Are you liberal or conservative?

Conservative or Liberal?

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indy that's center left & have moved more to the left in recent years, but not on every issue.
Yes, because someone tried to say "Is Bush a Conservative, then I'm not a conservative". That's bullshit. Especially if you know the only difference between Bush/Liz and Trump is 7%.
You're babbling incoherently. Life is not as binary as you'd like it to be.
Hey you kind of made a good point. I always thought of conservatives who want to preserve the status quo. And liberals wanted to be progressive and change the status quo.

But today it's Democrats who want to conserve the environment, energy, unions, social safety nets. And it's the Republicans trying to fundamentally change the country from what us liberals have supposedly turned it into.

Progressives don't want to conserve anything, they want to ruin everyone's standards of living except their own.
Conservative used to mean small government, more freedom, less spending, fiscal responsibility. Now it means none of those things it is just a few social issues
That's what the MSM has gaslit you into believing. Regardless, the left is now the ideology of big government, speech restriction, and higher taxation. I'll pass.
If you aren't aware, that's a vote for conservative. Did you vote? Don't be scared. Gun to head you got to pick one.
No I didn’t vote because as has been pointed out to you numerous times not everything is black and white. Little FYI someone who is nothing but an SN and avatar to me telling me don’t be scared or be a coward means less than nothing to me. I answered the question if you don’t like the way I answered it that’s your problem not mine.
I voted. I was the first to vote. I'm just saying I will add up anyone who feels like commenting but can't pick a side, and unless I know them as a fellow liberal, I'll know they are conservatives. If you voted for Trump, don't believe in global warming, stuff like that, you probably lean right. It isn't hard to figure out. I can go into your history and see what you've said.

Another thing I notice is conservatives block people from seeing their post history. Because otherwise I could go prove they were wrong by digging up their old posts. When they say "prove I said that" I can if they'll allow me to.
If you voted for Trump
I didn't

don't believe in global warming,
Not the crap you bow to.

only someone like you would believe it's a black/white issue.

lot of gray the answer.
Progressives don't want to conserve anything, they want to ruin everyone's standards of living except their own.
Who do you mean when you say they? "They" are poor and middle class people. So when you talk about "everyone elses" standard of living, you are crying about the rich. Guys like my brother who's pay doubled in the last 2 decades. VP of a Fortune 500 company. Why did his pay double? Because labor didn't have a seat at the table. So he's retiring at 55 and meanwhile he will tell you that people are living longer so you have to work till you are 70.

You dumb mother fuckers. LOL.

And for the record, that's exactly what the rich did to us when they got Reagan, Bush and Trump to give them tax breaks. They ruined the middle class and THEY have never been richer. So are you kidding right now?

Household wealth swelled at a record pace during the pandemic. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

If you’re a 50-something and you’re not worth a cool $1 million, do not despair. Those numbers are averages, and the super-rich drive them waaaay up.

The 1%:The wealthiest American earners now own more wealth than the entire middle class

Talk about everyone else's standard of living being ruined so they can have a second yacht.
No I didn’t vote because as has been pointed out to you numerous times not everything is black and white. Little FYI someone who is nothing but an SN and avatar to me telling me don’t be scared or be a coward means less than nothing to me. I answered the question if you don’t like the way I answered it that’s your problem not mine.
I'll add you to the list of conservatives. Now add 13 to the number of conservative votes. Thanks for participating. Coward. We all know you're a con fool.
Who do you mean when you say they? "They" are poor and middle class people. So when you talk about "everyone elses" standard of living, you are crying about the rich. Guys like my brother who's pay doubled in the last 2 decades. VP of a Fortune 500 company. Why did his pay double? Because labor didn't have a seat at the table. So he's retiring at 55 and meanwhile he will tell you that people are living longer so you have to work till you are 70.

You dumb mother fuckers. LOL.

And for the record, that's exactly what the rich did to us when they got Reagan, Bush and Trump to give them tax breaks. They ruined the middle class and THEY have never been richer. So are you kidding right now?

Household wealth swelled at a record pace during the pandemic. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

If you’re a 50-something and you’re not worth a cool $1 million, do not despair. Those numbers are averages, and the super-rich drive them waaaay up.

The 1%:The wealthiest American earners now own more wealth than the entire middle class

Talk about everyone else's standard of living being ruined so they can have a second yacht.

Get rid of your ICE vehicle to save the planet. Stop eating meat to save the planet. Give up your individual house in the suburbs and live in a massive apartment bloc to save the planet, give up your air conditioning, stop travelling on airplanes, give up coffee. Stop having kids.
Get rid of your ICE vehicle to save the planet. Stop eating meat to save the planet. Give up your individual house in the suburbs and live in a massive apartment bloc to save the planet, give up your air conditioning, stop travelling on airplanes, give up coffee. Stop having kids.
You're a con. I believe you voted. Thanks Marty.
A bunch of us are having a discussion on if USMB is mostly conservatives/republicans or mostly Democrats/Liberals. Do you mind voting?
Socially I'm mostly on the right, with the exception that I believe women have the right to end their pregnancies early in gestation, especially when conservatives are so indifferent and cold toward the needs of single pregnant women. With that exception, I'm a social conservative.

As far as economics and American foreign policy, I'm a socialist and anti-imperialist. Some have identified my position as "3rd Way" - National Socialism or Fascism. I don't consider myself a fascist, nor am I a racist, but Nationalist Socialism is probably the closest ideology to my position. I'd rather carry the fascist label than be identified as a globalist, neo-liberal capitalist, or so-called "woke liberal". I'm the furthest thing from those two positions. I'd rather just be seen as a fascist/nationalist socialist.
Socially I'm mostly on the right, with the exception that I believe women have the right to end their pregnancies early in gestation, especially when conservatives are so indifferent and cold toward the needs of single pregnant women. With that exception, I'm a social conservative. As far as economics and American foreign policy, I'm a socialist and anti-imperialist. Some have identified my position as "3rd Way" - National Socialism or Fascism. I don't consider myself a fascist, nor am I a racist, but Nationalist Socialism is probably the closest ideology to my position. I'd rather carry the fascist label than be identified as a globalist, neo-liberal capitalist, or so-called "woke liberal". I'm the furthest thing from those two positions. I'd rather just be seen as a fascist/nationalist socialist.
Since you can't pick a side I'll put you down as yet another person who leans right but can't admit it or doesn't realize it.

You sound conservative to me. Who would you rather be president Hillary or Trump? That'll tell us which way you lean. GUN TO HEAD you got 5 seconds to answer. None of that bullshit explanations of being a fascist or nationalist mumbo jumbo. The gun will go off in 5, 4, 3 2 HILLARY OR TRUMP?

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