. Williams, The Wall Street Journal
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Violent Crime is Down Across the Board.

Sorry about your feelings, but reality is indeed real.

Violent crime isn't being pursued by the police, and isn't being prosecuted by democrat party prosecutors and judges....
Violent Crime is Down Across the Board.

Sorry about your feelings, but reality is indeed real.

Now....if that is indeed true, and not just a result of the democrats stopping the police from pursuing criminals, and releasing the ones who are actually captured....

Then that is even more evidence that gun ownership does not cause gun crime or murder........


Since just about every month we have new records for gun buying, in particular among women and racial minorities.....

Now....if that is indeed true, and not just a result of the democrats stopping the police from pursuing criminals, and releasing the ones who are actually captured....

Then that is even more evidence that gun ownership does not cause gun crime or murder........


Since just about every month we have new records for gun buying, in particular among women and racial minorities.....

And yet there have still been no "mass baseball battings" here recently.
Violent crime isn't being pursued by the police, and isn't being prosecuted by democrat party prosecutors and judges....
You sound like a convicted criminal.The prisons are full and they didn't get there by not being convicted by Democrats.
In one easy to understand part, crime and mass shootings are skyrocketing out of control in America.
And of course the Demofks are responsible for part of it.

For the sake of discussion: Is there any part of it for which Americans aren't responsible?

eg. iIlegal drugs coming over the border, require users.
Bank robbers also require banks to be bank robbers.
Black people are no more naturally inclined to violence or criminality than any other people. But when they are constantly told that they are oppressed victims incapable of rising above their situation because 'whitey' keeps them down, when they are taught that all white people are inherently racist, when they are taught that they are entitled and the government owes them, they are far more likely to feel justified joining up with criminal elements.

And because 'there is no honor among thieves' those criminal elements either for sport or power or control make war among themselves and/or prey on those in their own neighborhoods.

It is not prejudice or discrimination or injustice that make them this way. It is the racist mentality of Democrats/leftists/progressives, using them for their own purposes, that teach them to be this way. And the welfare state has extremely exacerbated the problem. Kids who do not have the blessing of a strong traditional family with a responsible mom and dad in the home are statistically far more likely to get into trouble or have serious problems.

"The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn’t do….And that is to destroy the black family.” –Walter E. Williams, The Wall Street Journal
You are spot on and anybody that disagrees has never lived in Africa. Black Culture is the real problem and the Democrats keep the Culture violent in order to keep harvesting black votes. Newsflash,,,,Blacks are waking up to the lies of the FBI / Left
You are spot on and anybody that disagrees has never lived in Africa. Black Culture is the real problem and the Democrats keep the Culture violent in order to keep harvesting black votes. Newsflash,,,,Blacks are waking up to the lies of the FBI / Left
I do not concern myself with the issues in other countries when evaluating our own country though. Americans who happen to have dark skins are generally going to be far far better off with infinitely more opportunity than if they were born in one of those African countries. That they are conditioned and trained not to take advantage of their opportunities here is both tragic and evil.

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